Twin martial arts

Chapter 1710 The Killing Under the Thunder Tribulation

"Don't blink, let's take a good look at the heroic appearance of the son-in-law of the Phoenix Clan. It will definitely shock everyone, and it will open our eyes. I am looking forward to it." Tian Xin'er looked very mischievous, blinking her big bright eyes.


Huang Fengliu's eyes were cold.

Tian Xin'er was an obvious humiliation, but he also felt powerless. After all, Li Zhu's holy calamity was actually a great five-element thunder calamity. Except for the legendary thunder calamities, it couldn't be compared at all. This humiliation turned out to be unavoidable.

The Skypeeping Mirror turned around, and suddenly, the picture changed drastically!

At this moment, the scene reflected by the sky-peeping mirror is——

A golden giant holds a ten thousand zhang halberd, steps on the stars, and picks up the giant stars that come to him one after another, as if the stars all over the sky are bombarding this golden giant.

"This is"

Huang Fengliu's pupils shrank, and then exclaimed: "Is this the catastrophe of doomsday?"

"What? The catastrophe of doomsday?" Li Sheng roared, "How is that possible? That is a catastrophe that only happens during the emperor's catastrophe. It is a legendary catastrophe. Few people have experienced it since ancient times!"

Tian Xin'er's face suddenly became gloomy, and said: "The Merry Saint is wrong, how can a mere Lin Fan cause such a thunderstorm?"

"This is indeed the catastrophe of doomsday. When the god of heaven became emperor, he encountered this catastrophe. He was close to death."

The emperor hunter appeared, his whole body was hidden in the mist, no one could see through, only two terrifying light beams shone through the sky, watching the catastrophe directly.


Everyone gasped, and then their eyes became strange, and they secretly glanced at Tian Xin'er unconsciously.

At this time, Tian Xin'er's face was ugly.

Originally, he wanted to attack the Phoenix Clan, and raise Li Zhu's status in everyone's hearts, and create an immortal monument for him.

But it indirectly made Lin Fan's reputation!

It made her feel bad.

Leng Lie said: "How many people can survive this legendary catastrophe? After this catastrophe, the other shore proves that the heavens do not want him to become a saint, and he must die under the holy catastrophe, which saves my husband from taking action."

Everyone's expressions changed again.

Although Tian Xin'er's words were vicious, they were indeed true. In ancient times, it seemed that only Tianshen survived the thunder and calamity of the doomsday. It was still at the time of becoming emperor. No matter how Lin Fan looked at it, there was no way out.

"Hahahaha interesting, interesting, Shengsheng Day died under the catastrophe, it's really interesting, it's a pity that this deity can't see this interesting scene, it's a pity, a pity." Tong Tian laughed.

"You are wrong." The patrolling emperor glanced at Tongtian, and said: "At this time, Lin Fan is carrying the thunder calamity of the sky to enter Li Zhu's thunder calamity, and wants to kill the enemy under the holy tribulation."

"What? How is it possible?" Li Sheng was surprised.

"Does he want to die? To resist the holy catastrophe of the doomsday is lifeless, and dare to attack your husband?" Tian Xin'er was trembling.

Fighting in the midst of the thunder calamity would result in the addition of two thunder calamities. Does Lin Fan want to die with Li Zhu?

"Princess, you are wrong." The emperor hunter was very strange, as if he had no respect for the princess of the celestial race, and said pitifully: "Li Zhu's Great Five Elements Thunder Calamity has no effect on Lin Fan, and at this time Li Zhu was in the Bloody Starry Sky, and was killed by Lin Fan until his body exploded several times."

"What?" Tian Xin'er's heart tightened suddenly, and she looked through the sky mirror, and immediately saw the golden giant walking on the big star, attacking and killing the flame giant wildly and violently.

"No!" Tian Xin'er yelled sadly, because she saw the golden giant tearing the flame giant in half.

In the boundless starry sky, the god of thunder shook his ears, and the thunder dragon roared, one after another, the dead planets were exploded.

At this time, two giants with the sun, moon and stars on their shoulders and the sea of ​​stars on their feet are fighting and fighting.

Lin Fansheng tore off the candle, and stepped forward. The star he landed on exploded, and with a howl he didn't know how many meteorites fell.


Li Zhu was unwilling and angry, why was the Great Five Elements Thunder Tribulation useless to Lin Fan?At this time, he is equivalent to carrying two kinds of terrifying thunder calamity to fight Lin Fan.

How could it be Lin Fan's opponent?

"Lin Fan, do you dare to fight after becoming a saint?" Li Zhu screamed sadly, with a kind of doomsday desolation.

While screaming, he was hit in the chest by a planet, and an arm was ruthlessly torn apart by a thunder dragon. The blood flowed out like a long river, staining the black void for hundreds of millions of miles.

Lin Fan in the midst of the doomsday thunder calamity, the thunder pool was covered up, his eyes opened and closed like the rising and setting of the sun, and all the tangible lightning that came from slashing and killing were all swallowed by the thunder pool. At this moment, he felt the lightning spirit An unbelievable speed is evolving.

"Hehe, do you want fairness too?"

Lin Fan ridiculed, he stepped forward, reversed the poles of the stars, and crushed Li Zhu's chest with one kick.

"call out!"

The dead puppet exploded on the spot, and Li Zhu, who was crushed, reorganized his body in the distance. With a roar, he rose into the sky, intending to leave this place and go to the other side of the sky to cross the catastrophe.

"Want to escape?"

Lin Fan sneered, the heavy halberd in his hand swept across the boundless star field, killing towards Lizhu, how many stars were exploded and how many big stars were destroyed.

"Ah" Li Zhu screamed, he turned around and laid down the terrifying holy rules, but it was useless. At this time, Lin Fan was in the same realm as him, but the way was different, and his holy rules were annihilated by Lin Fan's holy power.

With a bang, his body exploded again.


Li Clan, Tian Xin'er's heart trembled, could it be that she really wanted to be a widow before going through the family as Lin Fan said?

If so, this life is too sad.

"Lin Fan, do you dare to fight your husband fairly?" Tian Xin'er screamed, with tears streaming down her eyes; How domineering when crushing Lin Fan.

In the boundless void.

Li Zhu's body was shattered a hundred times, and if it wasn't for the Heaven and Man Rejuvenation Sutra, he would have died completely. He even used up seven or eight Runes for Death, and three or four for Death Puppets.

Lin Fan's eyes were cold, these things had to be consumed with the help of Thunder Tribulation, otherwise it would be very troublesome if both became saints.


Lin Fan was coughing up blood. He had been attacking and killing Li Zhu, and he even failed to resist the Doomsday Thunder Tribulation that everyone was talking about, and was caught straight.

At this time, the catastrophe was even more dangerous, so that Lin Fan did not dare to underestimate him, his immortal body was split into cracks, and he stared at Li Zhu coldly, then he would be sanctified first and killed.


Lin Fan let out a long cry, and the starlight fell down from the sky, drowning him, and the infinite energy in this boundless and dead void rolled towards him. He was repairing his injuries quickly, and tried his best to resist this calamity.

Li Zhu's eyes were gloomy.

He died more than once just now. Although there are various secret treasures to replace his death, the feeling of approaching death cannot be replaced at all.

That feeling made him despair.

At this time, without Lin Fan's attack and killing, he could go through the tribulation with all his strength. After becoming a saint, he would bloody torture Lin Fan to take revenge.

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