Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 999 City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

"Damn, who are you?"

"Don't you have to fight with my demons forever?"

From its appearance to the present, the demon ancestor of the demon clan has never compromised, but the eyes of the demon ancestor who has a slight upper hand now show panic.

He seemed extremely angry, but in fact he was full of unwillingness and anxiety at this moment.

The Buddha in the void is originally transformed by a statue, and the power it carries is limited, but the demon ancestor of the demon clan is not much better.

The power of his descent is also limited, and at this moment, the demon ancestor of the demon race felt a crisis.


"Benefactor, I just want to save all sentient beings, what's wrong?"

"You demons have done a lot of evil, trying to erode this world and turn it into a demonic soil. Your sins are so serious that they cannot be forgiven, but my Buddha has the virtue of good life. As long as you put down the butcher knife and escape into the Buddhist door, you can be reborn , and why should you be persistent?"

"We monks, why should we care about the similarities and differences of the Dao, all roads lead to the same goal, and what we want is invincibility."

"Isn't my Buddhist way the road to invincibility?"

"As long as you put down the butcher knife and take refuge in my Buddha, you will be able to obtain all kinds of my Buddhist teachings. Why not?"

"Cultivating my Dharma can also open up a way for your demons to reach the sky."

"Benefactor, why do you try to stop it?"

"Buddha is the supreme pure land in this world!"

However, facing the anger of the demons, the Buddha in the void still had a look of pity and pity. He did not change the slightest because of the anger of the demon ancestors, and the statue was still majestic.

Constantly slow and kind.

Hearing these words from the Buddha, the Demon Ancestor was extremely angry, but at this moment, the Demon Ancestor of the Demon Clan could do nothing.

Because at this moment, even the power contained in the incomparably powerful Demon God's Warhammer was exhausted, and it was not enough for the Demon Ancestor to stay here and fight the Buddha.

Buddha seemed to have anticipated this.

Wanmo City also fell into battle.

Half of the Ten Thousand Demon City is illuminated by Buddha light, and half of the Ten Thousand Demon City is full of demon energy.

There is light on one side and darkness on the other.

However, the demon ancestor seems to have the upper hand, but the area occupied by the Buddha's light in the city of ten thousand demons is slowly expanding.

The people of the demon clan who were converted by the Buddha, all of them are majestic, sitting cross-legged on the spot, wearing cassocks, knocking on the wooden fish in their hands, and chanting Buddhist scriptures in their mouths.

One after another, the voices of the Buddha continued to sound, and those strong demons who were blessed by the demon ancestors could only resist desperately.

But as the Buddhist scriptures continued to reverberate in the void, the faces of these strong demons became more and more anxious and restless.

Because of the horror on their faces at this moment, they found that a phantom of a blue lantern appeared in their minds.

That blue lamp contained a terrifying Zen meaning, and thoughts kept popping up in their minds.

"Break into the empty door and build the Heavenly Dao!"

"Cultivate my Dharma and become the patriarch of the Buddha."

One after another voices kept appearing in their minds, and at the same time, countless illusions appeared in their minds.

The Demon Ancestor of the Demon Race can naturally perceive the situation of those strong people of the Demon Race at this moment.

It never occurred to him that even if he came down with a ray of devil soul, he would not be able to suppress the terrifying Buddha spirit contained in the Buddha statue.

"who are you?"

"If you have the ability to leave your name, if one day I get out of trouble, I will compete with you!"

The demon ancestor of the demon clan was extremely angry, and a flame of anger burned in those eyes.

However, the phantom of the Buddha at this moment, even if it becomes more illusory, still looks like a sad actor.

"I am the Buddha, and the Buddha is me!"

"Your way of demons is not pure. Demons are not just for killing. The way is in your heart. I still advise the benefactor to take refuge in my Buddha."

The Buddha in the void, his pitiful eyes fell on the phantom of the Demon Ancestor.

"Magic and Buddha are not compatible. This world limits the power of this deity. One day, I must compete with you."

"You won today."

The demon ancestor of the demon clan looked angry and aggrieved, but at this moment he found that he could not do anything to the phantom of the Buddha.

The demon ancestor of the demon clan is very clear that this world has a great oppressive effect on him, if he does not return to the sleeping place, then there will be no chance of leaving.

He must return to the transformed magic land.

The Buddha in the void saw the soul of the Demon Ancestor trying to escape.

At the corner of Buddha's mouth, there was a smile at this moment.

"The Buddha said, if I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

"Today I will awaken the benefactor with my life, and the Buddha is the end of the road."

The Buddha said these words calmly, but when the mighty and boundless Demon Ancestor heard it, his face changed drastically with fright.

Ming Kong in the corner also changed slightly.

The next moment, I saw the phantom of the Buddha in the void, and a flame appeared in the body. This flame was extremely holy.

When this flame appeared, the phantom of the Buddha was burned by the flame. The Buddha's face was still full of grief, and he was still chanting Buddhist scriptures in his mouth.

When the Buddha was burning, his Buddha voice became even more terrifying, lingering in the void for a long time, and the terrifying Buddha light became more and more pure.


"Feeding demons with your body, it is absolutely impossible for you to pull me into Buddhism."

When the demon ancestor saw the Buddha burning himself, not only did he not have any joy on his face, but he was as fearful as a tiger.

With a look of panic on his face, how could he dare to fight the Buddha.

Seeing that black warhammer rising through the air, tearing apart the void directly, he wanted to bring the demon soul back.

However, at this moment, the phantom of the Buddha in the void had been completely burned, and the next moment, a golden ray of light entered the shattered space.

Falling into that ray of devil soul, the devil soul that was originally so full of devil energy turned into a golden figure in the next moment, and the black and gold in those eyes were constantly changing.

For a while, he turned into a demon god who destroys the world, and for a while he turned into a god and Buddha who mourned the sky and wanted to save all living beings.

The constant struggle between the devil and the Buddha.

But those voices of the Buddha slowly suppressed the evil thoughts, and finally, the phantom turned into a golden Buddha and disappeared.

At the moment when the demon ancestors disappeared, the Buddha's voice lingered for a long time in the void, and the faces of those strong demons who were able to resist reluctantly, showed panic, but they couldn't escape in the end.

A respectful demon strongman, the next moment turned into a solemn monk with a treasure statue.

The City of Ten Thousand Demons, which was originally full of demonic energy, was only at this moment, but the Buddha's light illuminated the world.

The three characters Wanmocheng also changed strangely at this moment, only to see that magic word turned into a Buddha in the next moment.

The Buddha's voice in the void did not dissipate slowly until this moment.

Ming Kong's face turned pale with fright.

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