Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 984 The original target was the Demon God

"This is a great curse!"

"But, in this world, who can master the Great Curse?"

At this moment, the Demon Lord, after a short period of silence, was extremely cold physically and mentally. From the Demon Lord's voice, he could feel the aggrieved and despair in his heart, as well as anger.

When Liao Kong heard the words of the Demon Lord, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "You can still live if you do evil by the sky, but you can't live when you do evil by yourself."

"If you practice quietly, you can still grow stronger, but you demons have been controlled by greed, and even devoured luck and used human race as sacrifices."

"Meeting an expert, is there any way for existence like you to survive?"

"If it wasn't for the expert who knew that the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple was abnormal and asked me to come here to kill you, all of you would have died under the terrifying power of the curse."

"You don't think arrogantly that you have a way to resist that cursed force!"

Liaokong is very clear that although these demons are very powerful, they are just a group of ants in front of Li Yixi. The devil's last chance to survive.

"An expert?"

"Even if it's because of his bad move, since we've been given the last chance to survive, then this deity will save the lives of both of you before he dies today."

A look of madness suddenly appeared on Mozun's face.

However, at this moment, Liaokong saw the ferocious face of the demon king, but there was no fear on his face.

"Mingkong, it's up to you to deal with these dead people!"

"Don't worry, there is not much difference between killing them and killing a group of mortals."

"Under the power of the expert's curse, they are already dead. The reason why they survive is because the expert wants to use our hands to deal with them."

"Maybe the expert is playing against an extremely terrifying existence, and he doesn't want to break something himself?"

Liao Kong said thoughtfully.

The Mozun, who was already angry, became even more angry after hearing Kong's words at this moment. When did his majestic state of the emperor be so ignored by these people.

Ming Kong, who was originally excited and adored, suddenly turned pale when he heard his master's words.

Especially feeling the incomparably powerful aura of the Mozun, Ming Kong felt his scalp go numb for a while.

"Master, can I really do it?"

"The strength between me and these monsters is simply the gap between heaven and earth."

At this moment, Mingkong almost cried, thinking that his master was going to send him to death.

Seeing the appearance of his disciple, Liao Kong couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Didn't you feel that the master has activated the great curse technique before you came?"

"The fate of these monsters has already been judged. It is impossible to change anything?"

"Even if they can defy the sky, it is absolutely impossible for them to escape from the sky in front of an expert."

"If you don't believe me, try it out!"

Ming Kong, whose scalp was numb, heard his master's explanation, and thought of Li Yixi's terrifying methods, his heart moved slightly.

But Ming Kong naturally didn't dare to kill the Demon Lord directly, but he knew that the Demon Lord was too terrifying, and the aura he exuded made Ming Kong feel suffocated.

Therefore, at this moment, Mingkong chose a powerful demon master. At this moment, Mingkong is only a tentative attack.

However, at the next moment, his eyes widened, with an unbelievable expression on his face, the strong man of the demon race used his extremely powerful supernatural power to kill him, but when the supernatural power landed on Ming Kong's body, it was powerless like a breeze .

However, his own attack landed on the opponent's body, killing him instantly.

At this moment, Ming Kong felt very clearly. As his master said, it was not his supernatural powers that killed the monsters in front of him, but the curse power entangled in these people. He was just a pulling hand.

The incomparably angry Demon Venerable looked terrified when he saw the scene in front of him. Originally, the Demon Venerable was a little unwilling, but the moment he saw this scene, the Demon Venerable was completely desperate.

At this moment, the Demon Lord seemed to have made some decision, and at the next moment, the eyes of those monsters who were terrified showed a look of madness.

Li Kong, who was originally calm and composed, suddenly became crazy when he saw these monsters, and suddenly felt that something big was about to happen.

"not good!"

"Kill them!"

Liaokong roared angrily, although Liaokong didn't know why he suddenly felt the danger, and it was still under the condition of Li Yixi's great curse technique, but at this moment, Liaokong was very decisive and directly used his supernatural powers to kill these demons. Kill all the monsters of the family.

However, facing Kong's supernatural powers, these monsters looked crazy, but they did not kill Kong and Ming Kong, and these monsters plundered Wanfo Temple in an instant.

I saw the demon slapped out with a palm, and the next moment, the terrifying supernatural power instantly lifted those temples, and a terrifying cave appeared in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple. That cave was extremely terrifying, like a demon's body Eye.

At this moment, he was empty, seeing the huge cave in front of him, as if the cave was also looking at him. Facing the black cave at this moment, his heart couldn't help trembling.

However, the next moment Liao Kong's mind trembled even more violently.

At the moment when he was empty, he suddenly reacted, these monsters looked crazy, what are they going to do, it is impossible to do nothing, and their hearts are even more disturbed.

But now, with a look of despair on his face, it was too late to stop them, because these monsters rushed towards the cave with crazy faces, and the next moment, there were rumbling sounds.

Under the leadership of Mozun, these monsters exploded directly.

An incomparably terrifying aura erupted from the cave in an instant, and the next moment, as if something had been broken, a force of destructive power shot up into the sky in the cave.

It was as if an invincible god and demon was sleeping in that cave.

The thought of Liaokong just fell, the next moment, I saw a dull voice sounding in that cave instantly, that sound seemed to penetrate the soul instantly, as powerful as Liaokong, his body couldn't help trembling, Liaokong felt It was as if his soul had been torn apart.

If it wasn't for being in Kong's arms at this moment, that relic suddenly burst out with a mysterious and incomparable power, instantly stabilizing Kong's soul, and Kong knew very well that he would definitely be out of his wits.

At the moment when I was empty, I felt cold all over and my scalp was numb.

I have never felt such a terrible breath before.

"The devil!"

"It's a demon god!"

"In this cave, there is an extremely terrifying demon god sleeping."

"How did this demon god enter this world? Could it be that he fell here during the war between gods and demons in the ancient times, and now that the spiritual energy of the earth is constantly recovering, has he woken up?"

At this moment, Liao Kong's body couldn't help trembling, as for Ming Kong, his face was also pale, but at this moment, an incomparably holy Buddha light erupted from Ming Kong's arms, enveloping Ming Kong's whole body in it.

The thing that erupted with Buddha's light was the volume of Buddhist scriptures that Li Yixi gave to Ming Kong.

Master Liaokong and his apprentice did save their lives, but at this moment, facing the cave below them, their hearts trembled violently. The cave really seemed to have turned into a terrifying eye.

The next moment, a terrifying figure appeared in front of the two master and apprentice.

Their bodies were not tall, but when their eyes fell on the two of them, they felt that they were locked by the gods at that moment.


"And so weak?"

"How did you force my pawn to explode and die, forcing me to wake up?"

At this moment, the god and demon appeared with a trance-like face, having just been awakened from a deep sleep, and still had a confused face.


"I didn't expect that both of you have treasures in your arms."

"No wonder the two of you are so weak, you survived under my magic voice. It turns out that you are carrying a treasure that saved your life."

"However, I accept your treasures with a smile. I can feel the power of the holy Buddhism. Presumably, after devouring and refining, it can make my injuries recover a lot."

The extremely frightening demon's eyes lit up in the next moment, as if he had seen through the bright and empty space at this moment, but at the moment when he just raised his hand.

There was a look of panic in the eyes of the extremely powerful god and demon, because at this moment, terrifying and incomparable curse power appeared around the body of the demon god.

The power of these curses gathered at an unimaginable speed, and the next moment it turned into a black cursed sword. This sword directly pierced the eyebrows of the gods and demons before the gods and demons could react.

"no no no"

"Curse, this is a big curse. In this world, who can control a big curse?"

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled."

At this moment, the god demon has a face of unwillingness and despair.

However, at this moment, his body of god and demon continued to collapse under the extremely terrifying power of the curse, and his demon soul continued to dry up under the extremely terrifying curse.

A look of anger and unwillingness, but nothing can be changed.

Liaokong and Mingkong, whose scalps were numb at first, were stunned for a moment. The two of them never thought that the power of the curse that had exploded turned into a sword of curse, killing the god and demon in an instant. .

This is a God Demon, Chaos God Demon!

It wasn't until the gods and demons were completely dead that this moment was empty before they dared to let out a long breath.

Looking at his disciple Ming Kong, he said with horror: "It turns out that the real target of the master is this Chaos Demon God. I was puzzled before, why did the master kill chickens with a sledgehammer?"

"It turns out that there is a magic cave connected to the depths of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, where a god and demon that was severely injured in the ancient times is sleeping."

"Only with such a terrifying existence, an expert would take action."

It turned out that we were a false alarm. Sure enough, the master's methods were too terrifying, beyond our imagination. Even the chaotic gods and demons would never want to escape the master's eyes, let alone escape the master's palm.

Mingkong woke up from the shock after hearing what his master said.

At this moment, Mingkong's chest was heaving violently, with an expression of disbelief.

After all, that incomparably powerful demon is like a god in Ming Kong's eyes, invincible.

But now he actually witnessed the death of the gods and demons with his own eyes.

In his mind, Li Yixi's appearance appeared involuntarily, Mingkong took a breath at this moment, feeling that Li Yixi was so terrifying.

Mingkong wanted to say something, but found that his mouth was dry at this moment, and he couldn't say a word.

"Let's go!"

"Don't make a fuss, follow the master from now on, the master will show you more big scenes, today it's just a small scene, it's nothing."

At this moment, Kong Kong was completely relaxed, and said with a proud face.

When Mingkong heard his master's words, a sneer appeared on his face involuntarily.

Ming Kong really wanted to say, who was so scared that his face turned pale just now.

But thinking of being his master, Ming Kong still gave his master some face.

But Liaokong continued to pretend to beep, Mingkong couldn't help it.

Mingkong sneered and said, "I think it's only possible to see the big scene when you follow the high position. As for you, master, you still have to practice."

Liaokong glanced at Mingkong, and said with a sneer, "Are you so bold that you dare to disobey your master's words? Without me, old monk, would you be able to meet a master?"

"Not a son of man!"

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