Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 981 Heading to Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple

After a short period of happiness, the emperor of Song Dynasty showed a serious look on his face.

His eyes fell on Zhao Limin, and then he scanned the rest of the civil and military officials.

The civil and military officials saw that the Emperor Song had calmed down at this moment, with a solemn expression on his face, and each of them hurriedly stopped their voices, and the whole hall became quiet.

The Emperor of Song Dynasty took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Everyone, now that the Dalong Temple has been destroyed, our Great Song Kingdom has saved half of the country, but it is only half of the country. It is not only the Dalong Temple that endangers our Great Song Kingdom. .”

"The Dalong Temple occupies the fertile land south of the Great Song Kingdom, but the Wanfo Temple also occupies half of our Great Song Kingdom."

"Although Dalong Temple has been destroyed now, the means left by the master have also been exhausted. Now we are powerless to deal with Wanfo Temple. If Wanfo Temple knows that our Great Song Kingdom has no means, I am afraid that our Great Song Kingdom will be in danger."

All the civil and military officials above the main hall heard the words of the Emperor Song at this moment, and heard the three words Ten Thousand Buddhas, all of them showed nervous expressions on their faces. The Dalong Temple is terrible, but in their eyes, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple Even more unshakable.

The Dalong Temple also wanted to control the royal family to control the land in the south of the Yangtze River, but the Wanfo Temple directly ignored the royal family of the Song Dynasty with more domineering methods, and completely occupied the fertile land in the north of the Song Dynasty.

Hearing this, Zhao Limin above the main hall suddenly said: "Father, the means left by the master are not only the words "return me rivers and mountains."

"There is one more article."

"This article and its mystery should be enough to suppress the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple."

"Maybe this article was left by an expert to target Wanfo Temple."

Zhao Limin's voice fell, and he hurriedly took out Man Jianghong from his arms.

It unfolded slowly in front of everyone, and in the next moment, golden lights burst out on the paper, and those words contained terrifying and incomparable power of the Great Dao.

The moment they saw those words, everyone in the hall felt a wave of anger.

At this moment, I really feel angry.

The Emperor of the Song Dynasty murmured to himself: "Burning with anger, leaning on the railing, the drizzle is resting, looking up, screaming to the sky, with a fierce back, thirty fame and dust, eight hundred miles of roads, clouds and moons, don't wait, the boy is white." The head is empty and sad, Jingkang is ashamed, it is still snowing, the courtiers hate, when will it be destroyed, drive a long cart, step through the gate of Helan Mountain, eat the meat of the barbarians hungry with ambition, laugh and talk about drinking the blood of the Xiongnu, wait to start all over again, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky. "

At this moment, especially the generals in the main hall, the blood boiled in their chests, and the fear of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple disappeared in their hearts, replaced by endless fighting spirit.

I can't wait to kill Wanfo Temple now and completely destroy it.

The Emperor Song came to his senses in an instant, and shouted loudly, "Li Min, put it away quickly."

"Once unfolded, the power of the Dao above is dissipating. Although the father's strength is not strong, you can still feel it."

Zhao Limin heard his father's words, and hurriedly put away Man Jianghong in front of him.

There was a touch of excitement on his face, and he looked at the Emperor Song and said, "Father, I think this article can deal with the Wanfo Temple, so the emperor will go to the north to completely destroy the Wanfo Temple and clean up the old mountains and rivers. "

All civil and military officials heard Zhao Limin's words, and they all looked excited.

"My emperor, at the end of the day, please go with the crown prince, and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple will be destroyed."

"I'll wait for the second."

"I'm waiting for a second opinion!"

At this moment, the officials were furious, and they wished that the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple would be hacked into pieces right now.

However, the Emperor Song shook his head when he saw these people.

"Everyone, I know your determination. You also want to destroy the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple and clean up the old mountains and rivers."

"But we can't."

"If this last bit of background is completely lost, then our Great Song Kingdom will return to the previous period when it was slaughtered by others."

"Presumably you also feel that this article contains the power of the Great Dao. If such a strong sword can let my son Limin understand the practice, the cultivation base will definitely improve by leaps and bounds."

"Only with enough strength can you be in charge of the universe."

"Now the spiritual energy of the world is constantly recovering, everything is different."

"Strength is the kingly way, and it is the foundation to protect the people of the world."

"Now the royal families of all nations are being suppressed, monsters are rampant, and the people who suffer are not only the people of my Song Dynasty!"

The civil and military officials and Zhao Limin, who were originally excited, suddenly changed their expressions when they heard the words of the Emperor Song. They also woke up instantly at this moment. mind.

So what if the Ten Thousand Buddha Temple is destroyed, if there is not enough strength, then the second Ten Thousand Buddha Temple and the third Ten Thousand Buddha Temple will continue to appear.

The royal family, hundreds of officials, and the people of the Song Dynasty will still be enslaved by those powerful beings.

Only with a strong enough cultivation can he save himself and protect the people of the world.

"My emperor is wise."

Above the main hall at this moment, all civil and military officials hurriedly saluted.

Zhao Limin was originally excited and wanted to go to the north to destroy the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, but at this moment Zhao Limin also woke up instantly.

Zhao Limin is very clear that if Wanfo Temple is destroyed, the danger will be resolved in a short period of time, but what about the future.

At this moment, Zhao Limin instantly thought of Li Yixi who he met in Yushan Building.

Although half of the country was stabilized, Zhao Limin couldn't stand the thought of the people in the north who were still suffering. He wanted to go to the Yushan Building to see if he could still meet Li Yixi, and hoped that Li Yixi would help save the people of Song Dynasty.

"Father, Huang'er got the chance today at the Imperial Restaurant. Huang'er wants to go to the Imperial Restaurant to see if he can still meet the expert. If the expert has not left, maybe I can ask the expert to destroy the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple for us. Clean up the old mountains and rivers."

"Although it is unlikely, the emperor wants to give it a try."

When the Emperor Song heard Zhao Limin's words, his eyes lit up instantly.

"Okay, go and try it!"

"If we can completely save the people of our Great Song Dynasty, that would be our great Song Dynasty's blessing."

The Great Song Emperor clenched his fists with excitement on his face.

"The emperor will leave."

Zhao Limin hurriedly saluted, exited the main hall, and went to the imperial restaurant.

In the Yushan Building, Li Yixi and the others were full at the moment, with a smile on their faces.

Li Yixi smiled and said: "You are so powerful, why don't we go to the Wanfo Temple to see how overbearing those monks are."

"Facing the unscrupulous enslavement of the people, it seems that the monks there are really possessed."

Liao Kong has always been sitting on pins and needles, after all, he is a member of the Buddhist sect, and now there are people from the Buddhist sect who have entered the world and caused disasters, Liao Kong has long wished to directly kill them and destroy them.

Hearing Li Yixi's words now, Qiao Kong nodded hastily.

"Young master is saying that a monk has become a demon, he is even more hateful than a demon, and he even wears the cloak of Buddhism to commit crimes, which is absolutely intolerable."

Hearing Kong's words, Li Yixi's eyes could not help but brighten.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple to find out why the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple has become enchanted."

"Let's go!"

After finishing the words, everyone wanted to go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple after they left the Imperial Dining Building.

Just at this moment, Zhao Limin rushed to the Yushan Building, and just met Li Yixi who came out.

Li Yixi didn't expect to meet Zhao Limin again when he was about to leave, with a smile on his face.

"Little guy, I didn't expect that we would meet again."

"it's fate!"

"Work hard and be a good emperor!"

Li Yixi looked at Zhao Limin in front of him with a smile, and patted Zhao Limin's head again.

When Zhao Limin heard Li Yixi's words, his body shook suddenly. He wanted to ask Li Yixi to destroy the Wanfo Temple, but when he heard that Li Yixi wanted to make himself a good emperor, a good emperor should protect all people in the world. , Zhao Limin swallowed the words in his mouth.

When Li Yixi saw Zhao Limin, he hesitated to speak, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, little guy, not all monks in the world are bad people, these two beside me are the real eminent monks of Buddhism."

"Today, I heard that there is a scum in the Buddhist sect of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, causing troubles in the world. Let's go to find out. If the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple really harbors evil intentions, Master Liaokong will definitely destroy it."

The moment Zhao Limin wanted to speak, Li Yixi naturally sensed what Zhao Limin was thinking, but he was a mortal, so he could only turn his eyes to Kong for help.


"I didn't expect such a scum to appear in my Buddhist sect. It seems that I have fallen into a demon. I will go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple to solve the crisis of the Song Dynasty, but it will depend on you to govern the world in the future."

Liao Kong smiled at Zhao Limin.

"Thank you, Master!"

At this moment, Zhao Limin was ecstatic.

Looking at Li Yixi with even more fanatical gaze, Zhao Limin did not expect that his heart would be seen through by Li Yixi in an instant.

Li Yixi became even taller in Zhao Limin's heart.

At this moment Li Yixi was very proud.

"Maybe this is what it feels like to be a hero!"


Immediately afterwards, Xiaobai revealed his true body and turned into a white phoenix, carrying Li Yixi to the north where the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is located.

It wasn't until Li Yixi disappeared into the sky that Zhao Limin looked back in shock.

The corners of his mouth trembled slightly, "Feng, that's Bai Feng, the legendary beast."

"Such a terrifying beast turned out to be the mount of an expert. If an expert goes to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple today, even those monster monks in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple will surely die."

"The people of my Great Song Kingdom are finally saved."

"However, even if the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is destroyed, we still need to work hard, otherwise, it will be difficult to restore prosperity to that fertile land."

"Sure enough, in this world, strength is the real foundation."

"Everything else is nothing!"

"Only with enough strength can you bless all the people in the world and kill demons."

"The peerless master passed on my supernatural powers of Tai Chi, I must work hard to practice, to protect the people of the Great Song Dynasty, and protect the people of the world."

At this very moment, the young Zhao Limin clenched his fists, looked towards the sky, and made an oath.

In the void, Xiaobai carried Li Yixi into the north. Looking down from the void, you can see countless glorious temples, but there are still countless mortals building temples. The fertile land is barren.

Li Yixi could see many mortals being starved to death, but each one of them seemed to be possessed by a demon, showing fanaticism towards those monks.

Seeing this scene, Li Yixi frowned.

He said coldly: "Sure enough, this is a group of demon monks who have used some evil means to make these mortals bewitched, damn it."

"And in this place, I sense an aura of disgust."

At this moment, Liao Kong said with an angry face, "Young master is right. These monks have become demons, and they used evil methods to control these mortals. The crime is serious. Today I will save them."

Liaokong sat cross-legged in the void, and a wooden fish appeared beside him. In the void, a mysterious and incomparable Buddha's light came down from the void.

In the void, the empty heaven and earth dharma appeared, like a fairy Buddha.

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