In the place shrouded by the incomparably terrifying Buddha's light, all the existences infected by the devil's energy screamed at this moment.

During the violent struggle, the demon energy in the body continued to dissipate, but at this moment, each of them was extremely pale and weak at the same time.

These people naturally regained their senses and knew what happened to them.

Zhu Wancheng's face became extremely ugly at this moment, his face became extremely ferocious, like a devil.

"Damn, damn Zhang Chen, let the old man's plan fall short."

"I kill you!"

In Zhu Wancheng's body, it seemed that the seal was torn at this moment, and a more terrifying demonic energy erupted from Zhu Wancheng's body. At this moment, Zhu Wancheng completely turned into a demon.

That aura made people extremely frightened and disgusted.

At this moment, Zhu Wancheng's cultivation had been greatly improved, as if he was a god and a demon.

However, the little Phoenix who was standing beside Ming Kong didn't care. At some point, a bag appeared in his hand, stuffing food into his mouth continuously, and looked at Zhu Wancheng in the void as if watching a play.

"The devil is one foot tall, and the Buddha is one foot tall."

"Zhu Wancheng, today is your death day. I want to seek justice for the 20 Canglun sons who died."


Ming Kong's icy voice fell, and at this moment, the huge phantom Buddha's hand in the void of the palace slowly pressed down on Zhu Wancheng at this moment.

Zhu Wancheng, who was so powerful and boundless, raised his hand in front of the Buddha and pressed him down. He had no power to resist and was instantly knocked into the air.

"Impossible, it's only been a while, even if you Zhang Chen is extremely talented, it's impossible for you to have such a terrifying cultivation base."

At this moment, Zhu Wancheng felt that the scene in front of him was not real, but Zhu Wancheng also knew very well that he was definitely not Ming Kong's opponent.

Although his face was full of anger and unwillingness, Zhu Wancheng also knew that if the green hills remained, he would not be afraid of running out of firewood.

In an instant, he vacated and went to the mansion.

"Want to go, do you think you can go?"

Mingkong's voice fell, and at this moment, the phantom of the Buddha in the void of the palace became even bigger, and at the same time, Mingkong suddenly disappeared at this moment.

The gigantic phantom of Buddha appeared outside Zhu's mansion.

"Master Motian, quickly, kill him quickly."

Zhu Wancheng, who had just entered his mansion, saw the phantom of the Buddha following him, and his face was frightened and angry. The moment he saw the phantom of the Buddha, Zhu Wancheng seemed to be facing the Buddha.


Zhu Wancheng's terrified voice fell, and the next moment, in the Zhu family's mansion, there was a rumbling sound, and a terrifying devilish energy shot straight into the sky.

The black beam of light was extremely frightening, and the surrounding vegetation instantly withered under the demonic energy, and an extremely huge figure walked out of the Zhu family's mansion at this moment.

"Where did the bald donkey come from, to fight against my demons?"

"Today I will kill you!"

The Motian who appeared at this moment has the blood of the demon god, and he is full of cultivation and boundless strength. Facing the phantom of the Buddha, he has a look of disdain.


"Put down the butcher's knife and turn around."

A huge and incomparable Buddha's voice sounded in the void.

The Buddha's voice continued to echo in the void, lingering for a long time.

Facing the incomparably powerful Motian, the phantom of the Buddha in the void became more solid.

At the same time, the hands in front of the phantom of the Buddha were slowly separated at this moment, and at the same time, the other hand was slowly lowered.

At this moment, in the hands of the phantom of the Buddha, a figure appeared, which was Ming Kong who had disappeared.

At this moment, Mingkong, surrounded by endless Buddha's light, walked step by step towards the monstrous Motian in front of him.

The whole person seems to be stepping on the endless Buddha light, coming from the Buddha world.

Motian saw Mingkong's complexion slightly changed in the void. At this moment, even Motian was very powerful and felt the pressure.

After all, the magical powers of Buddhism have great restraint for the demons.

"Monk, it's up to you, do you want to save me into Buddhism?"

"You don't have the ability yet!"

"I will kill you today, let those monks know the fate of fighting against my demons?"

"The demon god is coming."

Motian roared furiously, and the next moment stimulated the blood in his body. Behind Motian, a huge phantom of a demon god slowly appeared. At the same time, an extremely powerful force blessed Motian's body at this moment. body.

"Since this is the case, then I have no choice but to kill one person to save all sentient beings."

At this moment, Ming Kong, with a sad expression on his face, really looks like the Buddha of Buddhism.

At this moment, Mingkong didn't see any supernatural powers being used, only Mingkong's hand was slowly raised, with five fingers facing the sky, as if he wanted to grab something in the palm of his hand.

The next moment, the terrifying Buddha light erupted from the phantom body of the Buddha.

Around Zhu Wancheng's mansion, the earth split open suddenly, and five Buddha lights shot up into the sky.

When Zhu Wancheng saw the five rays of Buddha's light, his heart couldn't help trembling. Even with the presence of Motian, Zhu Wancheng felt uneasy at this moment, because the five golden lights of Buddha were not pure Buddha's light at all. At this moment, Zhu Wancheng also saw it clearly.

It was a huge rootless finger.

The five pointed to the sky, and the next moment, a big golden hand appeared, and the entire Zhu family's mansion completely entered into that huge bergamot hand.

Mo Tian, ​​who had an unruly face, changed drastically at this moment. He never thought that Ming Kong's magical powers would be so terrifying.

Cang Lun Huang's face turned pale in the palace, seeing the bright sky surrounded by Buddha's light in the void, Cang Lun Huang couldn't calm down for a while.


I saw the clear sky in the palm of the Buddha's palm in the void, and that hand was instantly closed and squeezed into a fist.

The next moment, the huge Buddha's palm holding Zhu's mansion in the palm of his hand also closed in an instant, and the extremely powerful Motian couldn't escape from birth in this instant.


Mo Tian was terrified, never thought that today would end like this.

At the moment when Mingkong was about to die, something in Motian's body seemed to be touched, and the next moment, a terrifying aura directly shattered the golden bergamot hand.

With an unimaginable speed, he went towards Ming Kong's eyebrows in an instant.

"Devil god and demon thoughts."

Seeing that ray of black light, the face of Little Phoenix, who was eating something unknown, changed slightly.

"No wonder Master asked me to follow Mingkong. I didn't understand why I was needed before, because Mingkong is enough to suppress everything. I didn't expect that Motian's body has the evil spirit of a demon god."

"Although Ming Kong's cultivation base is strong, but in the face of this evil thought, Ming Kong can't stop it at all, and he will definitely die."

In front of little phoenix, the bag of food in his hand turned into a book of the great way strangely. At this moment, little phoenix threw out the book of the great way in his hand in an instant.

The Book of the Great Dao appeared in front of Mingkong. At this moment, the demon god's demonic thoughts just fell into the Book of the Great Dao.

The page of Little Phoenix's Dao Book seemed to have turned into a world at this moment, and the demonic thoughts of the demon god instantly turned into a terrifying phantom, wanting to escape.

However, at this moment, there was a clattering sound from the pages of the book, and black chains appeared one after another. The phantom formed by the illusion of the demon god's demonic thoughts was pulled into it.

Little Phoenix's Book of Great Dao also slowly closed and fell into Little Phoenix's hands.

"The mere magic thought also wants to make trouble in front of me, it is simply courting death."

"If I don't kill you, wouldn't my little Phoenix lose face?"

After finishing everything, Little Phoenix had a proud expression on his face.

However, at this moment, Ming Kong found that his forehead was covered with beads of sweat. At that moment just now, Ming Kong had a feeling that he was bound to die.

Ming Kong also remembered what Li Yixi said before he set off, if there is really no little Phoenix to accompany him today, his life will come to an end.

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