"Thank you!"

Ming Kong wiped the sweat off his forehead, and looked at Little Phoenix with gratitude.

"Little monk, continue. Your Buddha's light has a natural restraint on the devil's energy. Let the Buddha's light purify the devil's energy in the entire imperial city first, so that those who have been corroded by the Buddha's light can return to normal."

"These people didn't completely betray the human race, but were influenced by the demon energy, and then manipulated by Zhu Wancheng."

"I see that the black air between your eyebrows has also disappeared, and the catastrophe has dissipated. Obviously, your danger has been resolved, so I will go back first."

After the words fell, Little Phoenix's body disappeared.

In the palace, the nervous Canglun Emperor saw everything settled.

His eyes fell on the eunuch beside him, and he ordered indifferently: "Immediately order that all personnel related to Zhu Wancheng be detained and sent to the prison."

At the same time, Emperor Canglun made an imperial decree, stamped his seal, and threw it to the commander of the forbidden army.

"Bring the imperial decree to see Zhang Zhenguo to restore Zhang Zhenguo's position as prime minister. At the same time, he will temporarily act as Minister of the Ministry of War. All rebellions related to Zhu Wancheng will be decided by Zhang Zhenguo and Prime Minister Zhang Zhenguo."

When the commander heard these words, his heart beat wildly, and he hurried away into the air.

Soon, the commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army appeared on the execution ground. Seeing Zhang Zhenguo, who was still imprisoned at this moment, his face showed a complex look.

I couldn't help but secretly said in my heart, "How do you know the good and the bad? For a long time, I thought that Zhang Chen had harmed the Zhang family, but today Zhang Chen's terrible cultivation base, that powerful and boundless strength, from now on, the entire Zhang family in the imperial capital Among them, no one dares to shake."

"Even the current His Majesty is afraid of it."

"With Zhang Chen's terrifying and boundless Buddhist practice, if he has a different heart, he can take away the world of the royal family with a wave of his hand."

After the thought of the commander-in-chief of the forbidden army fell, he suppressed his thoughts instantly, squeezed a smile on his face, and fell in front of Zhang Zhenguo, told Zhang Zhenguo some words of the emperor, and at the same time, handed over the imperial edict to Zhang Zhenguo, even this For a moment, the commander-in-chief of the forbidden army didn't even dare to read the imperial decree, and the commander-in-chief of the forbidden army didn't dare to let Zhang Zhenguo kneel in front of him to receive the decree.

"Thank you, Emperor Ron!"

But everyone in the Zhang family still knelt down and accepted the imperial decree from the commander of the forbidden army.

The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army smiled softly and said, "Master Prime Minister has a good son, and he gave birth to a good grandson for you."

"Today, Zhang Chen was successful in rescuing him, and with Zhang Chen's terrifying cultivation, from now on, no one in the Zhang family can shake him."

"I will ask the Prime Minister to take care of you in the future."

Zhang Zhenguo didn't dare to trust him, he hurriedly said with a smile: "In the future, please ask the commander to take care of him!"

But even though Zhang Zhenguo said so, at this moment, Zhang Chen, who displayed his supernatural powers today, still involuntarily appeared in his mind.

"It's a pity, this kid actually escaped into Buddhism."

Originally, the members of the Zhang family still felt resentment towards Zhang Chen, but today they were all surprised when they saw Zhang Chen with boundless Dharma.

After Mingkong finished everything, he didn't go to see Zhang Zhenguo directly, but returned to the temple outside the imperial capital.

"are you back?"

"Has everything been settled?"

Li Yixi asked with a smile.

Ming Kong hurriedly said, "If Young Master hadn't asked Xiao Fenghuang to help me today, I'm afraid Ming Kong would have died and not come back."

"Thank you sir."

"But son, master, Mingkong has to leave."

When Li Yixi heard this, he couldn't help showing doubts, and asked, "Why?"

"Isn't everything in order?"

"Forgot, some of your clansmen are still in the City of Ten Thousand Demons, and it seems that you can't let go of the demon girl Tuobaxue in your heart. You naturally want to go alone, so go."

At first Li Yixi was a little confused, but after feeling the thoughts in Ming Kong's heart, Li Yixi probably knew what Ming Kong wanted to do.

"Young master's eyes are sharp, predicting things like a god?"

"Mingkong really wants to go to Wanmo City to resolve the emotional entanglement with the witch Tuobaxue, and at the same time rescue those members of my Zhang family."

"Before my grandfather was charged with the felony of colluding with the demon clan, he would definitely die. Those members of the Zhang family have the protection of the witch in the city of demons, and they may be able to survive."

"But now, my grandfather and the rest of the Zhang family have also proved their innocence."

"At the same time, today I killed the strong man of the Demon Race among the royal family, and the Demon Race is very likely to be furious."

"Although the strength of the witch Tuobaxue is not weak, it will become extremely difficult to protect those members of the Zhang family under the loss of the demons."

"I have to go to meet and save the people at the same time."

At this moment, Ming Kong found that Li Yixi had seen through his thoughts, so he didn't dare to hide it, and directly expressed his thoughts.

Li Yixi said, "However, if you go to the Ten Thousand Demon City alone, I'm afraid something will be wrong. There are too many strong demons in the Ten Thousand Demon City."

Liao Kong's face changed slightly when he heard his disciple's words.

Liaokong is very clear that Wanmo City is under the control of the demons, and there is definitely an incomparably powerful existence there. It may not be that simple to take the members of the Zhang family to leave safely.

At the moment when Li Kong was about to speak, Li Yixi smiled and said: "Although the witch of the demon clan has the blood of the demon clan, she didn't expect to have such friendship with you. I think he will help you. As long as you don't be reckless, It's okay."

"But after all, it is a city of ten thousand demons, with demons dancing wildly, and the demonic energy is soaring to the sky. I carved this Buddha statue when I was bored just now, and I asked your master to consecrate it. I hope it will be useful to you."

Li Yixi handed the Buddha statue in his hand to Mingkong.

Ming Kong looked at the statue in Li Yixi's hands, his body trembled uncontrollably, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, my lord."

Ming Kong was overjoyed.

"I wish you a smooth journey." Li Yixi waved his hand.

Holding the Buddha statue in his hand, Ming Kong's body at this moment slowly disappeared.

At this moment, Li Yixi let out a breath slowly. He was extremely worried just now, but seeing that Li Yixi handed over the Buddha statue to Ming Kong, he was no longer worried.

Liaokong was very clear that there was absolutely no danger for Mingkong this time. With that Buddha, no amount of terrifying existence could stop him.

Because after the previous Li Yixi finished carving, he called Kong Kong to consecrate him, and the moment he held the Buddha statue, he felt an extremely terrifying aura.

Because what Li Yixi carved was an arhat.

In the city of ten thousand demons, above a manor, at this moment, there was a sudden surge of demonic energy, and an extremely huge face suddenly appeared, and at the same time, a world-shattering coercion descended.

The next moment, in the manor, a figure broke through the air, dressed in tight black clothes, with a graceful figure, that face was a bit of a disaster for the country and the people, but at this moment, that face was extremely cold, glaring at the huge giant in the void. face.

"Witch, Zhu Wancheng's useless plan failed, Mo Tian fell, and was beheaded by Zhang Family Zhang Chen, Lord Demon God asked me to come and take away these people from Zhang Family."

"Are you going to stop me?"

That gigantic face spoke, and the voice was so shocking that one's ears seemed to be deaf, extremely overbearing.

"Sorry, I don't agree!"

"I will personally explain to Lord Demon God."

"As for you, get out!"

Witch Tuobaxue, at this moment, those beautiful eyes were filled with chill.

"Tuobaxue, after all, I am also your senior brother."

The incomparably huge face was a little angry at this moment.


"Or I'll kill your demon soul."

However, what greeted was Tuobaxue's colder killing intent.

The next moment, the huge face in the void slowly disappeared without daring to stay too long. Obviously, the witch Tuoba Xue kept her word.

"Has Zhu Wancheng's plan failed?"

The next moment, the members of the Zhang family in the manor all looked excited.

However, these members of the Zhang family were all pale and thin. If they hadn't heard the news, these people probably wouldn't have the strength to speak now.

Even though they were brought to Wanmo City, these members of the Zhang family chose to go on a hunger strike, wanting to die to tell the world that these members of their Zhang family did not betray.

The cold and angry witch Tuobaxue, at this moment, the coldness and domineering face disappeared, replaced by nervousness.

Because at this moment, the witch Tuobaxue felt an extremely familiar breath.

Tuobaxue turned her head slowly, and looked at the monk in white in the corner.

"You finally came."

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