Twin martial arts

Chapter 1754 Dragon and Phoenix Peace Talk

Tian Xin'er, the third princess of the Celestial Clan, went to the Phoenix Clan.

This is shocking news.

Because everyone in the world knows that since the last time they went down to the realm, the Celestials and Humans have attacked the Phoenix Clan more than once.

With that kind of posture, there is a feeling that the Phoenix Clan will not be able to turn over if it is not completely suppressed.

There has been no movement between the two of them for many years.

But today, the three princesses of the Celestial and Human Clan went to the Phoenix Clan, what does this represent?

Could it be that the relationship between the two clans has eased?

But before everyone thought about it, another unexpected piece of news broke out.

The dragon and phoenix clans, after a few months of beating their lives and killing them, want peace talks instead of fighting and killing.

This made many people who were hoping to see the show very upset, but for the monsters in the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters, this was shocking good news.

Lin Fan negotiated with Ao Qin under Zhenlongling designated by the third princess Tian Xin'er.

Only then did the world know that the reason why the dragon and phoenix clans were able to endure such a great hatred and peace talks was all because of the three princesses.

At the same time, of course, they will also be shocked by the strength of the Celestial Human Race.

However, this negotiation did not involve the Celestials and Humans, only the dragon and phoenix races.

At the negotiating table, the faces of the negotiating parties were red-faced. It was said that Lin Fan and Ao Qin pointed at each other more than once, and they were going to fight to the death.

The final result of the negotiation was unexpected. The Phoenix Clan unconditionally returned all the territories captured by the Dragon Clan to the Dragon Clan, and they did not necessarily want to take back the heavy city that the Dragon Clan took away.

This almost humiliating condition, of course, made the entire Phoenix clan angry. Lin Fan, the negotiator, was so scolded that black smoke rose from his ancestral grave.

On the way back to the Phoenix Clan from the place where Lin Fan was negotiating, all the monsters he met glared at him, and even some violent monsters spit at him directly.

But Lin Fan kept smiling, and didn't even come out to defend himself.

Different from the Phoenix clan is the dragon clan. The dragon clan fell into a carnival, and they almost blew Ao Qin into the sky. They called him the ZTE master of the dragon clan, a king who is rare in the ages. With his leadership, the dragon clan will definitely be able to go to the top The top of the world.

Of course, the Dragon King was also overjoyed, and began to let Ao Qin fully exercise the rights of the Dragon King, while the Dragon King himself almost retired, lingering in the harem every day, with indescribable joy.

Finally returned to the palace of the Phoenix Clan.

Phoenix Lord looked at Lin Fan: "Why don't you come out and make an excuse?"

"The effect is not good." Lin Fan said with gloomy eyes, "Let them humiliate me, but in the end I know that everything stems from their misunderstanding, and they will feel guilty about me, and feel even more guilty toward the Phoenix Clan."

Phoenix Lord smiled: "Then I'll go and act."

The Phoenix Lord is in a bad mood these days, and the palace is often covered with dark clouds. It is said that one of his emperor-level shadows, because he eavesdropped on his conversation with the Phoenix Queen, was directly beaten and maimed by him, and imprisoned in an ice prison.

There was also a high-status minister who was slapped to death in the hall by the phoenix master because he said a word too much when he went to court. The holy blood flowed and was extremely bloody.

Phoenix Lord's abnormal behavior made the entire Phoenix clan tremble, not knowing what happened.

You must know that Phoenix Lord has always been diligent and loving the people, and such bizarre behaviors all show that there is something so big that even emperors like Phoenix Lord can't bear the anger in their hearts.

But soon, everyone understood why.

The envoys of the Celestials came and presented tokens, which can only be owned by the families and defenders stationed at the seventh wall.

This certainly does not mean that the Phoenix Clan is equivalent to being exiled, being dealt with in a disguised form by the Celestial Clan, and going to the most dangerous place in the world.

And at this moment, shocking news broke out.

The reason why Lin Fan agreed to those humiliating conditions was because he was warned and threatened by the Celestial Human Race, so he had to agree.

As soon as this breaking news came out, those monsters who had insulted and humiliated Lin Fan felt extremely guilty in their hearts, and at the same time, they also felt extreme hatred for the Celestial Human Race!

They also knew that the reason Phoenix Lord has been so abnormal these days is only because he has been punished in this way.

Although Phoenix Lord volunteered more than once to go to the seventh wall to guard the passage between the two worlds, but that was just an attitude, a disguised softness.

Who would really want to go there and wait for the Jedi?

The Celestials were furious.

This is put together ah!

But what can they say?

No one will believe what you say.

The people of the world were also shocked.

The glorious Phoenix Clan was actually punished by the Heavenly Human Clan in this way, and since then they went to the most dangerous place, this is killing the Phoenix Clan to death.

At the same time, everyone in the world knows that the Dragon Clan has really become the sole overlord of the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters. From then on, the Dragon Clan dominates the Plain of Ten Thousand Monsters, and there is no other force of the Monster Clan that can compare with the Dragon Clan.

Perhaps it was because of the Celestial Clan's revenge, so the Celestial God directly issued an order that the Phoenix Clan was only allowed to take away their own legion, and the Phoenix Clan could not take away the army composed of the rest of the Monster Clan, and they were dismissed on the spot.

As soon as the news came out, everyone felt sympathy for the Phoenix Clan. The Phoenix Clan is indeed very strong, but the entire group does not exceed 5 people. Only the Nirvana Army is the direct line army, but it is only a mere [-] people.

How long did these 5 people go to the turbulent war zone at the seventh wall?

But no matter how the world talks, who can resist the order of the gods?

Phoenix Clan, it's over.

This is consensus.

At this time, the Phoenix Lord and the Phoenix Queen were walking in the territory of the Phoenix Clan. The Phoenix Lord's grief and indignation and the Phoenix Queen's repressed murderous intentions caused many subordinate groups to cry bitterly.

The monster race is a more grateful and purer race than the human race. The more aggrieved the phoenix master and queen are at this time, the more intense the anger of these subordinate races towards the heavenly beings.

Finally traveled the entire territory, returned to the palace, looked at the majestic palace, after the phoenix master screamed, he clapped his palms out, the Nirvana fire surrounded the whole palace, and the rules of the emperor's realm rose.

He seemed to have sealed the entire palace.

In front of the palace, many members of the Phoenix royal family were in tears. This is where their glory and majesty lie, but at this moment, they were suppressed by the fire of Nirvana, just like being blinded by dust.

"Let's go." Lord Phoenix glanced back, with pain in his eyes.

"Father-in-law, why is this so? One day we will come back with even greater glory." Lin Fan comforted.

Phoenix Lord nodded, took a deep breath, a Hongqiao appeared, and was about to leave.

But at this time, in front of this empty palace, there seems to be a demon coming to see him off.

At the beginning there was only one, and then more and more gathered, until one hundred thousand, one million.

Even those legions that were disbanded by the order of the gods still appeared as an organization, with sharp soldiers in their hands.

This scene was very touching, and made Phoenix Master feel his eyes slightly wet.

As for Lin Fan, his eyes were extremely cold and stern.

This was of course his arrangement, although it was his and Phoenix Lord's mutual wish to go to the seventh boundary wall, but it didn't prevent him from slapping Tong Tian's face before leaving.

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