Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 996 The Demon Ancestor Demon Soul Arrives


At this moment when the demon god was hard to suppress, an extremely angry voice sounded in the void, and this voice seemed to come from another time and space.

That voice seemed not to belong to this world.

At the same time, at this moment, a black warhammer tore through the void and landed in the city of ten thousand demons.

The moment the black hammer fell, incomparably pure magic power erupted from the hammer in an instant.

The terrifying Buddha light in the city of ten thousand demons was also suppressed at this moment.

As the demonic energy continued to appear, those novice monks were transforming into demons again and again.

The phantom of the Buddha in the void showed a dignified look on his face.

The next moment, the torn void had just recovered, and suddenly a gigantic face appeared.

The demon god, who was originally difficult to suppress, felt the extremely powerful and supreme demonic power, and at the same time devoured the demonic energy emanating from the war hammer, and finally drove away the traces of Buddha's light in his body.

At this moment, the demon god seemed to be thrown into the river by someone, and his whole body was soaked in sweat as if he had just picked it up.

The demon god still has lingering fears when he thinks about the fight with Buddha's light just now.

The Demon God doesn't want to go through that kind of scene at all.

"Meet the Demon Ancestor!"

At this moment, the demon god saw the huge face in the void, and there was a look of ecstasy on his face. The demon god knew very well that if today's demon ancestor did not appear, he would not have survived at all.

In the city of ten thousand demons, those demons who had been saved woke up one by one at the moment when the terrifying magic power came, and their eyes showed panic at this moment.

Looking at their own bald heads, each of them stared wide-eyed.

Looking at the phantom of Buddha facing the huge face of the Demon Ancestor in the void, there was a look of horror in his eyes.

Ming Kong's face changed slightly, unexpectedly, the Demon God summoned the Demon Ancestor to descend!

At this moment, Tuobaxue's injury continued to worsen. If he persisted, Tuobaxue's life might be in danger, and Ming Kong had no choice.

At this moment, a cherry appeared in Mingkong's hand. This cherry was obtained by Mingkong from Li Yixi, and he was reluctant to eat it, and kept it carefully.

Mingkong is very clear that this looks like an ordinary cherry, but a cherry is an extremely powerful spiritual root of heaven and earth.

With a shake of Ming Kong's hand, the cherry instantly flew towards Tuoba Xue, and instantly entered Tuoba Xue's mouth.

Before Tuoba Xue had time to react, she swallowed the cherry instantly.

Before the sweetness in her mouth could be felt, the next moment, the expression of the pale-faced Tuobaxue suddenly changed. At this moment, Tuobaxue was horrified to find an unimaginably powerful burst of vitality in her lower abdomen.

At the same time, that vitality also contains the power of incomparably pure law.

Just in the blink of an eye, the wound in Tuobaxue's heart was healed at this moment.

At the same time, Tuoba Xue's eyes widened at this moment, because at this moment Tuoba Xue felt the devil blood in her body burning.

The devil blood all over his body was not under his control and kept boiling.

At this moment, Tuobaxue's eyes widened. Tuobaxue knew very well that the boiling of the demonic blood was not a bad thing, but that the bloodline of the demonic race was awakening and transforming.

Tuoba Xue opened his mouth, wanting to ask Ming Kong what he ate for her.

But Tuobaxue couldn't speak, because at this moment, the blood in Tuobaxue's body was constantly boiling, and he had to resist with all his strength.

At the same time, at this moment, Tuobaxue's body erupted with incomparably pure magical power.

In the bloodline, there seemed to be roars of black dragons.

The face of the demon ancestor in the void also looked at the wounded Tuobaxue in the corner in shock. At this moment, the demon ancestor felt that the blood in Tuobaxue's body was returning to his ancestors.

Ming Kong saw that Tuoba Xue's injury had been suppressed, and it seemed that he had gotten a good chance.

Her lips moved slightly, and a voice sounded in Tuobaxue's mind, "Tuobaxue, I'm sorry, the reason why I hurt you today is not because I have the heart to hurt you, but because I am afraid that you will be implicated, after all, once I leave the Demon God, I will definitely I will make a move, and you will definitely not allow the Demon God to attack me, once you make a move to stop the Demon God, it will be a disaster for you."

"Now this divine fruit is my compensation for you."

"See you in the future!"

"I didn't expect that the demon god would summon the demon ancestor's demon soul to appear. This is just a statue, and the Buddha's meaning contained in it is limited, so it cannot last for too long."

"I have to go."

Mingkong didn't wait for Tuobaxue's answer, because Mingkong knew very well that at this moment, Tuobaxue was transforming and unable to answer him.

Mingkong's eyes fell on those clansmen, with an apologetic expression on his face, Mingkong didn't expect that these clansmen were all skinny and skinny.

"Everyone, follow me!"

"I can't stay here for a long time. The demon ancestor of the demon clan has come. Although the Buddha still has the upper hand at this moment, the power of the Buddha contained in it cannot last for too long."

"Everyone, don't resist!"

Mingkong's voice fell, and those clansmen who carried the Zhang family with their magical powers broke through the sky in an instant.

The Demon God, who had escaped from the Buddha's light, was drenched with sweat at this moment, with an angry and aggrieved expression on his face.

The phantom of the Buddha fought with the huge face of the demon ancestor, and for a while, it was no longer able to corrode the demon god of transmutation.

When the Demon God saw Ming Kong taking the members of the Zhang family flying away, his face showed anger.

Once Mingkong is allowed to leave Wanmo City with the members of the Zhang family, it will be a big blow to the morale of the demon clan.

The Demon God used his supernatural powers to chase and kill Ming Kong who had escaped from the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

After leaving Wanmo City, the Demon God let out a long breath at this moment, and the horror on his face slowly disappeared. It's too scary to say.

Scarier than hell.

Seeing the demon god chasing and killing him, Ming Kong showed a look of despair on his face. Ming Kong never thought that the demon god could break free at this moment.

"Are you going to die here today?"

Seeing the demon god chasing after him, Ming Kong showed despair on his face. Although Ming Kong is powerful, he has no power to fight against the demon god.

The demon god in the void slapped Ming Kong with his palm at this moment, and the terrifying strong wind caused a terrifying storm at this moment.

A tornado suddenly appeared in the void.

Ming Kong and his members of the Zhang family were instantly sucked into the tornado.

Mingkong, who was originally extremely nervous, suddenly froze, because at this moment, Mingkong didn't feel the terrifying magic power emanating from the demon god.

But the moment Ming Kong wanted to break free from the tornado, he strangely felt the crisis again.

"Why is this?"

Mingkong couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, but then Mingkong's eyes brightened.

In Ming Kong's mind, he couldn't help but think of the words Li Yixi said when he was heading to Wanmo City, I wish you a smooth journey.

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