Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 976 Return Me Rivers and Mountains

Xiaobai headed west all the way, very fast.

When Li Yixi woke up, Xiaobai had already crossed thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

"Xiaobai, where are we now?"

Rubbing his eyes, Li Yixi asked with a smile, he slept very well this time, and now Li Yixi is full of energy, looking at the rivers and mountains below him, he can't help but feel refreshed.

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Xiaobai hurriedly replied, "Master, we have entered the Plague Immortal Realm, which belongs to the territory of the Great Song Kingdom, which is a mortal country."

"Now we are not far from the Great Song Kingdom."

Li Yixi had a smile on his face when he heard Xiaobai's words.

"The kingdom of mortals, the Great Song Kingdom?"

Li Yixi muttered, and immediately said, "Xiaobai, then let's go to the capital of Song Dynasty first."

"The Great Song Kingdom doesn't seem to be very far from Canglun. Let's stay for a while, after all, I'm a little hungry now."

Immediately, Li Yixi's eyes fell on Kong, and asked with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, do you know anything about the Great Song Kingdom?"

"I looked down from the void and found that there are many temples in the Great Song Dynasty. It seems that Buddhism on this side is developing well."

Liao Kong immediately responded with a smile, "My lord, now we have entered the west. This western territory is the foothold of Buddhism, and there are many Buddhist traditions."

"Building a temple is a very common thing."

"However, I am also a little puzzled. Buddhism is prevalent on the western side. I have been to this side to practice before, but there were not so many temples in the Song Dynasty before."

"And I also discovered something different just now. I found that in the territory of the Great Song Kingdom, there are actually two places with many temples, which are even more spectacular than the holy land of the imperial palace."

"It's inappropriate to revive the temple. The Song Dynasty is not a powerful country. Such a large-scale construction may damage the foundation of the country, but I don't know why."

After the empty words fell, he also frowned slightly.

Liaokong has a feeling that the people of Song Dynasty are full of resentment.

But for a while, I didn't know the specific reason, and I didn't explain too much.

"The country is weak but it is building large-scale construction projects. This is indeed detrimental to the foundation of the country. It is not Mingjun's doing!"

"But I can't control that much, let's solve the stomach first."

Hearing Kong's words, Li Yixi smiled and was no longer interested.

However, Li Yixi no longer pays attention to these things, but at this moment, he feels a little uneasy in his heart. After all, in the memory of Li Kong, every place Li Yixi goes seems to have a deep meaning.

Suddenly staying in the Great Song Kingdom, in Kong's view, there must be something wrong with the wanton expansion of Buddhism in the Great Song Kingdom, and Su Xiuyi discovered it.

Mingkong didn't know why, and with an excited face, he said with a smile: "Master, I came all the way west, and I found that this is the holy land of our Buddhas. In this west, Buddhism is so prosperous."

We are in Xiaoyao Xianyu, and Tianlong Temple is not as spectacular.

However, as soon as Ming Kong's voice fell, Kong's cold voice sounded in his mind, "Shut up, you!"

"Stop talking nonsense, now with your cultivation base, if you calm down and feel it, you will find that the sky above the Great Song Kingdom is full of resentment."

"But the young master wants to stay in the capital of the Great Song Dynasty. Do you think that a peerless master who arranges everything like the young master will stay at will?"

"All along, everything the young master does has a deep meaning."

"I'm afraid something unimaginable happened in the Great Song Kingdom. I have a bad feeling. Let's be more careful."

After Liao Kong's voice fell, he took a deep breath and suppressed the anxiety in his heart.

Ming Kong, who was originally excited, chose to shut up, and his excited heart instantly cooled down, and his gaze towards Li Yixi became apprehensive.

Soon, Xiaobai carried several people into the capital of Song Dynasty.

Xiaobai's mana was boundless, and he mobilized his mana. Even if they broke through the air, it didn't cause any panic.

After landing, Xiaobai turned into a bird and landed on Li Yixi's shoulders. Li Yixi shook his robes, as if he had descended from an exile, even those princes, their demeanor was far from Li Yixi's.

Walking on the street, Li Yixi was a little excited, he hadn't felt this kind of atmosphere for a long time.

Not far away, Li Yixi fell in love with Yushan Building.

Yushanlou is a restaurant in the capital of the Song Dynasty. It is a restaurant established by the old royal chef of the previous generation. It is also the most famous food place in the entire Song Dynasty.

Li Yixi found out that the imperial dining building occupies a huge area, and his face showed shock.

Moreover, Li Yixi found that the people who went to this imperial dining building were almost all high-ranking officials and nobles, and each of them was either rich or noble.

But now Li Yixi doesn't care about things outside of him.

Li Yixi said with a smile: "Let's go, this place looks very good. People who go here to eat are all high-ranking officials and dignitaries. There should be delicious food here."

"It's hard to come to the capital of the Song Dynasty. If you don't taste it, wouldn't you be sorry for this trip?"


Go directly to the Royal Restaurant.

Liao Kong and the others naturally did not dare to have any opinions at this moment, and followed Li Yixi to the Imperial Restaurant.

Li Yixi had just entered the lobby of the Imperial Dining Building, when a steward in the lobby saw Li Yixi entering, his eyes suddenly changed, at this moment he hurriedly bowed and walked over.

A professional smile immediately appeared on his face, "My lord, come and have dinner!"

"That's right, I'm a little hungry. Let's see what kind of craftsmanship this imperial dining building has. Bring your best skills. Don't worry, I won't pay you on credit."

"Of course, it would be even better if we could arrange a quieter location."

Li Yixi said with a smile.

The steward saw that Li Yixi was extremely extraordinary, and when he saw Mingkong and Liaokong following behind Li Yixi, his body trembled slightly.

He personally led Li Yixi into the independent small courtyard.

After leading everyone into the small courtyard, the steward walked out nervously, Li Yixi frowned slightly, feeling very puzzled, "It's strange, why is the steward so afraid of Ming Kong and Liao Kong?"

"What is there to be afraid of as a monk?"

Li Yixi is very clear that Ming Kong and Liao Kong are not evil people.

However, Li Yixi just thought about it and stopped paying attention.

"Ha ha!"

"The layout of this yard is really difficult to pick, it is perfect."

Looking at the flowers and plants around here, Li Yixi couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and Li Yixi admired it in the courtyard.

Li Yixi couldn't help but fell into a trance, and accidentally entered a nearby courtyard.

Suddenly, the whirring sound woke Li Yixi up.

Li Yixi looked around looking for his reputation, and a boy of seven or eight years old came into view.

The young man looked seven or eight years old, but at the moment he was waving his fists, beads of sweat hung on his forehead, and his movements were meticulous, which made Li Yixi involuntarily reveal curiosity.

Such hard work at such an age.

Li Yixi took the initiative to walk towards the little boy, but the little boy stopped nervously when he saw someone approaching.

"Hello there!"

"I'm just curious. I just came here to take a look. I didn't expect you to work so hard and practice boxing so proficiently at such an age."

"Very rare!"

"I don't know your name!"

Zhao Limin wanted to refuse, but the moment Li Yixi asked his name, Zhao Liming suddenly found that he couldn't refuse.

"My name is Zhao Limin."

Li Yixi was stunned for a moment, then murmured: "Zhao Limin?"

"Good name, it seems that your father has great wishes for you, and hopes that you will be the master of the people!"

"But if you want to serve the people, why don't you go to study, and you can rule the country and the world with a full stomach?"

Li Yixi smiled and sat in front of Zhao Liming.

Zhao Limin took a deep breath, "Studying can indeed rule the country and the world, but not now, the country may collapse at any time, and only cultivating the Tao can save the people from fire and water."

Hearing Zhao Limin's words, Li Yixi became even more curious at this moment, and said with a smile: "Cultivating Taoism can save people from fire and water, but I see that you are not practicing Taoism, but practicing boxing kung fu?"

When Zhao Limin heard Li Yixi's words, his expression darkened instantly, "I, I don't have the qualifications for cultivation, but I want to share my father's worries."

Hearing Zhao Limin's words, Li Yixi was stunned for a moment, seeing Zhao Limin with a gloomy expression, with tears rolling in his eyes, he hurriedly comforted him: "It's okay, it's okay, you can practice martial arts, come, I'll teach you."

In order to coax Zhao Limin, Li Yixi found that Zhao Liming was very young, at this moment Li Yixi chose soft Tai Chi.

Zhao Limin, who was about to cry, suddenly brightened his eyes at this moment. Li Yixi's every move was reflected in Zhao Limin's mind in a terrifying way. Even if Zhao Limin wanted to forget, he couldn't forget it. .

Although Zhao Limin was young, but as the prince of the Song Dynasty, he had extraordinary knowledge, his eyes widened instantly, and he hurriedly followed Li Yixi to practice in the small courtyard.

After just teaching it once, Zhao Limin actually played well. This shocked Li Yixi instantly. Li Yixi never thought that there would be such a genius in this world. Learn it all.

Li Yixi also became interested, constantly guiding Zhao Limin's fists, feet and breathing.

Soon after seeing Zhao Liming finished Tai Chi in a decent manner, with a smile on his face, Li Yixi asked curiously: "Li Min, just now you said that you practice to save the world, did something happen?"

Zhao Limin originally resisted Li Yixi in his heart, but after learning Tai Chi from Li Yixi, especially Li Yixi's every move came into his mind, Zhao Limin at this moment has already worshiped Li Yixi as a god.

Zhao Limin hurriedly said: "Now in my Great Song Kingdom, there are Dalong Temple and Tianfo Temple. Before that, my father could not help but support Dalong Temple and Tianfo Temple with all his strength, but he didn't expect that these two temples actually contained evil intentions. "

"After these two temples gained a foothold in the Great Song Kingdom, under the slogan of putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha immediately, they brought countless people who committed the most heinous crimes into the temples, and even controlled the two richest places in the Great Song Kingdom. The most fertile piece of land in our Great Song Kingdom is directly occupied by Dalong Temple and Tianfo Temple, and even my Great Song Kingdom's orders have lost their effect!"

"The two temples have been full of evil deeds, and the people of Li are suffering unspeakably."

Hearing Zhao Limin's words, Li Yixi was furious at the moment, these monks are simply more terrifying than those demons.

In other words, these temples are a group of demon monks.

At this moment Li Yixi was also very angry.

I secretly wrote down Dalong Temple and Tianfo Temple in my heart.

Zhao Limin seemed to think of something, and suddenly said, "I haven't written today, I have to write, otherwise, my mother will scold me again."

Hearing what Zhao Limin said, Li Yixi realized that there was a desk in the corner of the yard.

Li Yixi followed Zhao Limin and also ran over. Li Yixi didn't expect that Zhao Limin's calligraphy was extraordinary at such an age. Zhao Limin wrote a few words on the rice paper in front of him, and returned my country.

Seeing these four words, Li Yixi involuntarily glanced at Zhao Limin.

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