Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 975 The Book of the Great Dao

At the top of the mountain, there was a gigantic tiger. The moment Xiaobai fell down, the tiger swished and trembled, but as the endless Buddha light erupted, a touch of excitement appeared in the eyes of that tiger. color.

Because at this moment, the escaping Buddha light and Zen spirit entered the body of this fierce tiger. It was just a ferocious tiger, not even a demon.

But this fierce tiger soon opened up its spiritual intelligence and became a demon Buddha, and as Ming Kong continued to recite the scriptures, the tiger's cultivation level rose at an extremely terrifying speed.

If people saw the speed of that increase, they would definitely be so scared that their eyeballs would pop out.

Xiaobai didn't interrupt the tiger's practice, and even at this moment, Xiaobai injected some Buddha light and Zen into the body of the white tiger. After all, this is the tiger's territory, and it can be regarded as a reward for him.

This time the practice time was not short, a full six hours of practice.

It wasn't until Mingkong suddenly realized that his voice was a little hoarse that he stopped.

After he stopped reading Buddhist scriptures and opened his eyes, Ming Kong underwent an unimaginable transformation.

Mingkong's body was surrounded by the incomparably holy Buddha light. At this moment, Mingkong's body and mind became extremely peaceful.

Even if Mingkong stopped for a moment, there were still Buddha sounds lingering on the top of the mountain, which lasted for a long time.

This mountain peak also turned golden at this moment. Ming Kong's six-hour reading of Buddhist scriptures not only resulted in a terrifying improvement in the tiger's cultivation, but on this mountain peak, at this moment, many of the plants and trees became elves .

The mountain peak is also filled with a faint golden light.

Xiaobai also opened his eyes, and felt that Mingkong put away the sheepskin roll, and the pressure on Xiaobai disappeared. There were too many practitioners around this mountain, so Xiaobai didn't stay here, but went away through the sky.

After Xiao Bai broke through the air and left, before the monk had time to rush up, the fierce tiger with its eyes closed slowly opened its eyes.

At this moment, in the eyes of this fierce tiger, there are two Buddha figures strangely appearing in those eyes.

The Buddhist voices surrounded by the mountaintop turned into phantom images of scriptures in an instant, and the tiger opened its mouth and swallowed it violently.

In the void of this mountain peak, a huge vortex appeared, and that vortex swallowed all the phantoms of Buddhist scriptures into its mouth in an instant.

At the same time, the golden Buddha phantom in the void also slowly dissipated.

The surrounding Buddha light and Zen spirit also disappeared instantly.

Devouring everything around it, at one moment, the gigantic tiger changed strangely at the next moment.

I saw the ferocious head of the tiger slowly turning into a gigantic human head, and his limbs also gradually changed.

That fur turned into a cassock.

This gigantic tiger turned into a monk, surrounded by a terrifying Buddha light.

"Thank you Buddha for appearing."

The tiger transformed into a monk put his palms together and bowed in the direction where Bai Feng was leaving.

The next moment, his body floated up, and with a wave of his big hand, streams of Buddha's light entered the bodies of the elves made of vegetation on this mountain peak.

A strange scene appeared, under the watchful eyes of those monks under the mountain peak, those grass and tree elves turned into monks one by one.

At the same time, an even more frightening scene appeared. As the demon Buddha floating on the top of the mountain performed its supernatural powers, the mountain continued to change, and this mountain turned into a huge golden pagoda.

The endless Buddha light wraps around this golden pagoda, which looks extremely holy.

The monks' eyes widened with horror on their faces, but they knew very well that the opportunity had been absorbed by the elves on this mountain.

One by one, they bowed to the golden pagoda and left through the air.

Even though they are extremely greedy, they know that they are not the monk opponents who have cultivated from the fierce tiger.

But Ming Kong didn't know all this at all.

At this moment, Mingkong smiled and suddenly the smile on his face froze.

Mingkong's expression was unbelievable, because at this moment, Mingkong was horrified to find that his cultivation base had been greatly improved, and Mingkong felt that it was an illusion.

The corners of Mingkong's mouth trembled violently, and he murmured in disbelief: "It's possible, absolutely impossible. How could it be possible for me to suddenly reach the realm of the Golden Immortal?"

"Not long ago, I wasn't even a virtual immortal, why did I have such a terrifying cultivation in just a moment?"

"This unscientific?"

"This must be an illusion, otherwise, how could it be possible to improve the cultivation base so terrifyingly?"

"The cultivation base of Jinxian is enough to be the domain master of the fairyland even in some fairylands."

The little Phoenix at the side, seeing Ming Kong at this moment as if possessed by a demon, couldn't help giggling.

"Little monk, you are so interesting!"

"Sister, let me tell you, all this is not an illusion."

"But real."

"Your cultivation base has indeed reached the realm of the Golden Immortal."

"And it's because your foundation is too weak, otherwise, you are more than just a golden fairy."

"Which Zen and Buddha rhymes are hidden in your flesh and blood, as long as you continue to accumulate and practice, your cultivation will soar at an unimaginable speed."

"My sister tells you that the greatest opportunity for you today is not the improvement of your cultivation, but the Buddha that condenses those Zen thoughts into your body."

"If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself."

"Of course, if you want to find out clearly now, then you can go and see your heart."

When Little Phoenix's voice fell, Mingkong's body trembled suddenly, because Mingkong knew that Little Phoenix was Li Yixi's disciple, at this moment Mingkong's eyes suddenly fell on the volume of Buddhist scriptures in his hand.

Mingkong took a deep breath and felt his heart.

The next moment, Mingkong suddenly opened his eyes, with an unbelievable expression on his face, because just now Mingkong discovered that a Buddha appeared in his heart, and that Buddha was formed by the condensation of Buddhism and Zen.

Seeing Ming Kong at this moment, Xiao Fenghuang was so shocked, and said with a smile: "Sister didn't lie to you."

"Little monk, practice hard, don't disappoint my master's good intentions."

"But today I also have to thank you, because you have benefited us by reading the Buddhist scriptures aloud."

"Your master has benefited a lot today."

After Ming Kong heard what Little Phoenix said, his eyes instantly fell on Liao Kong who was beside him. Ming Kong had an unbelievable expression at the moment, because Ming Kong discovered that Kong's body was coated with a Buddha's light.

It became extremely scary, even if Liao Kong didn't activate his mana, Ming Kong still felt as if he could kill his master at any time.

Leaving at this moment also slowly opened his eyes.


"I didn't expect to get such an opportunity today."

The corner of Kong's mouth involuntarily showed a smile.

Little Fenghuang couldn't help pursing her mouth, and said with a little jealousy: "Monk, this is an opportunity that my master gave to your disciple, but you are so willing to accept it."

"If I were you, I would definitely dig out the relic that is condensed from today's Buddhism in my body."

"After all, this thing belongs to your disciple's opportunity!"

Hearing Xiao Fenghuang's words, he opened his mouth and said.

"The benefactor is right. The relic in my body was indeed made because of my disciple. It has given me an unimaginable improvement today."

"Let me ascend to the sky in one step and turn into a god and Buddha."

"At the same time, I have integrated all the profound meanings of the Buddhist scriptures bestowed on me by my son in the past, and I have achieved today's relic."

"There is a reason for any arrangement of the young master. I think it is because the three brothers of the Long family established Lingshan in Xitian, and I told you before that Tianlong Temple is willing to go to Lingshan to assist. Maybe it is because of this that the young master gave me the opportunity. After all, I His cultivation base is too weak, even if he went to Lingshan, how can he help."

"From now on, my Tianlong Temple will be integrated into Lingshan."

"The donor doesn't have to envy my harvest today, the donor's harvest is no worse than mine."

Liao Kong's gaze involuntarily fell on the golden book in front of Little Phoenix.

Liao Kong's strength has been greatly improved, and he felt the incomparably powerful power of Dao on the golden book in front of Little Phoenix.

Liaokong knew very well that the book in front of little phoenix was not an ordinary book, but the book of the great way of little phoenix.

That book, which usually looks ordinary, is the carrier of Little Phoenix.

To be precise, every page of this book carries a magical power of Little Phoenix.

Seeing Kong's gaze, Little Phoenix put away the book of Dao in an instant, and stopped talking.

Mingkong couldn't help but took a deep breath, with an expression of disbelief on his face, at this moment, Mingkong believed everything.

Liao Kong's eyes fell on Ming Kong, and said with a smile: "Ming Kong, you have to remember that nothing has ever happened, so don't be too afraid of the young master, just treat the young master as the young master of an ordinary wealthy family, and the young master likes it." Live as a mortal, remember that."

After the words fell, Liao Kong continued to practice.

There was a storm in Ming Kong's heart, and he carefully put away the Buddhist scriptures in his hand.

Calm down.

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