"Uncle Zhao, it's me, I'm Zhang Chen!"

"I am back!"

"I let you down, I'm sorry, I don't know what happened in the mansion now, why it suddenly became so deserted?"

After Mingkong's voice fell, he strode towards the old man. Although Mingkong looked very young, he was actually over 60 years old. However, Mingkong practiced, and the years did not leave any traces on his face.

It's like 20 years.

Hearing Mingkong's words, the old man felt a little dazed when he saw Mingkong walking in front of him.

"Master Chen, you are finally back."

"I didn't expect to see you in my life."

The old man grabbed Mingkong's arm and held it tightly, as if Mingkong would disappear as soon as he let go.

The old man has not stepped into the practice, and at the age of 80, he is already very old, and even his own memory has become a little confused.

Ming Kong's hand trembled, and at this moment, a wave of spiritual power slowly entered the old man's body, stabilizing the old man's mind.

Seeing that the old man had calmed down, Ming Kong hurriedly asked: "Uncle Zhao, what happened in the mansion? I remember that the mansion used to be full of people. Why did it suddenly become so deserted? Is it because of me?"

At this moment, Mingkong felt extremely guilty in his heart.

The old man stabilized his mind at this moment, and when he heard Ming Kong's words, he seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly changed.

The mood of the whole person suddenly became anxious. He grabbed Ming Kong's hand and exerted force, his body trembling slightly.

"Master Chen, I'm so confused that I forgot this important event. The Zhang family is over."

"A few days ago, the emperor dismissed the Prime Minister from his post, and sent the Prime Minister to death."

"All those involved with Mr. Xiangguo have been suppressed. Most of the Zhang family are now in prison."

"Master Chen, hurry up and think of a way to save them!"

At this moment, the old man said anxiously.

Hearing these words, Mingkong's face changed suddenly, Mingkong did not expect that the matter was far more serious than he thought.

But Mingkong also reacted immediately, knowing from Uncle Zhao's mouth that most of the people have been sent to prison, but what about the small number of people?Even if there are a small number of people, it is impossible to be so deserted.

Ming Kong looked at the old man in front of him, and hurriedly sent more spiritual power to stabilize the other party's emotions. With such fluctuations in the old man's mood, it was very likely that he would die.

At the same time, Ming Kong also asked anxiously, "Uncle Zhao, what about the other group of people? Where did they go? Why is the mansion so deserted, did they escape?"

Ming Kong asked out the doubts in his heart.

Hearing Mingkong's words, the old man hurriedly said: "The other part of the Zhang family members are now in Wanmo City."

The moment Ming Kong heard the words Wanmo City, his expression changed suddenly. Wanmo City is the territory of the demon clan. Why did the members of the Zhang family go there?

"Uncle Zhao, could it be that the people from the Demon Race captured the members of the Zhang family?"

"Most members of the Zhang family are very weak in cultivation, why is this so? Are the demons arrested and convicted of Zhang's treason?"

Originally, Mingkong could still barely calm down, but the moment he heard the word Wanmocheng, his heart was instantly confused.

Li Yixi saw that Mingkong was obviously upset, and stepped forward, "Mingkong, calm down first, don't be nervous, if you don't get all the ins and outs of the matter clear, you won't be able to deal with this matter at all."

"Now that your master is here, don't worry too much. Even if your clansmen are deeply trapped in the city of ten thousand demons, your master can go through it and save your clansmen back."

Li Yixi's voice fell, and at this moment, a strange force landed on Mingkong's body, and Mingkong, who was extremely anxious, calmed down instantly.

"Uncle Zhao, sit down, sit down quickly, and tell me what happened?"

Ming Kong supported the old man and sat under the eaves. The old man took a deep breath and explained all the ins and outs.

Zhang Chen's grandfather is not weak in cultivation, he is the prime minister of the Canglun Kingdom, under one person, above ten thousand people, but because Zhang Chen fell in love with the witch, the old man's heart ached, and at the same time, the Canglun Emperor also loved the old man Suspicion arose.

But at that time, Zhang Chen hadn't escaped into Buddhism, and Zhang Chen's talent was very strong. For a while, although the emperor of Canglun Kingdom was extremely dissatisfied with the Zhang family, he suppressed his thoughts of eradicating the Zhang family.

But after Zhang Chen escaped into Buddhism and completely disappeared, another force appeared in Canglun National Treasures. Not long ago, in a great battle between Canglun and the demons, the 20 troops of Canglun Kingdom were ambushed. None survived.

The 20 army was buried, and on the day when the 20 army went out, the witch of the demon clan entered the prime minister's mansion in order to find Zhang Chen.

Even though the demon witch was dismissed by the prime minister that day, this matter still spread to the palace.

20 troops were buried, and someone in the palace came forward to say that the prime minister's residence was collaborating with the enemy and treason. Emperor Canglun was furious, removed the post of prime minister, and ordered the three clans to be exterminated.

When the imperial army arrived, the witch of the demon clan led the powerful demon clan to fight against the imperial army, and rescued some members of the Zhang family. Because of this, they completely confirmed their collusion with the demon clan.


When Ming Kong heard that this matter was related to the witch Tuo Baxue, he couldn't help showing a trace of self-blame on his face.

However, at the moment when Ming Kong blamed himself, the old man hurriedly said: "Master Chen, I don't blame Tuoba Xue for this incident. Baxue is a very infatuated woman, in fact, there are other people who colluded with the demons."

Mingkong was shocked when he heard these words.


When Ming Kong heard that this matter had nothing to do with Tuoba Xue, his face was filled with joy in an instant. Although Ming Kong knew that he and Tuoba Xue had no future, but knowing that the catastrophe of the Zhang family had nothing to do with Tuoba Xue, he still felt better.

"Shangshu of the Ministry of War, Zhu Wancheng!"

The old man gritted his teeth when he read Zhu Wanchen's name.

Mingkong frowned slightly, and asked involuntarily: "Uncle Zhao, how do you know that it was Zhu Wancheng, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, who colluded with the demons?"

Ming Kong looked directly into the old man's eyes, wanting to see if the old man was lying.

"Master Chen, we didn't believe what Tuobaxue said when he came to save people that day, but Tuobaxue swears in the name of the demon god, this old servant dare not lie."

Ming Kong frowned, "Zhu Wancheng hated the demons to the bone, how could he betray? How could he collude with the demons? All his sons died at the hands of the demons."

"Uncle Zhao, have you betrayed the human race? Otherwise, the entire mansion would have already declined, why do you still exist?"

Ming Kong's breathing couldn't help but become rapid.

There was a wry smile on the old man's face, and he explained: "Master Chen, I don't know if you believe it or not, but this old slave still wants to say that the reason why the mansion has been preserved is because the people in Zhang's mansion did not die, and very few Tianjiao went to see it." Some people are afraid that people from the Zhang family will return one day."

"As for the son of Zhu Wancheng, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, he did not die, but became a member of the demon clan."

"This old slave will no longer be able to take care of Master Chen, and I hope Master Chen will take good care of himself!"

The old man's voice fell, and suddenly a knife appeared in his hand, and that knife was directly inserted into his heart.

Everything was so abrupt that even Ming Kong, who was standing beside the old man, didn't react.

"Uncle Zhao!"

Ming Kong saw the old man's chest with blood pouring out continuously, and a look of pain appeared on his face. He never thought that the old man would tell himself that he was not lying by dying.

At this very moment, two figures appeared in the yard, one black and one white.

Standing aside, the somewhat anxious Li Yixi was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that at this moment, the impermanence of black and white would appear here.

Black and white impermanence, stepped out hastily, "Black and white impermanence, see you son."

Fanaticism appeared on the faces of the black and white impermanent.

Li Yixi was a little surprised, and said with a smile, "Why are you two here?"

Hei Wuchang hurriedly said, "To be fair, Zhao Deshan's lifespan is over, and the two of us will take him to the underworld to reincarnate."

Hearing this, Mingkong's face changed suddenly, and he wanted to say something, but at this moment, Mingkong felt an extremely terrifying aura from the black, white and impermanent people.

Mingkong knelt down in front of Li Yixi with a plop, "Please also ask your son to save my Uncle Zhao's life."

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