"Zhang Chen!"

Seeing the bright sky in the void, Zhang Zhenguo was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed bitterness. In fact, Zhang Zhenguo didn't hate Zhang Chen. At this moment, he saw Zhang Chen escape into Buddhism, and it seemed that the Dharma was very profound, and his heart was extremely complicated. !

At this moment in the palace, Zhu Wancheng's face became very ugly.

The officials on the side looked very terrified, "How could this be? How could this be? Zhang Zhenguo was blessed by heaven, how is this possible?"

"Now those guys in the Ministry of War have been exposed, what should we do, Lord Shangshu, what should we do?"

"Master Shangshu, let's run away, if we don't run away, it's really too late."

"Master Shangshu, you should make a decision quickly!"

At this moment, anxious eyes fell on Zhu Wancheng.

Immediately, the corners of Zhu Wancheng's mouth became gloomy, and his eyes revealed a lustful luster, which became extremely dark, like the eyes of a devil.


"Escape, where can you escape to?"

"This world has always been dominated by winners and losers. Now that we have reached a desperate situation, let's have a showdown."

"Over the years, with our continuous infiltration, even the emperor's personal guards have been controlled by us a lot. Everyone thinks that we are in a desperate situation, but they are wrong. Since the matter has been exposed and we cannot control it, then we Just kill the emperor and let us control the world."

"History is written by the victors!"

"Go, follow me into the palace, kill the old emperor, and today the old man will ascend the throne as the emperor."

Zhu Wancheng's eyes showed killing and greed. With a loud roar, terrifying figures soared into the sky and followed Zhu Wancheng to the palace.

In the imperial palace, the Canglun Emperor at this moment saw the golden beam of light in the sky in the distance, with a look of doubt on his face.

He asked the eunuch beside him, "Do you know what happened in the north of the city?"

"Why does the emperor feel a little uneasy?"

"Could it be that the emperor really wronged Zhang Zhenguo?"

At this moment, Cang Lun Huang's face showed a complex look, but at the same time he was a little nervous.

The next moment, a commander of the forbidden army entered the hall with a look of panic on his face.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Zhu Wanguo colluded with the demons and intended to kill Zhang Zhenguo and Prime Minister Zhang. Today, the heavens blessed Zhang Zhenguo, and everything was exposed. Now, Zhu Wancheng brought the strong to the palace. The minister received a message from the commander of the Forbidden Army. There are also some people in Wei who are contaminated with demonic energy, please be careful, the emperor, and follow me into the forbidden area of ​​the royal family."

"There are sacred objects in the forbidden area of ​​the royal family, but anyone who is contaminated with demonic energy cannot approach the forbidden area, and it is safe there."

The commander-in-chief of the Forbidden Army had an extremely anxious expression on his face.

However, when Emperor Canglun heard this, he was furious, "Presumptuous, Zhu Wancheng is the secretary of the military department handpicked by the emperor. His son was killed by the demons, and he hated the demons to the bone. How could he collude with the demons?"

"I'm afraid you are the one who is really in collusion with the demons!"

Emperor Canglun was furious instantly.

"Your Majesty, I don't have time, please trust me."

The voice of the commander of the imperial army had just fallen, and the next moment there was another panicked voice outside.

"Your Majesty, it's not good. Hurry up and enter the forbidden area of ​​the royal family. Now, Zhu Wancheng has led countless strong men to the palace and has entered the inner city of the palace."

"These people have a powerful magic energy blessing, we can't stop it."

The angry Canglun Emperor heard the words of his courtiers and at the same time felt the shouts of killing outside, his face changed slightly.

Unbelievable, Emperor Canglun scolded angrily, and strode out of the palace. When he looked into the distance, he found that Zhu Wancheng at this moment was like a monster, with a demonic aura, bringing countless dead men to the palace to kill. His face instantly became extremely pale.

"Damn Zhu Wancheng!"

"This emperor is not mean to him, and even more so to the Zhu family. He even colluded with the demons."

"After today, the emperor must let him stay in the Zhu family."

"Shenwei, immediately protect the emperor and retreat into the forbidden area of ​​the royal family."

Canglun Emperor's face was full of anger, but when his voice just fell, his guards instantly killed together. Those guards who had already colluded with Zhu Wancheng instantly killed all the guards loyal to Canglun with a sneak attack. The emperor's guard.

There was a bloodthirsty light in the eyes.

"Emperor Canglun, today is your end."

These people immediately besieged Cang Lun Huang, and Zhu Wancheng in the distance was extremely powerful, instantly broke through the encirclement, came to Cang Lun Huang, and looked down at Cang Lun Huang.

"Old guy, are you shocked now? Surprised."

"Feng Shui takes turns, and the emperor takes turns to do it. It's at my house today."

At this moment, Zhu Wancheng laughed out loud, unscrupulously.

"Zhu Wancheng, my emperor treats you well!"

"Besides, your son died at the hands of the demons. You actually colluded with the demons. I don't understand what you think."

"A white-haired person giving a black-haired person, can you tolerate such a thing?"

At this moment, Emperor Canglun had a look of anger on his face.

"Treat me well?"

"Old guy, the reason why you treat me well and let me sit in the position of Minister of the Ministry of War is just to kill my father and make up for my Zhu family."

"As for my son, who said he was dead?"

"Hahaha, now my son has received the gift of the Demon God, and has obtained the purest blood of the Demon Race, and his strength is boundless."

"I just wanted to control you and make you a puppet emperor, but that old dog Zhang Zhenguo was blessed by heaven. Zhang Zhenguo is not an old man, so it is difficult to control you, so if you want to hate you now, just hate Zhang Zhenguo !"

"Zhang Zhenguo is not dead, so you die for Zhang Zhenguo."

Zhu Wancheng's voice fell, and the long sword in his hand instantly pierced Cang Lunhuang's throat.

However, at the moment when Emperor Canglun felt that he was bound to die, a ray of Buddha's light descended, instantly deciphering Zhu Wancheng's attack.


"Your Majesty, it's no surprise that Ming Kong's rescue came late."

Zhu Wancheng's face was shocked, he never thought that there would be someone he couldn't perceive.

The moment he raised his head, he saw two figures standing in the void.

Ming Kong is surrounded by Buddha's light, extremely holy, just like a Buddha.

"Where did the dead bald donkey come from, dare to meddle in my affairs, if you want to live, get out of here!"

Zhu Wancheng's eyes fell on Mingkong, his face was full of anger, he didn't expect that a monk would ruin his good deed today.

Compared with Zhu Wancheng's anger, Cang Lun Huang looked happy at this moment.

"Also please save me, master. After today, I will definitely build a temple for the master and worship the Buddha."

Ming Kong ignored Cang Lun Huang, and stepped down from the void step by step, his eyes fell on Zhu Wancheng, and said indifferently.


"Master Shangshu, have you forgotten who I am?"

"I'm Zhang Family, Zhang Chen."

"I escaped into the empty door and just came back today. I didn't expect that Master Shang Shu would collude with the demons and intend to destroy my Zhang family. It was really beyond Zhang Chen's expectation!"

Zhu Wancheng, who was already a little familiar, heard Mingkong's words at this moment, his body trembled suddenly, his face was horrified, and he never thought that Mingkong was from the Zhang family!

"Zhang Chen?"

Cang Lun Huang's body shook violently, he never thought that Ming Kong was actually Zhang Chen, the grandson of Zhang Zhenguo.

"kill him!"

Zhu Wancheng's face was extremely ugly, a terrifying black light burst out from his eyes, and his voice was full of anger.

Zhu Wancheng knew very well that since Ming Kong was Zhang Chen, he must be immortal today.

The next moment, those beings behind him bravely went towards the bright sky without fear of death, the demonic energy in their bodies could no longer be hidden, and the void almost turned into black at this moment.

Cang Lunhuang felt the terrifying demonic energy, and his body couldn't help shaking.

However, facing all this in front of him, Mingkong had a mocking expression on his face.

Buddha's light shines.

The sound fell, and the terrifying Buddha light erupted from Mingkong's body at this moment, and the devilish energy that almost covered the sky and the sun was instantly purified and disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, not only the demonic energy disappeared, but the whole palace became like a sacred place of Buddhism and Taoism.

A gigantic phantom of Buddha floated above the palace, suppressing everything.

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