A look of shock on Kong Kong's face.

But at this moment, Ming Kong seemed as if nothing had happened.

Ming Kong only had one feeling, as he kept opening this Buddhist scripture, his heart became more and more quiet.

All of Mingkong's body and mind fell on the sheepskin scroll in his hand at this moment, as if at this moment, the sheepskin scroll in his hand held a fatal temptation, and Mingkong fell deeply into it.

The moment the parchment was opened, scriptures emerged one by one, and which scriptures seemed to have vitality.

The golden light burst out from the Buddhist scriptures.

On Baifeng's body, it seemed that a terrible treasure was born, and the rich golden light instantly filled the void.

Little Phoenix, who didn't care at all, turned his head at this moment and looked at the Buddhist scriptures in Ming Kong's hands in disbelief. Little Phoenix never thought that the volume of Buddhist scriptures actually contained such a terrifying Buddhist meaning.


"how can that be?"

"This Buddhist scripture actually contains such a terrifying Buddhist rhyme."

"All this time, I haven't found out that Master is practicing Buddhism!"

"But why does the volume of Buddhist scriptures that the master randomly took out contain such terrible Buddhist teachings?"

"Which scriptures actually contain such terrible Buddhist meanings, and those Buddhist scriptures seem to be alive."

Little Phoenix was so frightened that his body trembled slightly, and his expression was unbelievable, because at the moment when the Buddhist scriptures were constantly being opened by Ming Kong, Little Phoenix discovered that those Buddhist scriptures were no longer filled with the terrifying light of Buddha, but those Buddhist scriptures turned into For a miniature Buddha.

Xiaobai, who was flying with the crowd, couldn't help but tremble at this moment, extremely horrified, Xiaobai never thought that the Buddhist scriptures that Li Yixi randomly gave away would be so terrifying.

Before, Xiaobai was extremely relaxed, but as Ming Kong kept opening the parchment, even if Xiaobai was extremely powerful, flying at this moment became extremely difficult. Xiaobai felt that at this moment, he seemed to be carrying an unimaginable Buddha in general.

"This, what is this thing? Why is it so terrifying? I feel that what I am carrying is not just a few people, but an unimaginable god and Buddha."

"My pressure does not come from the master, but from that Buddhist scripture, because every time the master travels and rides me, he will restrain the breath on his body, and will never let the breath escape."

"I didn't expect Mingkong to be favored by the master. It seems that this kid will achieve unimaginable future achievements. The profound meaning of Buddhism contained in this Buddhist scripture is very terrifying."

At this moment, Mingkong didn't know anything, and his whole body was immersed in the Buddhist scriptures, with a smile on his face involuntarily.

The whole person looks very much like a holy Buddha.

On Bai Feng's back, he couldn't help reading.

"Namo, Holatana, Duolayeye, Nanmo, Alaye, Polujiedi, Shuobalaye, Bodhisattva, Mahasattva, Maha, Galuni Gaya, Om, Sa Bo La Fei Yi, Shu Tan Na Ta writing, Nan Wu, Xi Ji Li Tuan, Imon A La Ye, Po Lu Ji Di, Shi Fu La Leng Tuo Po, Nan Wu, Na La Jin Chi , Xili Maha, Ba Duo Sha Baa, Sa Po Ata, Dou Shupeng, Ah Si Yun, Sa Po Sa Duo, Namo Po Sa Duo, Namo Poga, and Mo Fei Te Dou."

At the moment of Liaokong, when he heard Mingkong chanting Buddhist scriptures, a look of horror appeared on his face.

Originally, at this moment, as Ming Kong continued to open the Buddhist scriptures, the scriptures on the Buddhist scriptures almost sucked Kong's soul into it.

Fortunately, at the moment when Ming Kong chanted the Buddhist scriptures, the supreme profound meaning contained in the Buddhist scriptures instantly let Kong escape from it.

Hearing Mingkong recite the Buddhist scriptures aloud, Liaokong's body couldn't help trembling. At this moment, Liaokong seemed to be enlightened. He has practiced so far. He has read too many Buddhist scriptures and practiced too much. Dharma, but the Dharma practiced by Liaokong has never been integrated.

But at this moment, as Ming Kong continued to read aloud, Liao Kong Maosai suddenly realized, as if there was a big Buddha, explaining the Tao for himself.

Above Ming Kong's body, a terrifying Buddha's light erupted. In this sky, at this moment, a terrifying and terrifying phantom of Buddha appeared. The phantom of Buddha was as huge as a thousand feet.

It seems to be able to suppress a world.

At this moment, Liaokong was also shrouded by the terrifying Buddha light. Liaokong, who was extremely excited, was enveloped by the Buddha light, and his heart couldn't help but calm down. At this moment, Liaokong's Dharma soared at an unimaginable speed.

Originally, the Dharma was extremely profound, but at this moment there was another transformation, the whole person became more holy, and the cassock on his body seemed to be coated with a golden light at this moment.

The whole person seems to be an unimaginable Buddha.

Xiaobai, who was already extremely difficult to fly, became more stressed at this moment as Ming Kong continued to recite Buddhist scriptures. At this moment, Xiaobai seemed to be carrying a mountain of Buddha on his back.

"No, I can't hold on anymore!"

"Although this is the supreme Buddhist scripture, it has nothing to do with our practice, but I also feel that this Buddhist scripture can keep my heart at peace. My Baifeng clan, although I have the blood of a divine beast, actually belongs to the demon clan."

"The monster race is naturally bloodthirsty. At the same time, we also have another name, that is the supreme beast."

"At this moment, the ferocious aura in my body is continuously disappearing. This is also an extremely terrifying opportunity for me."

"And the master said that the Buddha is the way."

"Everything has something in common."

Bai Feng landed on a mountain.

Bai Feng also involuntarily fell into the practice, absorbing the Buddha's light, so that the ferocious aura in his body continued to disappear.

The little phoenix on Baifeng's back didn't cultivate, but at this moment, the little phoenix was extremely excited. At this moment, a book appeared in the hands of the little phoenix.

This book is covered in gold, this book contains the supreme avenue of little phoenix, following Li Yixi's side to practice, little phoenix practiced not only the avenue of the Phoenix clan, but also countless avenues of little phoenix.

Little Phoenix slowly opened the huge book in his hand.

"Great chance, great chance. I never thought that I would have such a chance to travel with Master this time. Although I have many paths, I haven't had the Buddha way yet."

"This scripture contains endless profound meanings, and today I can open the way of Buddhism."

I saw little phoenix waving his big hand, and a terrifying scene appeared, I saw that the void was cut by little phoenix with terrifying means.

If the little phoenix hadn't stretched his magical powers to stabilize the sky, this moment would definitely cause the space to collapse.

The piece of sky that was cut by the little phoenix was continuously shrunk by the little phoenix's incomparable magical powers. At the same time, countless gods appeared in front of the little phoenix at this moment. The moment these gods appeared, Countless divine lights shot straight into the nine heavens.

Even if any one of these things is revealed, it will cause the infinite powerhouses to fight for it.

But at this moment, the little phoenix seemed to be free of money, displaying incomparably profound magical powers to continuously fuse these fetishes with the sliced ​​sky.

At the same time, a hammer appeared in Little Phoenix's hand, and this hammer was instantly swung wildly by Little Phoenix. At this moment, Little Phoenix seemed to be transformed into a god-level craftsman.

Soon, the sliced ​​sky and those supreme objects were quickly forged by the little phoenix into a golden book leaf.

At this moment, the little phoenix instantly integrated that page into his golden ancient book.

After completing this step, the little Phoenix at this moment took a deep breath, suppressing the joy in his heart.

The page of Little Phoenix looks ordinary, but it is extremely powerful. I saw Little Phoenix activating the formula, and the terrifying Buddha light around him kept flying towards that golden page.

As time passed, a portrait of Buddha appeared on the page.

That Buddha is not an ordinary Buddha, but the supreme Buddhadharma contained in this scripture, which is condensed.

This is also the supernatural power obtained by Little Phoenix today.

Mingkong couldn't stop at this moment, with a refined smile on the corner of his mouth, he read aloud over and over again.

The place where the white phoenix landed was not a wilderness, and the Buddha's light soaring into the sky attracted all eyes at this moment.

"Buddha's light, that's Buddha's light."

"Moreover, there is a thousand-foot-thousand-foot golden Buddha phantom in the void. What kind of treasure appeared on that mountain?"

At this moment, golden lights appeared in the eyes of countless cultivators, and at the next moment, figures rushed towards the mountain where Bai Feng fell.

These people started fighting before they arrived, and many people's lives were ruthlessly deprived.

However, when those people rushed to the foot of the mountain, their faces turned pale in an instant, because at this moment they felt a terrifying and incomparable divine power, and under that divine power, they felt as if they were Like ants.

One by one stopped in their tracks for an instant, looking at the top of the mountain with horror on their faces.

Xiaobai naturally felt that there were monks who dared to come, so a terrible coercion erupted at this moment, deterring those people. At this moment, everyone is caught in the practice, and they can't be disturbed, let the practice be interrupted .

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