Li Yixi didn't wait for long, and the master and apprentice came back through the sky.

"My lord, everything has been resolved, the evil spirits have been killed, and there will be no more evil creatures to do evil. Even those evil spirits have caused changes in this land, and I have no ability to completely eliminate them."

"Just let time digest."

"My cultivation base is not enough, ashamed!"

When he came back, his eyes fell on Li Yixi, and he felt a little nervous. Today, Liao Kong saw Li Yixi's incomparably powerful methods, and he is still trembling until now.

After all, it was an extremely powerful demon god, but in front of Li Yixi, he was like an ant, unable to make any waves.

Before the person arrives, he will be dealt with and calculated to death.

But thinking of the transformed land, Liao Kong was very afraid, not to mention clearing it up, Liao Kong didn't even dare to contaminate it, the magic soil was extremely weird, if he went deep into the magic cave, it was very likely that he would become enchanted.

I didn't dare to make a move when I was empty.

When Li Yixi heard Kong's words, he didn't blame him, and smiled, "Thanks for your hard work, it's a great fortune to be able to deal with these monsters, nothing is perfect."

"Today I also saw the power of those monsters."

"Let's go!"

"Although the ending is not very good, the danger has been stifled, and the mortals on this land have returned to normal. This is already a great merit."

When Li Yixi's voice fell, Xiaobai instantly revealed his real body, everyone landed on Xiaobai's body, Xiaobai broke through the air and left.

In the void, Li Yixi looked at the barren land below him, which was originally an extremely rich land, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Immediately, Li Yixi said solemnly, "May spring return to the earth, may heaven and earth bless you, may all things recover, and may catastrophe disappear."

Just as Li Yixi's voice fell, even Xiaobai's body that was flying was shocked.

As the Baifeng clan, Xiaobai is very powerful, even if it is only a blink of an eye, he has already left the north of the Great Song Kingdom.

However, Xiaobai's cultivation is as strong as it can be, so he can naturally feel the situation in the north of the Great Song Dynasty. At this moment, the moment Li Yixi's voice fell.

I saw that on the barren land in the north, the power of heaven and earth surged instantly, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered together, and the next moment it turned into spiritual rain and fell from the void.

Waves of incomparably powerful law power descended, and the land transformed by the demon god began to change instantly.

The magic power that is difficult to dispel dissipates at an unimaginable speed at this moment.

The extremely mysterious power restores everything in an instant.

Strains of extremely powerful vitality erupted on this piece of land at this moment.

Those mortals who were originally thin and skinny, at the moment when those raindrops fell on their bodies, their bodies were full of strength.

Those mortals who were originally terminally ill also disappeared in an instant and became full of energy.

When those dead trees were contaminated with the spiritual rain, they exploded with incomparably rich vitality, and the dead grass and trees unexpectedly appeared pieces of tender buds, as if the spring returned to the earth and everything revived.

On the thirsty fields, soon the rainwater integrated into the creek.

Those mortals instantly showed shock in their eyes.

The Great Song Emperor, who had just arrived in the northern land, saw the sudden heavy rain in the sky. The already barren north suddenly burst into a lot of life. The Great Song Emperor showed a look of shock on his face.

The moment the Emperor Da Song stretched out his hand to catch the raindrops, the Emperor Da Song's heart trembled, his lips trembled violently, and he exclaimed in disbelief: "This is not ordinary rain, but a spiritual rain. Among them, there is actually a spiritual energy of heaven and earth, no wonder it can instantly make this barren land burst into life."

"What level of existence is that expert to be able to command the world?"

"The catastrophe of our Great Song Kingdom has finally passed."

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was so excited that he even burst into tears instantly.

The Song Dynasty had already entered a desperate situation, and the Emperor of the Song Dynasty was also in despair, but he did not expect that there would be a turning point at the last moment.

When all the civil and military officials saw the scene in front of them, their eyes widened, and their faces immediately became excited.

At the same time, they even felt that some civilians had stepped into the ranks of cultivation with the help of this spiritual rain.

The Emperor Song turned around immediately, and his eyes fell on the officials.

"All ministers listen to the decree. From today onwards, the god of my Great Song Kingdom will be that peerless master. Send skilled craftsmen to gather in the imperial capital immediately. I will build a temple for the master."

Seeing the changes in the north, Li Yixi was like a god in the heart of Emperor Song.

Originally, the Great Song Dynasty had declined, but at this moment, the civil and military officials heard that the Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty wanted to build statues and temples to worship, but they did not refute them, and even looked excited.

Some even donated their property directly.

Xiaobai went all the way to the west, and it didn't take long before everyone finally arrived at Canglun Kingdom.

At this moment, Mingkong was a little nervous, feeling timid because of his closeness to his hometown.

Ming Kong's eyes fell on Kong, "Young master, master, I want to go home and have a look, I don't know if it will delay the trip."

Ming Kong's eyes fell on Li Yixi, feeling a little uneasy.

"Ha ha!"

"Good thing!"

"I also want to visit Canglun."

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Yixi's mouth.

When Mingkong heard Li Yixi's words, his eyes lit up instantly. In Mingkong's eyes, Li Yixi was a high-ranking figure. To be able to invite Li Yixi to be a guest would be more than a flourish, it would be like a god entering the hall.

"My lord, clear the couch to welcome you!"

At this moment, Mingkong was very excited when he heard Li Yixi's words.

Li Yixi smiled and asked: "Ming Kong, until now, I haven't asked you, I don't know what your name was before you became a monk."

Ming Kong immediately explained: "Young master, my surname is Zhang, and my name is Zhang Chen. My grandfather is the prime minister of Canglun Kingdom, but the appearance of a descendant like me has brought shame to my Zhang family."

"I don't know what's going on at home now. On the land of Canglun, there is an army of demons. Canglun Kingdom has been fighting with the army of demons, but I fell in love with the witch of the demons. It is very possible Affecting Grandpa's status."

"After all, this is something that shakes the morale of the army. As an emperor, it is absolutely intolerable."

Having said that, at this moment, Mingkong's face showed a look of worry, which is why Mingkong wanted to go home and take a look.


"Even if it's a little troublesome!"

"But let's go and see first. If there is any difficulty, it can be resolved with your current cultivation base."

Li Yixi comforted her.

Under Mingkong's guidance, Xiaobai headed towards the capital of Canglun Kingdom, and soon landed outside a huge manor.

Everyone fell to the ground and frowned slightly. Even Li Yixi felt that this place was too cold at this moment. As the prime minister of the country, Mingkong's grandfather should be very lively here, but now it seems a little deserted.

Liaokong comforted him, let's go and have a look first!

Although Mingkong was a little worried, he also knew that no matter how anxious he was now, nothing would change, so he nodded and led the crowd to open the courtyard door.

Pushing open the door, Li Yixi found that the courtyard was very deserted, only one very old servant was cleaning the courtyard with difficulty, and no other servants were seen.

"Uncle Zhao, why do you clean it yourself?"

Ming Kong's eyes fell on the old man in front of him, and he asked aloud, feeling a little heartbroken, the old man is now eighty years old.

Hearing Ming Kong's words, the old servant slowly raised his head, looked this way, and his eyes fell on Ming Kong.

"Are you Master Chen?"

At this moment, the servant felt that he was hallucinating, and his expression was unbelievable.

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