Twin martial arts

Chapter 1709 Crossing the Holy Tribulation Together

"How is it possible!" Tian Xin'er's voice changed because of shock, it was extremely sharp.

Throwing away the phoenix crown, he looked at the laughing Lin Fan in shock!

"How is it possible?" Tian Xin'er repeated it again, proving her shocked state of mind.

"Oh my god, Lin Fan can also attract the holy catastrophe! He also became holy without a sound!"

"It's too shocking. The youngest saint in history has been replaced. Lin Fan is the veritable No.1 in history!"


Tong Tian suddenly clenched his fists.

He also walked the same path as Lin Fan, but Lin Fan was obviously much ahead of him, staring at him with stern eyes.


Originally rushing against the sky, Li Zhu, who was about to fight the orange-red thunder robbery, roared so sharply that he forgot his situation for an instant.


The orange-red thunder strikes down.


A shrill scream came from Li Zhu's mouth. He was struck by a thunderbolt because of his loss of consciousness, and was chopped down from the sky, smashing a high mountain to collapse, and the broken stones flew into the sky.

"Brother Li, be careful, don't die before your ambition is fulfilled, and make the third princess such a stunning widow, that would be too bad."

Lin Fan smiled, and he was also looking at his own thunder calamity. At this time, three giant eyes appeared above the sky, like the god of heaven opened his ruthless eyes. .

With Lin Fan's words, Tian Xin'er, Tong Tian and the others' faces turned gloomy and cold, and Tong Tian said grimly, "You are only sanctified in the flesh, what is there to be proud of?"

"It's better than you." Lin Fan smiled brightly.

But this sentence is too slapstick.

Tongtian could see that Lin Fan was walking the same path as him, but how could Lin Fan not see that Tongtian was also taking the path of the Great Sage?

The difference is that Lin Fan didn't mean it, but Tong Tian did it on purpose.


A mournful roar came from Tong Tian's mouth.

Of course he also knew the ridicule and sarcasm in Lin Fan's tone, and his anger almost overwhelmed him, almost made him lose his mind, and wanted to rush down to kill Lin Fan!

Who is he?

Who dares to humiliate the monsters of the Celestial and Human Race, the parents and children of the gods?

But at this moment, Lin Fan was stepping on his painful feet.

"Brother." Tian Xin'er said coldly, and shouted: "He was sanctified first, and his path was cut off. He is destined to disappear from everyone. Besides, your brother-in-law won't wait for him to live; why bother with a dead man?"

Thin and frightening smoke was sprayed from Tongtian's mouth and nose, it was his anger coming out of his seven orifices.


Under the collapsed giant mountain, there was a terrifying roar, and with a bang, a burning man rushed out from the ground.

"Lin Fan, even if your body is sanctified, you will die today! No one can save you."

Li Zhu is out of anger.

Originally thought that he was the only protagonist today, and after passing through the holy calamity, he would become an immortal monument in the history of cultivation, but unexpectedly, Lin Fan stole his limelight.

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

Lin Fan spoke proudly. At this time, the thunder halberd in his hand was shining brightly, he laughed wildly, and shouted: "It depends on who can survive, as you said, the winner will be the king."

At this time, Lin Fan's fleshy body was in full bloom, auspicious aura overflowed from his body, and the holy power overflowed from his body. His whole body was shining like gold, and his blood energy was so terrifying that it turned into a real dragon and charged up from his celestial spirit cover.


At this moment, the three giant eyes above the sky showed their power, violent to the point of despair, the Dao is ruthless, and anyone who wants to seize the Dao will be wiped out by the Dao.


From those giant eyes, one terrifying thunder dragon flew out one after another, tens of thousands of them, their vision was covered by thunder dragons everywhere.

And there is thunder and fog, but it does not affect others, the avenue is ruthless, it can be fair, and it does not hurt innocent people.

Lin Fan disappeared immediately, drowned by the thunder mist, and swallowed by the berserk thunder dragon.

"The emperor begging to act quickly, throw the two of them into the boundless void with a magic circle that deceives the sky, otherwise the holy calamity will destroy everything here." Li Jiang woke up from the shock of Lin Fan's terrifying thunder calamity, and roared pitifully.

If the two of them survive the Holy Tribulation here, maybe this area will be overturned. The Holy Tribulation will not destroy the souls, but it will destroy the earth.


The emperor sighed, there were those from the Li clan, and there were also terrifying ones who were hunting the emperor who were covered in the mist. Throw into the void.

At this point, everything is invisible, only the terrifying thunder and torn black holes appearing on the blue sky from time to time.

"The power of the holy catastrophe determines the future after sanctification. I really want to see whether the holy catastrophe of the saint Li Zhu and the saint Lin Fan is stronger or weaker." Someone whispered.

"I really want to see it too much. The hero of the two, if you can watch the holy catastrophe of the proud son of heaven, it may inspire even the saint."

Li Sheng also opened his mouth, with longing in his eyes.

"Hehe, what's so difficult about this? My Celestial Race has a sky-peeping mirror, so I can see everything clearly." Tian Xin'er smiled.

peeping glass.

Everyone's hearts tightened, it was the ultimate weapon.

But Tian Xin'er said: "Of course, it's just an imitation, and I can't see everything in the Holy Tribulation, but it can help us see through the sky and know the strength of the Heavenly Tribulation."

Everyone's eyes narrowed. What Xin'er did this day should be because he firmly believed that Li Zhu's potential is infinite, and he should be able to compare with Lin Fan, so let everyone witness Li Zhu's rise today.

A quaint mirror appeared, and after Tian Xin'er played a mysterious move, the mirror radiated brilliance, and a beam of light shot to the sky. At the same time, everyone saw an extremely shocking scene!

A giant covered in flames was slamming the sky full of thunder. He was like a battle fairy, and Xinghe was spinning under his armpit. He grabbed both hands and forcibly tore apart a thunder dragon.

"Is this the Great Five Elements Thunder Tribulation?"

Someone exclaimed in disbelief.

It's just that the holy catastrophe at Lizhudu at this time was too terrifying, and its fierce reputation made every hopeful of becoming a saint terrified.

"Hehe, it's the Great Five Elements Thunder Tribulation." Tian Xin'er smiled contentedly, but Li Zhu did not disappoint her.

"It's incredible, the appearance of this calamity at the time of the holy calamity can represent the chance of becoming an emperor, it's incredible." Li Sheng praised.

Everyone has complex expressions, and one can see that an emperor star is rising slowly.

Tian Xin'er is beautiful, with a slender figure, like a stunning beauty, there are few people in the whole world who can compete with her in appearance, at this time she is smiling, and she is even more charming, casually glanced at the saints of the Phoenix clan, and said with a smile: "Well, Let's take a look at Ling Fan, who has become a saint in the flesh, and see how extraordinary his holy catastrophe is."

She was laughing, but anyone could hear the ridicule and ridicule in her words.

Everyone laughed, Tian Xin'er was a princess of the Celestial Race, but she was too narrow, Lizhu's holy calamity was the Great Five Elements Thunder Tribulation, how could Lin Fan's holy calamity compare to it?

She was doing everything she could to hit Lin Fan, to elevate Li Zhu's status in everyone's hearts.

The faces of all the saints of the Phoenix Clan were ugly. They wanted to collapse Lin Fan's body to create an immortal monument to Li Zhu!

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