Mingkong is very clear that at this moment only Li Yixi can save the old man, otherwise, today's black and white impermanence will definitely take away the old man's soul and send him into reincarnation.

Seeing the old man committing suicide in front of him, Ming Kong blamed himself immensely. .

Black and White Wuchang's eyes also fell on Li Yixi, the two of them didn't move, their expressions changed slightly.


At this moment, Li Yixi was stunned. Just now Li Yixi wanted to take action to save the old man, but he didn't expect that black and white came and told himself that the old man's life span was over.

Li Yixi felt that a person's lifespan was over, and he could not change it, but when he saw Mingkong, he was a little embarrassed, and finally his eyes fell on the black and white impermanence.

"Two, has this old man really reached the limit of his lifespan?"

"I think he committed suicide. Is it an accident?"

When Hei Wuchang heard Li Yixi's words, the two of them froze for a moment, Hei Wuchang's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly said, "My lord, these days, we are capturing souls in this territory and sending them into reincarnation. Coincidentally, I will first check to see if the old man has reached the end of his life."

Hei Wuchang's voice fell, and then something appeared in his hand, he flipped through it, and soon, a line of words appeared in front of Hei Wuchang.

"Canglun Kingdom, Zhao Deshan, a servant of Zhang Mansion, the capital of the king, committed suicide after living eighty years and seven months."

After seeing this line of words, Hei Wuchang and Bai Wuchang's bodies shook.

Hei Wuchang was a little anxious at this moment, pretending to be checking, while secretly communicating with the Lord of Hell.

In the realm of the dead, the Lord of Hell is practicing at this moment, and suddenly found the message of Heiwuchang, and found that it was related to Li Yixi, with a look of anxiety on his face, took out the book of life and death, and increased Zhao Deshan's lifespan 20 years, and changed the suicide death to the end of life.

In Zhang's house, Hei Wuchang's eyes lit up at this moment, and his face showed apology, "Young master, we made a mistake just now. Suicide was an accident, and there is still salvation. Just now, we mistakenly thought that our life span was up."

"Zhao Deshan still has 20 years to live, and he is dying."

"Young master, don't blame me, it's our fault, let's leave!"

Black and white are impermanent, at this moment I feel a little uneasy, I don't know if Li Yixi is satisfied.

Li Yixi immediately smiled and said, "I'm sorry to both of you, if there is a chance, I will definitely thank you, but today I will save the old man first, and I will not care about you."

Li Yixi hastily squeezed out a smile.

"It is our blessing to be able to help the young master, and we will leave."

Heiheiwuchang heard Li Yixi's words, their bodies trembled, a little bit of excitement disappeared immediately.

Seeing Black and White Wuchang leave, Mingkong suddenly showed joy on his face. Just now Mingkong also clearly felt the change of Black and White Wuchang's expression. Obviously, Mingkong is very clear that the old man is really at the end of his life. The addition of 20 years seems to be the reason for the impermanence of black and white.

Li Yixi didn't pay attention to so much, and appeared in front of the old man, with a silver needle in his hand. At the same time, at this moment, Li Yixi took out the alcohol registered in the system, and hurriedly disinfected the silver needle.

At the same time, he told Liao Kong beside him, "Liao Kong, come and help me, stabilize his heart first, and help me with your mana."

The next moment, Li Yixi used the Tai Chi magic needle, Tai Chi sealed the blood.

When the silver needles fell one by one, the old man's blood stopped instantly.

At the same time, Li Yixi took out some elixir from his bosom. Li Yixi obtained these elixir from practitioners and was regarded as a treasure by Li Yixi, but at this moment, it was a matter of human life. Without any hesitation, these elixirs were used instantly.

Soon, Li Yixi saw the old man's heart merged rapidly, a smile appeared on his face involuntarily, and he sighed secretly: "It really is a panacea, the effect is beyond imagination!"

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Liaokong was stunned for a moment, thinking that Li Yixi really did use the Buddha's robes, leaving no credit or fame.

Even if it was Qiao Kong who shot with all his strength, there was nothing he could do. Now that he had stabilized the old man's injury, Li Yixi said that it was the miraculous effect of the elixir, and Yao Kong felt helpless.

"Young master, how is Uncle Zhao? Why hasn't he woke up yet?"

Mingkong saw the wound healed, but the old man did not wake up, and asked anxiously.

After all, in Ming Kong's eyes, Li Yixi is an omnipotent existence, it is impossible for Li Yixi to rescue the old man.

"No hurries?"

"It's not over yet?"

Li Yixi responded with a smile, and then Li Yixi's face showed seriousness, and the silver needles fell on the old man's head like lightning.

Li Yixi displayed his magical skills, "Tai Chi summons the soul!"

As Li Yixi's silver needles fell, the next moment, the silver needles trembled slightly. At the moment when these silver needles trembled, a mysterious force appeared instantly.

At the moment when this force appeared, Liao Kong's body shook violently. At this moment, Liao Gong discovered with a horrified expression that the old man's soul walked towards his body dully under that force, and merged with his body. And for one.

The next moment, the old man slowly opened his eyes and came back to life.

"Uncle Zhao, you finally woke up!"

Seeing the old man in front of him, Ming Kong blamed himself a little. He didn't expect that the old man committed suicide because of his own reasons. Ming Kong knew very well that if Li Yixi didn't exist, the old man would have been sent to the underworld. reincarnation.

"Master Chen, why do you still want to save me?"

"The Zhang family is gone. In fact, I'm dying to live."

"The reason why I didn't commit suicide is just because I still remember you. This old slave is afraid that everyone in the Zhang family will go away, and one day you won't see anyone when you come back."

"This old slave has no descendants. I watched you, Young Master Chen, grow up and become the proud son of heaven. I regard you as my dearest relative."

"Please, Master Chen, don't be disgusted!"

"Although this old slave comes from a lowly background, he does regard the Zhang family as his own and the young master as his family."

Ming Kong's eyes were slightly wet, and he hurriedly said: "Uncle Zhao, don't talk, your injury has just been healed, you need to cultivate for some time, as for the Zhang family's affairs, I will handle it, now I have stepped into the fairyland, I believe I can change everything."

"Uncle Zhao has worked hard these days."

Ming Kong displayed his supernatural powers the next moment, leading everyone to appear in a temple on the outskirts of the imperial capital, and brought the old man to the temple to recuperate.

After the old man was settled, Mingkong's face showed anxiety at this moment, because Mingkong already knew from the old man's mouth that today, his grandfather will be beheaded in the imperial capital for public display.

"Young master, master, please wait here for a while. Mingkong wants to see if it is still possible to save Grandpa. Everything started because of me. If I don't do anything, I will not feel at ease in my life."

At this moment, Li Yixi saw anxiety on Ming Kong's face, and immediately said: "Little Fenghuang, you go with Ming Kong!"

"May God bless you, let the Zhang family's life be hard, and the knife and ax can't hurt their lives. As for the old man, I will take care of him, and I will keep him safe."

After Li Yixi finished speaking, Mingkong expressed gratitude, "Thank you, young master!"

Ming Kong glanced at Little Phoenix and Little Phoenix flew away.

After leaving the temple, Ming Kong showed shock on his face, looked at the little phoenix beside him and asked: "Benefactor, is that force just now the master's great wish technique?"

Ming Kong is not anxious anymore, because at the moment when Li Yixi's voice fell, Ming Kong could clearly feel a strange force going towards the void, and the direction where that force disappeared was exactly the place where Huangdu beheaded.

"Not bad!"

"I never thought that my master would save your family?"

"Now you can rest assured!"

"And taking this opportunity, we may be able to prove for your Zhang family, restore your grandfather to the position of prime minister, and let the Zhang family clear the evidence of collusion with the demons."

After Xiao Fenghuang's voice fell, Ming Kong showed a puzzled look on his face. He didn't know why Xiao Fenghuang said that.

But Little Phoenix is ​​Li Yixi's high apprentice, Ming Kong naturally did not dare to underestimate him, and hurriedly asked: "I don't know what the benefactor has planned?"

Ming Kong looked at Little Phoenix with scorching eyes. If he could restore the Zhang family's innocence, Ming Kong would give everything.

A heart was pounding, and Mingkong knew very well that if he could not prove his innocence, he might be able to save grandpa, and grandpa would commit suicide soon.

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