The moment Liaokong was chanting Buddhist scriptures in the void, Li Yixi, who was sitting on Xiaobai's back with a lazy face, suddenly showed a look of envy on his face.

Behind Liaokong appeared a thousand-foot Buddha statue. Sitting cross-legged in the void, the Buddha's lights spread continuously as the Buddhist scriptures sounded. At this moment, Liaokong was like a gigantic golden sun, It was brilliant.

It's even hard to keep your eyes open.

"Good guy, this is pretending to beep!"

"Just raise your hand, wouldn't it be good to suppress them all?"

Although Li Yixi said so, he looked at Kong with jealousy.

Although Li Yixi had never practiced Buddhism, but when he heard the Buddhist scriptures of Kong, Li Yixi strangely understood what Li Kong was doing at this moment.

The Buddhist scriptures surged through the air, not only to erase the magic power in the monks' bodies, but also to evolve the river and mountains in front of them.

As the Buddhist scriptures rang continuously, Li Yixi found that strands of black air in the earth were wiped out by the Buddha's light.

Those mortals with crazy faces, completely insane, as the voice of the Buddha in the void continued to enter their ears, their bodies trembled suddenly, and they woke up.

Seeing those ragged companions around, looking at them who are skinny, and looking at the land under their feet, it is barren, and there is a blank look in their eyes, as if they don't know what they have found.

Those monks, who were cultivated, heard Kong's Buddha's voice, and their eyes turned red instantly, staring at the void like demons.

Liao Kong originally had a benevolent heart, thinking that if he could get rid of the demon seeds in these monks' bodies, he could still wake them up, but Liao Kong didn't expect that these human demon species had already merged with their bodies, and they couldn't do it at all. get rid of.

Even at this moment, a monk broke through the sky, came towards the sky without fear of death, and blew up his body.

Liao Kong was no longer attached, and Liao Kong's hands suddenly clapped out, and Buddha palms appeared all over the sky in the void. Buddha palms fell one after another, and all the temples and Buddhas were reduced to ashes.

Following Liaokong's continuous killing, it seemed that some extremely terrifying existence under the ground was alarmed.

The next moment, the earth split apart strangely, and a ferocious big hand instantly grabbed at the void in the void.

That big hand was made of white bones, and a terrifying demonic energy was wrapped around the bones. It was extremely terrifying, as if it could destroy the world.

Facing the sudden attack, Kong's expression of compassion and mercy, only seeing Kong's heaven and earth dharma, cast Arhat Fist, and blasted out with one punch.

The gigantic bone giant hand was instantly repelled.


"Who dares to be presumptuous here?"

The gigantic bone giant hand was repulsed, and the next moment, an extremely angry voice sounded from under the ground, the ground was completely split open, and a huge bone dharma appeared.

Bone Faxiang saw Liao Kong in the void, with a look of anger on his face, and the destructive supernatural powers came to suppress Kong.

Seeing the Bone Dharma Body killing him, Liao Kong's face changed slightly, because Liao Kong felt the pressure at this moment, Liao Kong didn't expect that under the earth, the Bone Dharma Body of Yingzang would be so terrifying.

It's not that the cultivation base of the Bone Dharma Body is stronger than that of Liao Kong, but that at this moment, Li Kong discovered that the core of this Bone Dharma Body actually has a relic, and it is the powerful power emanating from that relic that made him Liaokong became dignified.

"Finger at the flower!"

Seeing the Bone Dharma Body killing towards him, Liao Kong took a deep breath and pointed at the Bone Dharma Body, but at this moment, Liao Kong underestimated the Bone Dharma Body.

The extremely terrifying evil aura unexpectedly crossed the sky, entangled towards Li Yixi who was on Xiaobai's body.

At this moment, Little Phoenix and Mingkong on Xiaobai's back also had no time to react.

I saw a wisp of devilish energy falling on Li Yixi's body in an instant, but that wisp of devilish energy didn't hurt Li Yixi, and the moment it touched Li Yixi's body, it melted instantly.

At this moment, the body of white bones was approaching Liao Kong in the void, wanting to self-destruct and dragging Liao Kong to die together.

However, at this moment, the Bone Dharma Body screamed and looked at Li Yixi in horror. A golden breath enveloped it.

The Bone Dharma Body reacted in an instant, with disbelief in his eyes, and he screamed directly.

"The power of merit is impossible, how is it possible?"

The next moment, I saw the unimaginably powerful Bone Dharma Body, which was suddenly backlashed by the power of Li Yixi's merit, and raging flames instantly ignited on the body, and the extremely powerful Bone Dharma Body, in the blink of an eye, turned into The ashes, together with the demon energy in the void, also disappeared.

At this moment, the devilish energy in the crack was instantly wiped out.

"It's careless."

Liao Kong's face changed slightly, he didn't expect that the Bone Body was so terrifying.

There was a dignified look on Liao Kong's face. Liao Kong knew very well that just now there was such a terrifying white bone Dharma body, so what kind of terrifying existence existed in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

If it wasn't for Li Yixi who was following behind him, he would have been free at this moment, and he really wanted to run as fast as he could.

After fighting against the Bone Dharma Body, Liao Kong knew very well that he could never be an opponent in the core of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Because at the moment when the bone dharma body was destroyed, Liaokong felt an extremely ferocious breath erupting from a very far away place.

That incomparably terrifying aura seemed to feel that the meritorious force on Li Yixi's body disappeared in a flash, and did not approach here.

At the moment when Li Kong was anxious, he saw a smile on the corner of Li Yixi's mouth.

"I didn't expect Master Kong to be so strong. In the blink of an eye, he killed a terrifying monster. It's really enviable."

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Liaokong had a wry smile on his face, feeling a little helpless, it was Li Yixi himself who killed the Bone Dharma Body, but Li Yixi said that he was strong.

But Gao Kong didn't dare to deny it, and hastily squeezed out a smile: "My lord, it's just a fluke."

"My lord, shall we go deeper?"

"I think this Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is a little scary. Will you go there?"

After seeing the strangeness of the area where the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is located, Liao Kong felt a little nervous and asked tentatively.

Li Yixi smiled: "Haha, what are you afraid of, with a boss like you around, I'm not afraid of anything, let's go, let's go and see."

There was a bitterness on Liao Kong's face, and there was suffering beyond words.

In front of Li Yixi, he is just a weak chicken, and Li Yixi is the real boss.

Liaokong really wanted to yell, I'm really a weak chicken.

The air probe grabbed the relic and landed on Xiao Bai's body.

Li Yixi saw the Buddha's light bursting out from between Kong's fingers, his eyes showed curiosity, and he hurriedly asked: "What is this thing? It looks very holy, but why is it controlled by a monster? What is it?"

Just looking at the relic, Li Yixi found it very extraordinary.

Liao Kong hurriedly explained, "My lord, this is a relic, and the monster wants to devour this relic to strengthen itself."

"Is it a relic? This is a treasure, can I have a look?"

"I don't know what is so magical about this relic."

Li Yixi laughed hastily when he heard Kong's words.

Liaokong handed the relic to Li Yixi, seeing Li Yixi flipping through the relic, Liaokong explained: "My lord, this relic is a treasure for people in my Buddhist sect, and it is also a treasure for ordinary people." Treasures, if you carry them on your body, you will be able to generate Buddha nature in yourself, even if you are an ordinary person with mediocre aptitude, if you have relics, you may also enter Buddhism and practice Taoism."

Li Yixi, who was a little happy at first, at this moment, heard the empty saying that ordinary people who get the relics will be influenced by it to enter Buddhism and practice Taoism.

Li Yixi instantly felt that the relic in his hand was very hot.

Li Yixi felt that his childhood was very good, how could he escape into Buddhism.

He directly threw the relic in his hand to Kong, with a look of disgust on his face.

"I don't want to escape into Buddhism, this thing is for you!"

Liao Kong hurriedly caught the relic, with a look of helplessness on his face, this relic is very powerful, no matter who gets it, he will regard it as a treasure, but Li Yixi regards it as poison, which made him Kong is very helpless.

Li Kong, who had just received the relic, suddenly changed his expression.

Because at this moment, Liao Kong discovered an extremely mysterious force on the relic, and that force invaded the relic, which was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Liao Kong couldn't help but glance at Li Yixi.

There was a wry smile on his face, feeling that Li Yixi was pretending to be stupid.

Feeling the mysterious power in the relic, the anxiety in Liao Kong's heart disappeared in an instant. As long as there is that breath, no matter how evil exists in any Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, he will not be afraid.

That wisp of breath is the confidence of the sky.

Xiaobai's body broke through the air and left.

But not long after, Xiaobai stopped instantly, with fear in his eyes. In front of them, there was an extremely huge temple.

Seeing the temple in front of him, Liao Kong's pupils suddenly shrank.

"It seems very dangerous here. The monks here are probably affected by monsters, right?"

Li Yixi couldn't help muttering when he saw the temple in front of him.

"My lord, you guessed right. These monks were indeed influenced by monsters. If my guess is right, this temple used to suppress monsters, but now they are controlled by monsters. Let's deal with them first. Otherwise, if Fleeing away will cause harm to one party."

Liao Kong took a deep breath, and a serious look appeared on his face.

As we got closer to Wanfo Temple, we couldn't see any practitioners in this area. I don't know if it was because of the destruction of Dalong Temple. Now this temple is also heavily guarded.

But this is not a problem for Li Yixi and others, they want to go in, no one can stop them.

Xiaobai instantly displayed his magical powers and entered the temple unimpeded. It was strange that the temple seemed very deserted, and even made people feel defeated.

However, at this moment, Liao Kong's eyes showed a dignified look. Not long after entering the temple, he felt that the ferocious Buddha statues in the temple seemed to come to life.

The moment everyone entered the pagoda, Liao Kong showed anger, because at this moment, Liao Kong saw more than a dozen monks sacrifice living people to monsters.

In the pagoda, there are countless bones.

At this moment, the magic spell cast by Xiaobai was instantly shattered, and the powerful and terrifying aura of the monk exploded directly, his face became ferocious, and his eyes were as red as blood.

"I didn't expect that there would be living people breaking into this place. It just so happens that there is no tribute, so I will take you as a tribute for sacrifice today."

These monks who were originally majestic and majestic turned into demons in an instant.

Liao Kong's face changed slightly, even though Liao Kong was always vigilant, the attack of these monks was too terrifying, a total of more than [-] monks came from all directions.

"Sacrificing people, damn it, kill them all."

At this moment, Li Yixi's face was full of anger, and his voice sounded, and Liao Kong suddenly felt a terrifying power enter his body.

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