
"I am coming!"

"These days, thank you!"

Mingkong's eyes fell on the witch Tuobaxue, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Thank me?"

"How can you thank me!"

The witch Tuobaxue showed an alluring smile on her face, and looked at Ming Kong at this moment with affection, and she could no longer see the domineering and cold-bloodedness before.

The body slowly floated down from the air and landed in front of Ming Kong.

Mingkong saw the charming smiling face of Tuobaxue walking towards him at this moment, although he was a little nervous, Mingkong was able to accept everything calmly, and was no longer afraid of Tuobaxue.

"In the future, whenever there is a need to dismantle and dispatch, no matter whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, Ming Kong will not hesitate."

"Ming Kong has nothing to repay for saving my people."

"I don't know if Her Majesty the Witch is satisfied."

Although the days of practicing with Li Yixi were extremely short, Mingkong's Dharma has been improved these days. Before that, Mingkong could not face the witch Tuobaxue like this.

But now seeing the beautiful woman in front of him, Ming Kong was able to look directly into her eyes.

When the witch Tuobaxue saw that Ming Kong dared to look directly into her eyes at this moment, a more seductive smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Slowly stretched out his fingers and lifted Ming Kong's chin.

"I'm not satisfied with your answer. I don't need you to go down the mountain of swords and fire for me. I don't need you to hang a thread for my life. I just need you to marry me."

"I have the blood of the demon race in my body, but so what?"

"As long as you say a word, I am willing to go far away with you, as long as you are willing, I am willing to give up all the blood of the demon clan, and I am willing to betray Lord Demon God for you."

"As long as you want, we can go to the place you like and stay together forever, regardless of any disputes."

"Look at the sunshine in spring, the mountains and rivers in summer, the red leaves in autumn, and the holiness in winter."

The witch's beautiful eyes stared at Mingkong's eyes firmly at this moment, without blinking, waiting for Mingkong's answer.

Mingkong heard these words of the witch Tuobaxue without any surprises. Mingkong thought the same way in the past.

But now Ming Kong has been able to face it calmly, not afraid, but also unacceptable.


"Tuobaxue, I have already become a monk and entered Buddhism."

"When a monk is a monk, all four things are empty."

"If there is a destiny in the next life, I will compensate you."

Mingkong looked at the woman in front of him apologetically, but in the end, Mingkong still rejected her.

"Because I'm a demon?"

"Because there is no balance between man and devil?"

"Zhang Chen, but we are all practitioners. In practice, there is no distinction between humans and demons. The real righteousness and evil lie in the heart."

"I am willing to abandon everything for you, and I think you are also willing to re-enter the world of mortals for me."

"Okay? Let's leave together today and go to a place where no one knows us."

For the extremely domineering witch Tuobaxue, at this moment, there were tears in those eyes.

At this moment, Mingkong clearly felt that the witch Tuobaxue was a little excited.

And here is the city of ten thousand demons of the demons, so they cannot stay for long.

Ming Kong knew very well that he couldn't continue to entangle with Tuoba Xue here.

The emotional entanglement between the two cannot be cleared up for a while.


"Tuobaxue, what you said is right. Humans and devils are incompatible, and there is no result for the two of us."

"Let's get together and part ways, this life is over, I owe you the next life, and I am willing to pay back ten times."

At this moment, Ming Kong answered directly and decisively.

"I do not believe!"

"If in your eyes, there is no balance between man and devil, then you will kill me today."

At this moment, the witch Tuoba Xue directly opened her hands, blocking Ming Kong's path, and closed her eyes.

The slight change in Mingkong's face at this moment was not because Tuobaxue in front of him gave him a sense of crisis, but at this moment, Mingkong felt an extremely terrifying devilish energy constantly approaching.

The incomparably pure demonic energy is obviously the arrival of the powerful existence of the demon race.

That aura even made Ming Kong's mind tremble uncontrollably at this moment. Obviously, the strength of the coming existence was beyond imagination.

"not good."

"It's a demon god!"

At this moment, Ming Kong's heart trembled, he did not expect the Demon God to come so fast.

Seeing Tuobaxue in front of him, Mingkong's eyes revealed a look of struggle, Mingkong gritted his teeth, and the next moment he directly pulled out the long sword from Tuobaxue's waist, stabbing at Tuobaxue's heart, This sword directly pierced Tuoba Xue's heart.

At the same time, Mingkong slapped out with a palm, directly injuring Tuobaxue severely.

Tuoba Xue's body flew upside down.

"Xue, I'm sorry, this is the only way to save your life, otherwise the Demon God will not forgive you."

The members of the Zhang family's eyes widened at this moment, they did not expect Ming Kong to be so decisive at this moment.

At the moment when everyone was shocked, a terrifying aura erupted in the void, and the sky, at this moment, was as black as ink.

A stalwart figure stepped forward step by step, and the members of the Zhang family all looked pale and bloodless, as if the demon god was stepping on their hearts with every step.

Tuoba Xue didn't expect that the Demon God would come.

"The bald donkey from the Buddhist sect dared to break into my city of myriad demons alone and hurt my people. How bold."


The demon god in the void seemed to come from the nether world, seeing Tuobaxue who was seriously injured and dying, and saw the demon god at this moment, with an angry expression on his face, and that huge finger directly pressed down on the courtyard.

The moment the Demon God made his move, everyone felt as if their bodies were about to explode.

Those members of the Zhang family, at this moment, looked desperate, their eyes fell on Ming Kong, and they roared: "Zhang Chen, let's go!"

"If you don't leave, no one will be able to leave today!"

At this moment, Mingkong had a bitter look on his face, even if he wanted to leave, he couldn't help him at this moment, the cultivation base of the demon god was too terrifying.

Moreover, the target of the demon god's attack at this moment was Mingkong, and the pressure Mingkong was under was a hundred times that of the members of the Zhang family.

Cracks appeared in Mingkong's body at this moment, as if they were about to explode.

"Am I going to die?"

Ming Kong had a look of despair, the breath made Ming Kong unable to breathe.

At the same time, endless demon energy poured into Ming Kong's body at this moment.

The intention is to turn Mingkong into a puppet of the demons.

Terrifying magic energy enveloped Ming Kong's body in an instant.

The members of the Zhang family instantly looked desperate.


"Master Demon God, spare his life!"

The witch Tuobaxue looked desperate, because if the demon god didn't hold back, today's Ming Kong would become a puppet of the demon clan.

Ming Kong hurt her seemingly unfeelingly, but actually saved her.

Once it becomes a puppet, there is no longer any spiritual intelligence left, and it becomes a war machine.

At that time, Ming Kong will become a terrible killing machine for the demons to attack the human race.

At the moment when everyone felt that Mingkong was bound to die, the statue of Arhat in Mingkong's arms erupted with a terrifying Buddha light.

Even though the magic power of the demon god is extremely powerful, the Buddha's light that met the arhat disappeared in an instant.

The incomparably terrifying Buddha's light continued to spread at this moment.

The next moment, in Ming Kong's arms, the Buddha statue slowly floated up.


"Is the Arhat appearing?"

The face of the demon god in the void changed slightly, and he looked at the Buddha statue in front of him solemnly. He never thought that a Buddha statue could burst out with such a terrifying Buddha light.

That statue was suspended in the void, and the endless power of heaven and earth around it raged towards the statue. The next moment, the statue exploded and turned into an incomparably rich Buddha power.

A phantom sat cross-legged in the void, wearing cassock, with a sad expression on his face.

It is the enlargement of that statue.


"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

"Almsgiver, I see that you have a predestined relationship with my Buddha."

Arhat in the void looked sadly at the demon god in the void.

The moment the sound fell, the terrifying Buddha's voice reverberated, and I saw those strong demons around them put down the swords in their hands strangely at this moment.

The terrifying demonic energy entangled in the body also disappeared instantly, and each of them became majestic in an instant.

The face of the Great Demon God changed slightly, showing horror. He never thought that just a Buddha's name from Arhat contained such a terrible method.

The Buddha's voice crosses the powerful demon clan.

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