Xiaobai turned into a white phoenix and headed west with a few people.

Xiao Bai's speed was extremely fast, but sitting on Xiao Bai's back, he couldn't feel any wind.

From the moment Mingkong saw Xiaobai, his body couldn't help shaking, sitting on Xiaobai's back, Mingkong was extremely nervous.

A heart beat violently.

"Bai Feng, the blood of the Phoenix family, such a beast, is it the young master's mount?"

"And the aura that emanates is too terrifying. I have a feeling that if Baifeng wants to kill me, it only needs one thought."

"too frightening!"

Xiaobai flew nearly a thousand miles, but Mingkong still couldn't calm down.

Li Yixi had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and a smug look appeared on his face.

Because from the moment he came out, Li Yixi felt Ming Kong's body tremble slightly, and his emotions were very agitated. For Xiao Bai, he was in awe to the extreme.

Li Yixi was able to perceive Mingkong's psychological changes. Along the way, he felt that Mingkong was trembling. Li Yixi was extremely proud.

I feel like a mortal, and I also enjoy the feeling of an invincible boss.

Because Li Yixi felt that Mingkong was extremely afraid of him and admired him to the extreme, and he had become an extremely terrifying image of a master in Mingkong's heart.

However, as time passed, Li Yixi felt powerless. Li Yixi didn't expect that Ming Kong's talent was so powerful, and his temper was a little bit bad. After such a long time, he still hasn't completely calmed down.

Li Yixi sighed, and said: "Ming Kong, cultivating Buddha is actually cultivating the mind. I see that you have been going straight up all the way, and your mood fluctuates a lot. This is not good!"

"How about this!"

"This scripture is for you, I hope you can calm down."

Li Yixi randomly took out a parchment scroll from the system space and handed it to Mingkong.

"Thank you son!"

Ming Kong, who was already nervous, saw Li Yixi take out a Buddhist scripture, his body trembled, and he took it tremblingly.

At the moment when Ming Kong received the Buddhist scriptures, Li Yixi suddenly felt that Ming Kong's heart seemed to be much calmer.

"I'm a little sleepy, go to sleep first, read more!"

Li Yixi felt a little tired, leaned directly on Xiaobai's back, and fell asleep.

Lie Kong who was practicing at the side, at the moment when Li Yixi took out the Buddhist scriptures, his body trembled suddenly, and he woke up from the practice.

The Buddhist scripture in Ming Kong's hand seemed to have magical powers, and it instantly attracted Kong's gaze, making it hard for him to look away.


"what is this?"

"It's such a terrifying Buddha's will, even if it hasn't been opened, it actually contains such a terrible Buddha's meaning, what kind of god is this thing?"

Seeing the parchment in Ming Kong's hands, Li Kong's breathing became extremely rapid, and he could clearly see Kong's chest rising and falling.

At the same time, the magic power in Liao Kong's body escaped uncontrollably.

"Mingkong, where did you come from?"

Liaokong took a deep breath, looked at Mingkong and said word by word, Mingkong could feel the emotional shock of Liaokong at this moment from Liaokong's voice.

His body trembled, because Ming Kong had never seen such a solemn expression on Liao Kong's body.

Mingkong realized that the Buddhist scripture that Li Yixi gave him was definitely not something unusual.

Taking a deep breath, Ming Kong hurriedly explained: "Master, this volume of Buddhist scriptures was given to me by the young master, so I can calm my mind."

"I haven't opened it yet, so I don't know what kind of Buddhist scripture it is."

Ming Kong felt Kong's expression, and felt very uneasy in his heart. Ming Kong had never found his master so solemn.

"Did the son give it to you?"

"That's right. Except for a terrifying person like Young Master, who can come up with such a terrible Buddhist scripture? Even if the Buddhist scripture has not been opened, I can feel the terrifying Buddha's meaning."

"Following the son, chances are everywhere."

"It seems that the young master is very satisfied with you, otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to give you a Buddhist scripture that contains such a terrifying Buddhist rhyme."

"With this Buddhist scripture, your future achievements will be beyond imagination."

Kong Kong's voice was extremely solemn.

Ming Kong didn't pay much attention to it before, but after hearing what Kong said, his expression completely changed.

"Master, is this Buddhist scripture really as terrible as you say?"

"Is it really that important?"

"As far as I know, there are many Buddhist scriptures enshrined in our Tianlong Temple. Is this Buddhist scripture more terrifying than the Buddhist scriptures enshrined in my Tianlong Temple?"

Hearing Mingkong's words, Liaokong took a deep breath, calmed his mind first, and then explained: "Mingkong, you should know that the Buddhist scriptures enshrined in my Tianlong Temple are the root of my Tianlong Temple, and which Buddhist scriptures are the foundation of my Tianlong Temple. Tenryuji has the key to today, but do you know where the sutras come from?"

At this moment, Liaokong stared at Mingkong and said.

Sensing the seriousness of his master's expression, Mingkong shook his head involuntarily. Mingkong never inquired about where those Buddhist scriptures came from. He only knew which Buddhist scriptures were very important to Tianlong Temple.

"Master, I don't know, please ask Master to clarify!"

At this moment, Ming Kong also became interested, and also wanted to know where the Buddhist scriptures in Tianlong Temple came from, and he was so serious.

Liao Kong took a deep breath, glanced at Li Yixi who was in a deep sleep, and explained in a low voice: "The Buddhist scriptures were given to me by the young master at Tianlong Temple, but at that time my Tianlong Temple was still a dilapidated temple in the lower realm."

"You have to know that it hasn't been long since the son bestowed us Buddhist scriptures. However, with the help of those Buddhist scriptures and inheritance, you can know what we have achieved today even in Xiaoyao Xianyu."

"You are very clear about the cultivation base of me and the immortal Buddha now!"

"Even some domain masters of the fairyland are not as good as us."

"That is to say, if we leave Xiaoyao Xianyu and go to other fairylands, we are qualified to become the master of one side and control one side of the fairyland."

As soon as Liao Kong's voice fell, Ming Kong's body trembled suddenly, and his face showed a look of shock. Ming Kong never thought that the Buddhist scriptures enshrined in Tianlong Temple were actually given by Li Yixi.

At this moment, Ming Kong looked at the Buddhist scripture in his hand, his breathing became extremely rapid, and his expression was unbelievable. Ming Kong never thought that Li Yixi was so terrifying.

Moreover, Ming Kong also felt the eyes of Li Kong at this moment, and Ming Kong knew very well that this Buddhist scripture was absolutely extremely important.

Seeing the nervous Ming Kong, Liao Kong squeezed out a smile on his serious face, and explained: "Ming Kong, since this thing was given to you by the young master, no one dares to fight for it, this thing is yours!"

"Don't worry, the master will not compete with you. Of course, if you are willing to hand it over to Tianlong Temple, then the master will not stop you. After all, these supreme Buddhist scriptures are very important to Tianlong Temple."

"And this thing is different from the Buddhist scriptures that those sons gave us. Although those Buddhist scriptures are extremely powerful, there is no power of luck contained in those Buddhist scriptures."

"And this small Buddhist scripture contains the power of luck, which is very important to a sect and is the key to the sect's long-term prosperity."

"If this Buddhist scripture is enshrined in my Tianlong Temple, maybe my Tianlong Temple will achieve an unimaginable development in the shortest possible time. After all, the power of luck is too mysterious."

"But now you practice first. Maybe you will gain unimaginable gains from practicing this Buddhist scripture. Now let go of the obsession in your heart, or release, maybe this Buddhist scripture can make you go further."

"The existence of the young master, the opportunity bestowed by you, is absolutely unimaginable for you."

A look of envy appeared on Liao Kong's face involuntarily.

Even a little jealous, jealous.

But Liaokong is very clear that it is impossible to snatch what Li Yixi bestows.

What Li Yixi gave was his own, if he didn't give it, then he absolutely couldn't force it, otherwise, there would definitely be catastrophe.

"Thank you, master!"

"If Master didn't take me to Jinling Immortal City, I wouldn't be able to obtain such a sacred object."

"Master, disciple, let's see if it is as mysterious as you said."

"Besides, the former son also asked me to read more to calm my mind."

Hearing Mingkong's words, Liaokong nodded hastily, and Liaokong also wanted to see what is so magical about this Buddhist scripture.


Ming Kong muttered, trying his best to calm his mind, and the next moment, under the gaze of Kong Kong, Ming Kong slowly opened the parchment in his hand.

As the sheepskin scroll in Ming Kong's hand continued to open, at this moment in front of Ming Kong, the terrifying Buddha's will was born continuously, feeling the terrifying Buddha's will, at this moment, Li Kong's body couldn't help it. trembling.

As the parchments continued to be opened, Liao Kong also felt that this Buddhist scripture contained unimaginable power of luck.

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