"Fate does not come out, wishes are honored."

After a few breaths, Mingkong let out a breath slowly, the shock in his eyes still couldn't dissipate.

In Mingkong's mind, he couldn't help thinking of this ancient saying.

In the past, Mingkong was not very afraid of this sentence, but today, after Mingkong felt the power of desire, he truly realized what it means to be strong.

The next moment, the power of desire disappeared, and the tornado storm also slowly disappeared, and the members of the Zhang family fell safely to the ground one by one.

Even at this moment, everyone is still in shock.

Some people were too weak, and after narrowly escaped death, they could no longer hold on and fell down.

"Third Uncle, Third Uncle!"

"What's wrong with you? You have to persevere, we can return to the imperial capital immediately, our Zhang family is innocent, you must persevere!"

A young man from the Zhang family saw his uncle passed out, his breath was about to disappear, his expression changed drastically, and he was extremely anxious.

Hearing the other party's desperate voice, Ming Kong finally woke up.

It was with great difficulty that these people were rescued from Ming Kong from Wanmo City, so naturally they would never watch these people die here with cold eyes.

But when Mingkong's hand touched the third uncle's pulse, his face changed slightly, because although the man's cultivation base is not weak, he has already been exhausted these days.


"You can't die!"

At this moment, a young man rushed over with a heartbroken shower.

After feeling the man's pulse, he looked desperate.

"To shut up!"

"Give me quiet."

"I can save Third Uncle!"

Seeing the sudden chaos of these clansmen, Ming Kong snorted coldly.

When the tribe heard that Mingkong could save people, they hurriedly silenced their crying, and put their last hope on Mingkong.

Ignoring everyone's gaze, Mingkong took out a kettle from the Qiankun ring, took out a cup, and poured a glass of water.

Carefully opened the man's mouth and poured water into his mouth.

The young man was furious when he saw that Ming Kong used clear water to save his father.

He rushed over and slapped away the remaining water in the cup.

"Zhang Chen, you actually used a glass of water to save my father. If a glass of water can save my father, do I still need you?"

"You are powerful, so you must have a lot of treasures, but my father is at such a critical moment, and you are still unwilling to take out those treasures for treatment, but use clean water to perfunctory the matter."

"Zhang Ming, shut up."

At the moment when Zhang Ming's voice just fell, a member of the Zhang family beside him slapped Zhang Ming's face with a slap, and stared at them not far away with a look of horror.

That's where the clear water falls.

At this moment, everyone felt a terrifying burst of vitality.

I saw the small trees on the ground growing at an extremely terrifying speed.

One by one retreated in haste and horror.

The willow tree turned into a towering tree in the blink of an eye, covering the sky and the sun, covering everyone under the shade.

"This this"

At this moment, Zhang Ming opened his mouth wide, but found that he couldn't speak a word, and his face was full of horror. Zhang Ming never thought that just half a glass of clear water would be so terrifying.



"Maybe this is the third uncle's life!"

"This is not clear water, but my most precious thing, the pure Nine Heavens Divine Liquid."

"If the third uncle drank this cup of divine liquid, it would not only restore the third uncle, but also help the third uncle step into a higher realm, perhaps peeking at the immortal way."

"But now, the small portion that the third uncle drinks will add 300 years to the life of the third uncle at most."

"Maybe this is destiny!"

"Sometimes you must have something in your life, but you can't force it at all times in your life."

Hearing Ming Kong's words, Zhang Ming was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he fell limp on the ground. Zhang Ming never thought that it was obviously a glass of clear water, which turned out to be the legendary Nine Heavens Divine Liquid, and he chopped it off with his own hands. His father's unfathomable chance.

Those members of the Zhang family all stared wide-eyed at this moment, looking at the big tree that covered the sky and the sun. No one thought that this was a chance that belonged to the members of the family, but it became the little tree beside them.

When everyone stared at the big tree with wide eyes, they saw a phantom of a woman on the branch of the big tree looking at Ming Kong with a look of gratitude.

"Thank you Holy Buddha for giving me the opportunity to help me become a tree demon."

"If there is any order in the future, the little demon will definitely serve."

When Mingkong saw the tree demon, bitterness appeared at the corner of his mouth. Mingkong himself did not expect that this cup of divine liquid that he had managed to preserve turned out to be a willow tree in the wilderness.

"This is your fate, you should become a great demon."

"Fate is just borrowing the hands of my Zhang family."

"You don't need to be grateful."

Ming Kong said with a smile.

The dryad expressed gratitude: "I still want to thank you all. I see that your clansmen have long since decayed, and their energy has leaked out. If they want to recover, it will be difficult for them alone."

"Today I got a chance belonging to the Zhang family, so let's save their lives!"

The voice of the tree demon fell, and the willow branches on the big tree burst out with terrifying life energy. When those willow branches fell on the members of the Zhang family, the skinny Zhang family members were shocked. People, feeling an extremely powerful vitality, entered the body.

That strong and pure vitality was very docile, and in just a moment, these originally skinny existences became full of energy one by one.

Qi and blood have also been restored.

Feeling the terrifying vitality, Zhang Ming felt extremely heartbroken at this moment.

Zhang Ming's eyes fell on his father, with an expression of apology and remorse.

Seeing the recovery of the clansmen, Ming Kong finally let go of his hanging heart, and said to everyone: "Go back first, I'll go to Wanmo City to have a look."

Seeing that everyone recovered, these members of the Zhang family were not weak, Mingkong was completely relieved, and used his magic to go to the city of ten thousand demons.

Mingkong wants to see what is going on in Wanmo City, and Mingkong is also worried about what is going on with Tuobaxue?

When Ming Kong re-entered the City of Ten Thousand Demons, the phantom of the Buddha in the void became weaker, but still had a pitiful expression on his face.

In the void, the huge face of the demon ancestor also became extremely illusory at this moment. Obviously, this ray of demon soul of the demon ancestor could not completely crush the phantom of the Buddha.

When Mingkong's eyes fell on Tuobaxue in the corner, he found that the injuries on Tuobaxue's body had completely disappeared at this moment, and the whole person fell into a deep sleep.

But Ming Kong could feel the terrifying power of Qi and blood from Tuo Baxue's body.

Mingkong didn't expect that just one cherry would give Tuobaxue such an opportunity to completely return his blood to his ancestors.

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