Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 997 The Fall of the Demon God

Seeing the tornado enveloping everyone, Mingkong's face showed surprise at this moment.

Seeing those members of the Zhang family struggling with all their might, Ming Kong's voice rang in their minds.

"Listen, this tornado has terrifying and destructive power, but it is also the key to our survival."

"It has the mighty power of nature and the blessing of the supreme existence. If we resist, not only will we be torn apart by the tornado storm, but even if we escape, we will be faced with the demon god of the demon race."

"Even with my strength, I have no power to fight against the Demon God of the Demon Race."

"The key to our survival now is this tornado storm, which can lead us to escape."

The panic-stricken members of the Zhang family heard Mingkong's words at this moment, and their hanging hearts slowly fell.

Because Ming Kong not only told them the way to survive, but at the same time, that voice also contained Buddhism, so everyone calmed down instantly.

Seeing that everyone did not resist and obeyed everything, Ming Kong's eyes lit up instantly.

"Sure enough, this is the key to the survival of everyone in our Zhang family."

"Bon Voyage."

"Sure enough, it's going to be smooth sailing!"

Ming Kong chanted the words "Bon voyage" and his body trembled slightly. In Ming Kong's mind, Li Yixi became taller and unfathomable.

Outside the tornado storm, the face of the angry demon god changed slightly.

The demon god did not expect that his supernatural powers would cause such a terrible tornado storm to appear by attacking Ming Kong and other members of the Zhang family.

The Demon God's strength is very terrifying, but at this moment, when the Demon God's eyes fell on the extremely terrifying tornado storm in front of him, his eyes involuntarily revealed a look of horror.

The power of heaven and earth contained in the tornado storm is too terrifying.


"Is this heaven and earth going to bless you too?"

"I don't believe it. I want to see how the power of heaven and earth can keep you alive. If the sky stops me today, I will break the sky."

"What's more, it's just a ray of heaven and earth blessing, don't even think about escaping from my hands."

The demon god in the void looked at the tornado storm in front of him with a gloomy face, a world-shattering coercion erupted from the demon god's body at this moment.

The boundless black demon energy instantly covered the sky and the sun at this moment. The demon god intended to use his demonic powers to isolate the power of the heaven and earth, so that the power of the heaven and earth could not persist on the tornado storm in front of him.

At the same time, at this moment, an extremely mysterious force erupted from the body of the Demon God. Surrounded by that incomparable mysterious force, the body of the Demon God at this moment kept rising.

It is his most powerful supernatural powers, heaven and earth, that the demon god mobilizes.

The body of the demon god who displayed the law of heaven and earth instantly turned into a thousand feet, like a terrifying evil god killed from the depths of hell.


The thousand-foot-high demon snorted coldly, and slowly raised his hand. At this moment, a pitch-black bow appeared in the demon's hand.

The moment the bow appeared, there was a palpitating black light, and there were strange magic lines on the bow, and those strange magic lines seemed to be able to swallow people's souls.

The bow in the hands of the demon god is not an ordinary thing, it is a demon ancestor divine weapon of the demon clan.

The demon god exhausted all the magic power in his body before pulling away the Heaven-hating Demon Bow. The next moment, the terrifying demonic energy condensed on the huge bow and formed a terrifying boundless arrow.

The demon god let go of his hand, and the next moment a sound that seemed to tear everything apart resounded through the void.

The arrow on the bow of the Heaven-hating Demon, carrying the power of destroying the sky and the earth, tore through the void at this moment, and headed towards the huge tornado storm in front of him.

The magic power became more and more terrifying, and the moment the arrow shot down, it turned into a black ferocious dragon in the void.

An unimaginable breath erupted.

In the tornado storm, Ming Kong and the members of the Zhang family saw the demon god urging the gods of heaven and earth to shoot the arrow, and their faces turned pale at this moment.

The demon god's arrow was too terrifying. Seeing the dragon rushing towards them, each one's heart was beating violently at this moment, and the power of destroying heaven and earth made them suffocate.

The next moment, the evil dragon and the tornado came into contact. At this moment, Ming Kong and the members of the Zhang family chose to close their eyes and resign themselves to fate.

After all, they are not able to resist the terrifying divine power at all, and now they can only entrust their fate to the heavens.

The demon god activated the Heaven-hating Demon Bow, almost exhausting all his strength, and watched the black dragon tear the tornado storm with indifference.

However, the moment the ferocious black dragon touched the tornado storm, an irresistible power of heaven and earth suddenly and strangely appeared in the tornado storm.

The extremely powerful black dragon is indeed frightening, but it cannot compete with the power of heaven and earth.

The next moment, the black dragon was instantly wiped out by the tornado storm.


Seeing this scene in front of him, the demon god trembled violently, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth.

The ferocious black dragon is the magic power mobilized by the demon god, and at this moment the demon god suffered a backlash.

A series of cracks appeared on the thousand-foot-sized heaven and earth dharma.

The demon god's eyes showed horror, "No, no, no, no!"

The demon god wanted to suppress the backlash of that force of heaven and earth, but he looked desperate.

No matter how the demon god uses his supernatural powers, it will not help.

The demon god never thought that he managed to escape from the presence of the Buddha, but he did not escape the end of falling after all.

The next moment, under the watchful eyes of the members of the Zhang family, the incomparably huge demon god's body exploded instantly, and the demon blood turned into raindrops all over the sky, falling from the void.

"The demon god is dead!"

The members of the Zhang family all stared wide-eyed. No one thought that the mighty demon god would attack the tornado storm and fall. They all looked unbelievable, as if the scene in front of them was an illusion.

But at this moment, Ming Kong's expression was dull.

Because at the moment the black dragon attacked the tornado storm, Ming Kong felt an irresistible force.

"Is this the Great Wish Technique?"

Although the golden power disappeared in a flash, it was still discovered by Ming Kong who had been watching. From that golden power, Ming Kong felt an irresistible power.

It seems that that golden force can command all things in the world.

Mingkong's heart trembled violently at this moment, even Mingkong himself could feel the beating of his heart.

Ming Kong felt like an ant in front of that force.

At this moment, even the fall of the demon god did not attract Mingkong's attention.

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