Looking at the changes in front of him, Zhao Limin's eyes widened.

Zhao Limin never thought that just four words would have the power to change the world.

The scene in front of him, even if Zhao Limin witnessed it with his own eyes, felt extremely illusory.

Zhao Limin never imagined that the Dalong Temple, which was uneasy by the powerful and boundless suppression of the entire Great Song royal family, would disappear without a trace in an instant under the words, and be buried in the endless abyss.

Those mortals outside the Dalong Temple saw the complete disappearance of the Dalong Temple, and involuntarily revealed a touch of panic in their eyes.

The next moment, one after another of figures knelt down in an instant. There were old people, children, women, and men. At this moment, the eyes of all of them showed panic.

No one thought that those four words would be so shocking.

Unexpectedly, the young Zhao Limin brought four words, which directly overturned Dalong Temple and changed the world here.

Even those mortals who have been worshiping Dalong Temple are extremely nervous.

Outside the gate of Dalong Temple, there are countless temples. At this moment, the bodies of the monks in those temples trembled uncontrollably.


"Absolutely impossible. I am the strongest existence in Dalong Temple. How could everything be erased in the blink of an eye?"

He shook his head frantically, but the horror on his face didn't disappear.

These monks couldn't accept it. They didn't expect that Dalong Temple was so powerful, with huge followers and countless treasures, but it was destroyed by four words in an instant.

Zhao Limin, who was a little uneasy in his heart, saw the scene in front of him and woke up. He was surprised and happy, and his whole body was trembling.

Zhao Limin has only one thought now.

Peerless expert.

That mysterious young man is an incredible peerless expert, a peerless expert who is more terrifying than gods.

However, compared to Zhao Limin's excitement at this moment, those scattered Dalong Temple monks were all afraid, frightened, trembling, and couldn't believe it.

All kinds of emotions surged.

At the same time, at this moment, Zhao Limin did not realize that although the four characters had disappeared, and the phantom of Li Yixi in the void also slowly dissipated, at this moment, a mysterious force spread instantly. , those mortals, the surviving monks, a black energy instantly disappeared without a trace.

The bodies of those monks and mortals trembled at this moment, as if they were just waking up from a big dream.

Looking at the barren land around, looking at the prosperity of the past, disappearing, one by one seems to be in a dream.

But immediately, various memories of these years surfaced, and anger and remorse appeared in the eyes of each one.

Before they worshiped Dalong Temple very much, but at this moment they only had hatred in their hearts.


This word appeared in everyone's mind at this moment.

After waking up, everyone knew that this Dalong Temple was not a Buddha, but a demon.

Thinking of the phantom that appeared before, each and everyone's eyes were full of excitement.


Raise your head three feet and there is a god.

If you write four words while raising your hand, the unshakable Dalong Temple will be destroyed. In the eyes of these people, Li Yixi is an omnipotent god.

After the monks in those temples came to their senses, they said with a look of remorse: "I have fallen into the devil, suffered the world, and harmed the people. I am guilty."

"From now on, with the body of sin, with the remaining life, protect all beings."

The Dalong Temple was destroyed, and some practitioners around had a look of excitement on their faces.

"It's no wonder that the Great Song Kingdom dared to attack Dalong Temple. It turns out that the Great Song Kingdom has been blessed with an unimaginable existence."

"Since then, this group of demon monks has been wiped out, and this Jiangnan has ushered in a new life."

"My Taoism can also be passed down!"

These cultivators let out a sigh of relief, and they were extremely relaxed. Although they were not weak before, they felt uneasy under the suppression of these monstrous monks in the Great Buddha Temple.

Even the disciples in the sect became monks one by one, causing the lineage of the sect to be almost cut off. Seeing the complete destruction of the Dalong Temple at this moment, each of them finally felt much more relaxed.

The excited Zhao Limin saw complete success at this moment, and his body appeared in those scattered temples.

His cold eyes fell on those monks.

"You can be convicted."

The trace of demonic energy in those monks disappeared, and their faces instantly showed sorrow, and they prostrated themselves on the ground in remorse.

"After we realize our sin, from now on, we will take saving all living beings as our duty, and pray for the protection of Buddha for the people of the world."

Not only did these people's demonic energy disappear, but they were also afraid, how dare they confront the Great Song Kingdom.

Although these monks have some strength, but the scene just now is very clear, the end of the stubborn resistance will definitely be suppressed under the Nine Nethers, and they will not be allowed to go beyond life.

Seeing that these monks surrendered completely, and some monks even destroyed the temple with their hands, Zhao Limin finally showed a smile on his face.

At the same time, the coercion in the void dissipated into nothingness, and the general trend of suppression on everyone also slowly disappeared.

When everything returned to normal, everyone seemed to have had a dream.

But everyone's clothes were already drenched with sweat, as if they were fished out of the water.

The monks looked at each other with horror on their faces.

Thinking of that phantom of Li Yixi in the void, they couldn't help but tremble in their souls.

Su Xiuyi Xuying wrote down the four words "Return my rivers and mountains", suppressing everything and subverting everything.

In their eyes, Su Xiuyi was a god.

Zhao Limin took a deep breath, and his voice echoed in the void: "Within one month, I want you to destroy 90% of the temples, and those who should return to the vulgar. If there is a delay, there will be no mercy."

Those monks scattered outside were kneeling on the ground one by one at this moment, tremblingly responded, "I will wait for orders."

The moment these words were said, these monks looked pained.

Although they are now sober, these temples are their fate in their eyes, but now they dare not disobey them at all.

"At the same time, as practitioners, you must use the clouds to spread the rain, and use your supreme magic power to rebuild the barren south of the Yangtze River into prosperity."

After leaving this sentence, Zhao Limin left here.

Zhao Limin was full of joy, and went to the capital. Zhao Limin couldn't wait to share the joy in his heart with his father.

At the same time, Zhao Limin also knew that if he didn't tell his father the news here, his father would still be in anxiety at this moment. After all, monk Huiming died in the palace of the imperial capital.

In the Great Song Palace, the Great Song Emperor was sitting on the dragon chair at the moment, with a smile on his face.

Everything has been arranged, and some clansmen of the royal family have arranged for the strong to be sent out. As for whether they can escape and ascend to heaven, they can only resign themselves to fate.

But the Emperor Song didn't run away, because he knew that if he also ran away, then those monstrous monks would definitely chase after him, and no one could escape.

Moreover, the emperor of the Song Dynasty felt that the king died in Sheji, even if he died, he would die in the palace.

In the main hall, there were many civil and military officials, and these officials chose to accompany them.

Above the main hall, at this moment, there are a lot of delicious food and wine, and everyone has put life and death aside, drinking to their heart's content here.

Everything has been arranged properly, as for the fate, it is up to fate.

Choose to drink happily at the last time.

However, at the moment when everyone was happy, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and Zhao Limin, who had already left, suddenly appeared in the hall.

"The child pays respects to the father."

Zhao Limin had a happy expression on his face.

However, the originally happy Emperor Song froze when he heard Zhao Limin's words, as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt.

The smiling civil and military officials froze in an instant. The reason why they drank happily here was because they thought that Zhao Limin had left, and with Zhao Limin in the future, everything would be lost and regained, but they never thought that at this moment Zhao Liming came back unexpectedly.

One by one, it was like being bitten by lightning.

"Li Min, why are you back?"

"Don't you understand what the father said?"

"You are the hope of my Great Song Kingdom. Only if you survive can the entire Great Song Kingdom have hope. Otherwise, the entire Great Song Kingdom will be enslaved by those monster monks."

"Get out, get out of here!"

"A lot of time has passed now. If my guess is correct, those demon monks from Dalong Temple will arrive at the palace soon."

"When the time comes, the entire palace will be filled with blood. We people have already arranged everything, and we have already put life and death aside, but you can't do it. You have to leave. Get out, get out of here."

At this moment, the Great Song Emperor completely collapsed, and Zhao Limin was the last hope, but now it is very likely that the last hope will turn into despair, after all, according to the time, those demon monks from Dalong Temple should be arriving at the palace soon.

"His Royal Highness, go, go!"

"As long as you survive, there is hope. In the entire Great Song Kingdom, there is hope for hundreds of millions of people!"

"If you follow those of us who are dying here and die here, then hundreds of millions of people in the Great Song Kingdom will be completely enslaved, no longer free, and will fall into the abyss of misery."

"Go, let's go!"

"You bastard, what are you doing here, get out!"

Those generals glared directly and roared regardless of Zhao Limin's identity.

Seeing angry eyes and angry voices, Zhao Limin felt very warm inside.

"Everyone, please listen to me!"

"Dalong Temple has been destroyed, our Great Song Kingdom is safe for the time being, half of the country is completely stable."

"Otherwise I, Zhao Limin, would not dare to return, because returning recklessly will only disappoint everyone and plunge hundreds of millions of people into the abyss of misery."

After Zhao Limin's voice fell, everyone's eyes widened in an instant, as if they had hallucinations. In their eyes, the Dalong Temple was an invincible behemoth. However, they heard from Zhao Limin's mouth that the Dalong Temple was destroyed. up.

The whole hall became quiet in an instant, and Zhao Limin also believed that these people would not believe it, after all, Dalong Temple had already formed an invincible image in everyone's heart.

Zhao Limin waved his hand, and at this moment, a light curtain appeared in the void, which was the scene of the destruction of Dalong Temple.

It was Zhao Limin who stayed on purpose.

Seeing the scene in front of them, no matter whether it was the civil and military officials or the emperor of Song Dynasty, all of them stared wide-eyed. They never thought that a phantom could have such terrifying power, and wiped out the invincible dragon with just a wave of their hands. temple.

The Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty trembled violently, and burst into tears instantly, "Dalong Temple, these beasts are finally dead."

At this moment, all the civil and military officials in the hall believed Zhao Limin's words.

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