Twin martial arts

Chapter 1708 Not as good as one?

One of the two was drenched in blood, and half of the body of the other was killed to pieces.

This confrontation is simply terrifying.

If not for the fact that both of them possessed the supreme scriptures, they would definitely not be able to withstand this terrifying consumption and would die directly.

Everyone watched in shock.

This battle should be the most tragic and powerful battle under the Holy Spirit, and it is rare to see it once in thousands of years.

Lin Fan really has the supreme combat power of a saint, and he is a king of men. If he grows up, he will really be against the sky.

Li Zhu's eyes are too terrifying, there are stars and moons ups and downs in them, even the eyes of martial arts have already been opened, to see through Lin Fan's trajectory and find out his flaws, he is like a three-eyed demon god, giving people a kind of Terrible deterrence.

"Kneel down and surrender, I will spare you." Li Zhu opened his mouth, his body rumbled, and the golden cauldron pieces were melted by the terrifying flames and dripped down into the sky.

Lin Fan sneered, and said, "Why don't you kneel down and surrender, and I will spare you."

The sound of chanting also came from his body, as if there were [-] Buddhas encircling his body.

"Hehe." Li Zhu laughed, he glanced coldly, and said, "It's very difficult to kill you in a battle in the same realm."

Everyone's hearts were shocked, Lin Fan's strength was such that De Lizhu had to admit that under the same circumstances, he couldn't do anything to Lin Fan!

"Really?" Lin Fan shrugged and said, "It seems that your wild words are useless. Didn't you say that you are invincible in the same realm?"

Li Zhu's face was calm, and he said calmly: "You don't understand the realm of saints, and you don't know the state of mind of saints. You can't provoke me, so what's the point of losing face temporarily?"

Li Zhu looked around and said, "The reason why we fought in the same realm is that I gave you a chance, but if you can't grasp it, then there is no need to give it again. You can give it once but not twice."

"Do you want face?" Lin Fan sneered, and said, "This is the state of mind of a saint? I want to kill the deity in the same place, but I can't do it now, but it's an opportunity for you to give me to kill you, and put a sticker on your face." Gold?"

"The winner is the king." Li Zhu said calmly.

But the so-called calm is just an appearance.

He was furious in his heart.

Under the same situation, Lin Fan really couldn't be killed, and even after a long battle, he was in danger. This was an intuition.

This made him unbearable. He should push all enemies across the board. He originally wanted to kill Lin Fan in the same situation and establish his invincible power, but in the end he failed, and his reputation was almost ruined.

How uncomfortable is it to feel like the saliva I spit out in the mud is swallowed back into my body by myself for the mouth I just slammed out of?

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Indeed, the saint is the king just now."

Li Zhu glanced at Lin Fan coldly, and said, "So, in order to show respect for you, I am going to go through the Holy Tribulation, and then abuse you."

Huang Fengliu's face changed indifferently, and he shouted: "If you attack him with strength higher than that of my husband-in-law of the Phoenix clan, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Ruthless? Show Ben Sheng a ruthless one."

At this time, a cold and domineering voice came from above the sky, and a saint who stepped on the body of the flood dragon came.

"Li Qianshan." Huang Fengliu's pupils shrank, and the supreme saint of the Li clan was only one step away from the emperor's realm.

Li Qianshan snorted coldly, then looked at Li Jiang, and shouted: "Trash, such a big mess happened on the happy day."

Li Jiang trembled and said, "Father."

Li Qianshan glanced at Li Jiang coldly, and said, "Go get ready, the wedding team is here."

Sure enough, there was bursts of celestial music in the distance, and fragrant petals floated above the sky. A group of cultivators in wedding robes came from the sky. Among the support of the crowd, there were eighteen saints carrying luxurious jade sticks.

Firecrackers blared, gongs and drums blaring.

When the welcoming team arrived, Li Jiang's eyes flashed with joy.

Li Zhu was silent for a moment, then flew up, came to Yu Luan, and said, "Xin'er."

There was an intoxicating voice from Yu Yu, saying: "I know everything here, so let's go to cross the robbery first, and the worship can be postponed."

"Okay, I'll go to cross the catastrophe first, and marry Xin'er with the best talent." Li Zhu had a smile on his face.

Yu Huan opened the door curtain, and a stunning woman wearing a phoenix crown stepped out, glanced at Lin Fan indifferently, and said, "You are Ling Fan?"

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Exactly."

The stunning woman said: "This palace is the third princess of the Celestial-Human Clan, named Tian Xin'er."

Lin Fan looked at Tian Xin'er, Tian Xin'er said: "Who gave you the guts to mess up my wedding? And even fight my husband?"

A cold light flashed in Lin Fan's eyes, but before he could speak, he heard Tong Tian say, "Sister."

Tian Xin'er glanced at Tong Tian and said, "Why don't you suppress and kill him?"

Tong Tian smiled and said, "Li Zhu wants to kill him personally."

Tian Xin'er nodded, looked at Li Zhu, and said, "Then go to cross the robbery and kill him with the strongest resources."

Lin Fan said casually: "Brother Tongtian, it seems that you have been a guarantor, so let Li Zhu fight with me in the same place."

Tong Tian's face turned cold.

He did.

But who knew that a waste like Li Zhu couldn't kill Lin Fan in the same situation?

Seeing Tong Tian's eyes, Tian Xin'er giggled and laughed, and said: "How ridiculous, since my husband has the power of the holy realm, why would you fight with your hands and feet? Who do you think you are?"

"What an overbearing reason, I didn't expect Tongtian, a dignified celestial human race, to be such an unbearable person. This deity has seen it." Lin Fan said indifferently.

"So? Why are you barking here? Why don't you hurry up and find a place to say goodbye to your loved ones? Cherish the little time left." Although Tian Xin'er is a woman, her words are sharper than any man.

Li Zhu sneered at this moment, he scanned the surroundings, his heart was full of blood.

Holy Land, the goal that was set at the beginning of cultivation, is actually about to be truly achieved today.

After going through the holy calamity, transcending the ordinary and becoming holy, and becoming a creature of another level, from then on, he really has the qualifications to aspire to eternity.

His body gradually lifted into the air, and his long hair could not move. He crushed the formation that shielded the secrets, and wisps of holy will flowed out from his body.


There is the sound of thunder.

God feels that today there are mortals who want to aspire to the holy way, so they will kill the catastrophe.

Li Zhu's eyes were full of fighting spirit. If he wanted to become a saint, no one could stop him, even today.

Li Zhu smiled, and said, "Xin'er, leave Lin Fan behind, I will kill him after I pass the Holy Tribulation."

"Okay, no one can leave without my consent." Tian Xin'er said domineeringly.


The first thunder catastrophe appeared, it was an orange-red thunder catastrophe, as thick as a mountain, slashing towards Li Zhu from the boundless sky.

"Ling Fan, cherish the few days you have, and I will come to take your head after I pass the holy calamity!"

With a long roar from Li Zhu, he actually went up against the sky and took the initiative to attack and kill the orange thunder.

"Haha, isn't it too boring to go through the Holy Tribulation alone? How about together?"

Lin Fan laughed wildly, he crushed a piece of jade ruthlessly, and the unparalleled power of the holy way also soared from his body.

It is the same power of the Holy Way, but it is completely different from Lizhu.

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