Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 983 The Great Curse Technique

Lie Kong was very nervous at first, but his eyes lit up instantly. Just now, Lie Kong was really afraid that the attacks of these monsters would frighten Li Yixi.

Feeling an unimaginable force appearing in his body, the empty body shook, and the next moment, he shouted angrily.

Buddha's light shines.

At this moment, the ten thousand zhang Buddha's light erupted from Kong's body in an instant. Under the light of the terrifying Buddha's light, the extremely powerful puppets showed a hint of panic in their eyes. , the body turned into dry bones.

For these monks, Liao Kong didn't hold back at all. These people were already dead, and it was the monsters who controlled their bodies.

Killing them, for these monks, is a kind of relief.

However, that terrifying monster opened its eyes strangely at this moment, and the monster's eyes were bloody, terrifying, and full of killing intent.


The monster roared, and the billowing devilish energy permeated the air.

The monster's aura was extremely terrifying, but at this moment, Liao Kong had a look of disdain on his face.

Because Lie Kong was blessed by Li Yixi's power at that moment, he didn't have any difficulty in dealing with the monster in front of him.

Liaokong used his extremely powerful Buddhist supernatural powers, and in the blink of an eye, he completely wiped out that monster.

This made Mingkong on the side look full of admiration, feeling that his master is simply boundless in Buddhism.

"Master Liao Kong is indeed powerful. This monster is so strong that it was wiped out by Master Kong. I am really envious."

"Killing these monsters will surely restore the Great Song Kingdom to normal soon."

"These monsters are too damned to use living people as sacrifices. It is not a pity to die. I curse these monsters to be abandoned by the heavens. Their luck will be cut off and disasters will be added to their bodies."

At this moment, Li Yixi's face was full of anger. Just now when he saw those people being sacrificed alive, he was extremely angry. Li Yixi never thought that such a vicious existence existed in this world.

However, at the moment when Li Yixi began to curse, Liaokong, Xiaofenghuang, Mingkong and other existences stared wide-eyed. The moment Li Yixi's voice sounded, they felt a terrifying force of curse towards Wanwan. The direction where the Buddhist temple is located spreads away.

The power of that curse is extremely terrifying, even if it is empty, just looking at it, you will feel a tingling feeling in your scalp, as if you have really been abandoned by the heavens, your luck is drying up, and calamities are constantly adding to your body.

"Is this the art of the great curse?"

Ming Kong felt the power of the curse, his lips trembled slightly, and the voice rang in Kong Kong's mind. At this moment, Ming Kong's eyes really widened. He never thought that Li Yixi would be so terrifying. .

That cursed power made Ming Kong feel icy cold all over his body.

Liaokong heard his disciple's voice transmission, his scalp went numb, and a trembling voice sounded in Mingkong's mind.

"Maybe it might really be the Great Curse Technique. I once heard from Xiaoyao Immortal King and other existences that the expert has controlled countless avenues, and even controlled the legendary Great Wish Technique. For a terrifying existence like the Expert, it is also necessary to control the Great Curse Technique." normal."

"I didn't expect such evil monsters to exist in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple. However, these demons are doomed. It is their fate to meet such a terrifying existence as an expert."

"Originally, I was a little afraid of the monsters in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, but now that the master has cast a great curse, I no longer have any fear of these monsters.

After these monsters are cursed, their strength will definitely be greatly weakened, their luck will be interrupted, and disasters will be added to their bodies. It will definitely be smooth sailing to deal with them. "

At the same time as shocked, there was a hint of excitement in Liao Kong's eyes. No matter how powerful the monsters are, they will be disabled even if they are cursed. It will definitely become easier to deal with them when the time comes.

At the same time, I felt empty for a moment, and at the same time, I was thinking in my heart, is Li Yixi's promotion of the Great Curse at this moment really just anger?

Liao Kong felt that it might be because Li Yixi felt that his strength was not enough to eradicate the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, so he cast a big curse to weaken the opponent.

After all, just this monster in this temple is already very scary.

At the moment when Ming Kong communicated with the two masters and apprentices, Li Yixi stopped his voice, but at this moment Li Yixi still had a look of warmth and anger.

Li Yixi's eyes fell on Kong's body, "Master Liao Kong, this time I'll be counting on you, these evil spirits are rampant, they should be punished, I don't want to see these bloody scenes, so I won't go."

"How about we wait for you here?"

Liaokong heard Li Yixi's words, and immediately responded, "Young master is right, these evil spirits should be punished, absolutely cannot be tolerated, young master stop for a while, my master and apprentice will go to kill the evil spirits."

As for Li Yixi's safety, Liao Kong naturally knew that there was nothing to worry about. If he took action against Li Yixi, it would be a dead end.

Mingkong and Liaokong, the master and apprentice looked at each other, and broke through the sky to go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Under the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, in the huge devil's cave, at the moment the monster fell, a terrifying figure suddenly opened its eyes, and a terrifying devilish energy erupted from its body.

"The blood demon is dead!"

"Who is it?"

"How dare you dare to enter this area, which has been transformed into Chaos Demon Soil."

The next moment, in the devil's lair, monsters rose from the sky one by one.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple was originally full of Buddha's light, but at the moment when the monsters burst into the air, waves of terrifying devilish energy shot up into the sky. In just a moment, the Buddha's light here disappeared completely, replaced by a dense demonic energy. .

But the face of the Demon Lord who just appeared suddenly changed.

In the void, an extremely mysterious power landed on them, and they spit out a mouthful of blood instantly, and the faces of all the monsters instantly became horrified.

Because at this moment, these monsters were horrified to find that they had lost contact with this piece of modified magic soil, that is to say, they could not use the power of magic soil to increase themselves at all.

At the same time, the Mozun at this moment was horrified to find that the luck gathered by using the power of faith collected by those mortals over the years has also dissipated rapidly at this moment!

A strange black gas entered their fate at this moment.

"Damn it, what kind of power is this? Why is the power of blood in my body continuously exhausted all of a sudden?"

"The power of luck dissipates directly!"

"And it seems that at this moment, I am disgusted by this world."

"Damn it, what the hell happened?"

The incomparably powerful Demon Lord has always been unscrupulous, but at this moment, the Demon Lord showed a look of panic on his face, and he couldn't understand why it happened suddenly.

For those weak monsters, at this moment, their bodies even exploded directly, and blood splattered everywhere.

The monsters, who have always been unscrupulous and overbearing, all turned pale at this moment, and panic appeared in their eyes.

"Mozun, what happened, why were we abandoned by the heavens, our blood vessels were drying up, and the power of luck that we had finally collected dissipated in an instant. I seemed to feel that I was cursed by the heavens and the earth at this moment."

"Over the years, we have secretly transformed this land, turned it into a demonic soil, and can draw power from the demonic soil, but now I find that our connection with the demonic soil has also been severed."

The eyes of the powerful and unparalleled monsters were full of fear at this moment.

"To shut up!"

"How do I know?"

At this moment, the Demon Venerable shouted angrily.

But after the voice fell, Mozun's legs trembled slightly.

My heart trembled uncontrollably, "The power of the curse?"

"Sure enough, it is the power of the curse, but how can the ordinary power of the curse be useful to us?"

"Could it be that there is an extremely powerful existence that is eyeing us. Is it the existence that controls the power of the great curse?"

"Damn it, I'm nothing more than ants in front of that terrifying scene, why are you staring at us?"

At this moment, the Demon Lord's face changed again and again.

However, the next moment, an extremely cold light shot out from the eyes of the demon king.

Sweeping towards the void in an instant, the next moment the void suddenly split open, and two monks with majestic treasure images came out, they were the master and disciple Liao Kong who was rushing to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

The Mozun, who was extremely angry in his heart, found Master and Disciple Kong, and his eyes flashed with extremely cold killing intent.

"It was you who broke into the territory of Wanfo Temple and killed the bone demon and blood demon?"

Even though Mozun's face was very ugly at this moment, he was still incomparably domineering in the face of Master and Disciple Kong.

"Not bad!"

"I didn't expect that you monsters would dare to smear living beings unscrupulously. If you don't kill you, it will be difficult to relieve the hatred in your heart."

"Moreover, the most damning thing is that you demons actually use Buddhism to poison the Quartet. This is intolerable to me."

"Today I will destroy you!"

Liao Kong's incomparably cold eyes instantly fell on the group of demons.

As soon as the voice of Liaokong fell, before the Demon Lord had time to speak, a demon said mockingly: "You two, do you want to save us? Where do you get your confidence from? Just relying on your cultivation in the realm of the god king?"

However, facing the other party's disdain and domineering, this moment was empty, a hint of sarcasm appeared on the corner of his mouth, he looked at the other party coldly and said: "Believe it or not, if I hit you with a random blow, you will definitely die!"

In the air at this moment, he naturally felt the terrifying power of the curse on this demon. With such a terrifying power of the curse, the opponent could hardly resist. He was afraid that he would be choked to death even if he drank water. Once he made a move against the opponent, the opponent would never possible escape.

"Bald donkey, court death!"

However, when the monster heard Sora's words, it became extremely angry instantly, and shot at Sora like lightning, its body disappeared in place instantly, and the demonic aura that filled the sky seemed to cover everything.

At this moment, he was empty, with a look of disdain on his face, he didn't even bother to lock on to the other party, and pointed directly at the blank space in front of him.

At this moment, the Mozun saw Kong's attack, and his face showed a puzzled look. He didn't know what kind of nerves Kong had, and even urged his magical powers to attack Kong.

However, just as the Demon Lord's thoughts fell, the monster that exploded towards Kong was originally not far away, but at this moment, his body moved there strangely, just in time for Kong's attack.

At the same time, the power of the curse in the monster's body erupted instantly, and the power of the supernatural power was not enough to kill the monster at all.

But under the power of the terrifying curse, the monster's kung fu counterattacked in an instant, and under the casual blow of Kong Kong, its body exploded in an instant, and the demon soul was also wiped out in an instant.

"too weak!"

"After all, evil prevails over good!"

"The ancients said that the height of a demon is one foot, and the height of a road is one foot. Today, none of you demons can escape from the sky?"

After Liao Kong's voice fell at this moment, these monsters who had always been domineering and arrogant were extremely quiet.

Even in the void at this moment, the sound of breathing disappeared, and the eyes of all the demons widened. At this moment, they don't know how their companions fell. It was not because of Kong's supernatural power, but Sora's attack affected the power of the curse in his body.

All the demons felt the power of the curse in their bodies, and their hearts couldn't help trembling.

The power of the curse is like a fairy sword suspended between their eyebrows, which cannot be dodged.

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