"Want to know?"

"Sister, I won't tell you!"

"Just wait and see, and you'll understand then."

Little Phoenix said with a smile on his face.

At the same time, after Xiao Fenghuang's voice fell, the book of the great way appeared in Xiao Fenghuang's hand.

Little Fenghuang opened the book of Dao, and saw the pattern of gossip appeared on that page.

Mingkong's eyes fell on the gossip. At that moment, Mingkong's body trembled violently. The next moment, drops of sweat appeared on Mingkong's forehead. Just now, he just glanced casually, but Mingkong I found that my soul was almost sucked into it.

This is not a gossip pattern, it seems to be an extremely terrifying world. In that world, there are strands of mysterious power, and that strand of power seems to be able to deduce the world.

And the reason why Ming Kong was able to escape his soul just now was because of Little Phoenix's help.

"Little monk, do you want to die?"

"Do you think you can spy on anything?"

"This is my sister's, so let me tell you the truth!"

Little Phoenix looked proud.

Mingkong was grateful, but asked in doubt: "Benefactor, what is the use of such a strange avenue?"

Although Mingkong just felt the mortal danger, Mingkong was also above the gossip and did not feel any attacking force.

Obviously, the power of the avenue is not the avenue of killing.

"Is it weird?"

"Nonsense, my sister told you, this is called Xuan Ao."

"Before saving your grandpa, sister, I have to figure out the general situation. If your grandpa really betrayed me, then I won't be able to take action."

"The way of divination lies in deduction. Although I am not strong enough to deduce the past and future like my master, your grandfather is not strong. It is not difficult to deduce something."

"I just need to deduce the past a little bit, and I can know whether your grandfather is really in collusion with the demons."

Although Ming Kong is strong, but at this moment, after hearing what Little Phoenix said, his body couldn't help trembling. It never occurred to him that Little Phoenix, who has been following Li Yixi like a foodie, would actually resort to means It is so against the sky that it is possible to infer the past.

After Mingkong's gaze fell on Little Phoenix, awe was involuntarily revealed in his expression.

Not long after, Little Phoenix closed the book of the great way.

He smiled and said: "Little monk, congratulations, your grandfather did not collude with the demons, everything is exactly as the old guy said, but I didn't expect that the witch really has feelings for you, and she didn't cheat your family. "

"And I just postponed it by the way. Your clansmen in Wanmo City are doing well now, and their lives are not in danger."

"Let's go!"

"Let's go and see your grandfather first, save your grandfather, and return your grandfather's innocence!"

After the voice fell, little phoenix waved his hand, and saw that the book of the great way enveloped the little monk, and the two of them disappeared into the void strangely, without any trace.

In the imperial capital, at this moment, countless people gathered.

Both eyes were full of anger, "Kill Zhang Zhenguo."

"Kill the traitor Zhang Zhenguo!"

"Collude with the demons and kill my compatriots, it is a crime worthy of death."

"Kill Zhang Zhenguo!"

Tens of thousands of people roared on the streets of the imperial capital.

At this moment, the prison cars were slowly moving out from the prison.

In the prison car, it was Ming Kong's grandfather Zhang Zhenguo and his family who were imprisoned.



"My Zhang family did not collude with the demons, we were wronged."

"We want to see the emperor."

The members of the Zhang family all looked angry.

"To shut up!"

"The other party wants my Zhang family to be destroyed, how can they give us a chance."

"My Zhang family is notorious now, who would believe it?"

"What's more, there are members of my Zhang family in the current city of ten thousand demons. This alone can't be washed away."

"This old man has served the country all his life, even if he died with injustice, if he can warn those Xiaoxiao and let those Xiaoxiao know the fate of colluding with the demons, his life will not be in vain."

The moment Zhang Zhenguo, who looked downcast, opened his eyes, he yelled loudly, and all the members of the Zhang family fell silent in an instant.

"Grandpa, I'm not reconciled!"

A man looked angry at the moment.

However, the next moment, the voices of crusade fell into the ears of the Zhang family members, and the people in the imperial capital stared at the Zhang family members angrily.

"Return my husband's life!"

"Give back my son's life."

"Return my father's life!"

"Zhang thief, I will never let you go even if I die!"

The next moment, eggs and vegetable leaves all over the sky fell on the members of the Zhang family.

Some even threw stones directly.

The Zhang family, who were already angry and embarrassed, became even more embarrassed. Some people were even beaten to death by stones.

Although the Zhang family was treated like this, after hearing Zhang Zhenguo's words, no one made a sound.

The general who sent the Zhang family members to the execution ground looked at Zhang Zhenguo's face with a complex expression.

The next moment, with a wave of his hand, a wave of spiritual power surrounded the prison car of the Zhang family.

Let those thrown stones not be able to hit the Zhang family members.

But it didn't stop those eggs and vegetable leaves.

"Old prime minister, the final general is incompetent, so he can only obey the emperor's orders."

"But in the end, you will be able to have today. Everything is your promotion. One day, you will definitely return the Zhang family's innocence."

Zhang Zhenguo heard the words of the little general next to him, and his face showed gratitude, "Thank you!"

"No need, the old man knows what you want. The person who framed the old man is not something you can shake. If you want to help my Zhang family and restore my Zhang family's innocence, you will fall into the abyss."

Hearing this, the little general looked angry, but he didn't make a sound.

Amidst the anger all the way, the members of the Zhang family were sent to the execution ground by the prison car.

On the execution ground, there was already a sea of ​​people, and the eyes of the pairs were extremely angry.

Most of these people were husbands, sons or fathers who died in battle.

In the void, the figures of Little Phoenix and Ming Kong appeared.

However, the Book of the Great Dao with the little phoenix shrouded them. At this moment, no one could detect the existence of the two of them.

At this moment, Little Phoenix and Ming Kong seemed to be watching from parallel time and space.

"Damn it, damn it, Zhu Wancheng made my Zhang family behave like this."

"I must cut him into pieces, otherwise it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in my heart."

"The Canglun army of 20 was buried in the hands of the demons. How many families have been torn apart?"

At this moment, Ming Kong's mana continued to agitate, and it was obvious that he was extremely angry.

"Excited about what?"

"Killing Zhu Wancheng now, wouldn't it confirm your Zhang family's crime of treason?"

"Listen to my sister, what crimes the Zhang family has suffered, what crimes Zhu Wancheng will suffer, and will pay back ten times."

"And don't worry, your grandfather and clansmen won't die."

"Have you forgotten my master's great wish technique?"

"It is impossible for these knives and axes to hurt your grandfather and his family."

Mingkong at the side heard Xiaofenghuang's words at this moment, and was overjoyed.

However, his eyes fell on the prison car, and the eyes of those clansmen who were being escorted to the execution ground were red-eyed.

The official who presided over the beheading strode out, and when his eyes fell on Zhang Zhenguo's face, his face was full of sarcasm.

Immediately he said loudly: "Fathers and folks, Qian Hai of the Ministry of War will preside over today's beheading."

"Zhang Zhenguo is the prime minister of Canglun. One person is under ten thousand people. He enjoys the worship of all people, but he never thought that he would collude with the demons and bury my 20 sons in Canglun. He committed a heinous crime. Today, my emperor ordered the Zhang family All beheaded to show the public, as an example to others."

"The members of the Zhang family in the city of ten thousand demons, my emperor has also issued an order to let the strong men of my Canglun sneak into the city of ten thousand demons, and they will never die. They will never let the people of the Zhang family live in the city of ten thousand demons."

However, just after Qian Hai's voice fell, the sky was originally clear, but at this moment, suddenly, dark clouds covered it, and at the next moment, a flash of thunder flashed, and the thunder and lightning fell on Qian Hai's body, causing Qian Hai to be covered in smoke and embarrassed. extreme.

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