Li Yixi is very clear, with Ming Kong's talent and understanding, he can be said to be a rare character.

It is impossible not to know that the human race and the demon race are incompatible.

But the witch of the demon clan has become an obsession in Ming Kong's heart. There is only one possibility, that is, Ming Kong's love for the witch of the demon clan has penetrated deep into his bones.

Regarding the practice of Buddhism, Li Yixi has no personal experience, but he also knows a lot. Li Yixi is very clear that the most feared thing in the practice of Buddhism is the seven emotions and six desires. Once there are seven emotions and six desires, it is very easy to damage his Buddha heart. , but very serious.

But when Li Yixi saw Mingkong looking at himself with hope, Li Yixi knew very well that even if Mingkong's talent was terrifying and his Buddhist practice was advancing rapidly, if he didn't solve the obsession in Mingkong's heart, it would be extremely dangerous. Maybe one day, Ming Kong will become a terrifying Demon Buddha.

Obsession is extremely terrifying. If you can't really let it go, it will turn people into demons.

Li Yixi smiled and said: "Ming Kong, do you think Buddha existed from the very beginning?"

"Do you think Taoist ancestors existed from the beginning of the world?"

"Is it that powerful?"

After Ming Kong heard Li Yixi's words, he didn't speak, he didn't know how to answer.

Li Yixi saw that Mingkong didn't answer him, so he continued to ask with a smile: "Mingkong, do you think that the Buddha in this world is a Buddha from birth, and is born powerful?"

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Mingkong shook his head without any hesitation, "No, the Buddha is also a human being, so he was born no different from us."

Hearing this, Li Yixi laughed and said: "Since the Buddha was only a human being at the beginning, not a Buddha, it means that the Buddha also has the seven emotions and six desires. If you keep restraining yourself and avoiding your heart like a tiger, you will eventually become a Buddha if you practice like a tiger. It’s Xiaxiacheng, if you don’t enter the world of mortals and experience it, how can you attain the Tao?”

At this moment, Mingkong heard a sentence from Li Yixi, his heart was greatly shaken, and he couldn't help repeating it.

The world of mortals refines the heart.

Buddha is the Tao.

These days, Mingkong followed Kongkong to practice in the world, and Mingkong naturally saw some existences who saw through everything and escaped into Buddhism.

His heart was greatly shaken, and Mingkong couldn't help thinking that if he hadn't experienced it, how could he let go.

Gradually, Mingkong's heart set off a turbulent sea.

His body trembled wildly, his eyes brightened.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Li Yixi, "Thank you for your guidance, young master."

"I understand!"

Liaokong was shocked at the moment, hearing Li Yixi's words today, he suddenly found that his way has changed.

Li Yixi smiled and said nothing more.

But Li Yixi was very excited at the moment, because at this moment, Li Yixi suddenly discovered that pretending to be aggressive is actually a very cool experience.

Because compared with Li Yixi's strength, Mingkong's strength is the gap between heaven and earth. At this moment, Li Yixi found that he seemed to be an extremely terrifying master in Mingkong's heart, seeing through the existence of all ways in the world.

This made Li Yixi feel refreshed involuntarily.

Li Yixi suddenly felt that he could see through some people's thoughts, and this method was extremely good.

Even a cultivator does not have such a terrifying ability as himself.

"My lord, I offer you a toast!"

After letting go of everything, Mingkong picked up the fine wine in front of him and drank it down in one gulp.

At this moment, Ming Kong let go of everything, and suddenly felt extremely relaxed.

For Li Yixi, I admire him very much. I used to think that my master was exaggerating, but after talking with Li Yixi today, Li Yixi is extremely tall in Mingkong's heart.

The wine fell into his throat, and Mingkong just put down the cup in his hand.

The next moment, Ming Kong's body trembled violently, and Ming Kong found that in his belly, an incomparably rich power of law permeated the air, and that mysterious and incomparable power of law continuously strengthened his physical body, Let your cultivation soar at an unimaginable speed.

Just the glass of wine in front of him, at this moment, fully raised Mingkong to two realms.

Mingkong's body trembled slightly, the gaze he looked at Li Yixi changed completely at this moment, Mingkong never thought that just a glass of wine would have such a miraculous effect, Mingkong felt that it was very likely that this was Li Yixi The fairy wine drunk by those Tiangong bosses in the past.

Mingkong felt his brain was at a loss. Mingkong had never heard of this kind of fairy wine. As soon as the roast mutton entered his mouth, Mingkong was stunned.

At this moment, Mingkong finally knew that his master didn't touch meat on weekdays. Why did he say that wine and meat had passed through his intestines today? The Buddha was left in his heart.

Especially after listening to Li Yixi say that Buddha is the Tao, Ming Kong let go of his obsession and knew what kind of opportunity was in front of him.

After knowing Li Yixi's horror, the eyes of the three Long family brothers who followed Li Yixi's cultivation became brighter.

Mingkong asked tentatively: "My lord, do you know where the three brothers of the Long family built the Lingshan Mountain to promote Buddhism, and Mingkong wants to go there?"

"West, Canglun Kingdom!"

Li Yixi said with a smile.

Mingkong's eyes brightened, "Canglun Kingdom?"

"That's the way, the witch is in Canglun."

Hearing Ming Kong's words, Liao Kong obviously knew that Ming Kong had made a decision in his heart. He took a deep breath, and his face showed a serious expression, "Ming Kong, since you have already made a decision, then Master, I will go to Lingshan with you!"

"Master, I want to go to Lingshan to visit the three great Buddhas."

After the empty voice fell, Li Yixi's eyes on the side couldn't help but brighten up. It was really boring to stay in the manor, and Li Yixi hadn't seen the three brothers of the Long family for a long time.

Although Cang Lun was a bit dangerous, Li Yixi felt that with such an existence as Kong, it shouldn't be too dangerous.

Li Yixi said with a smile: "If you have time to go, how about we go together? I haven't seen the three of them for a while, and I want to go and see. The three of them want to build a spiritual mountain. How about the spiritual mountain they built? gone?"

Mingkong and Liaokong heard Li Yixi's words, their bodies trembled suddenly, and a gleam of brilliance appeared in their eyes.

The two of them are very aware of Li Yixi's horror, if they can walk with Li Yixi along the way, then, for them, this will be a great opportunity.

Liao Kong was extremely excited, and said: "Don't worry, young master, with me here, the road to the west will be smooth, and no one will dare to obstruct it."

Hearing Kong's assurance, Li Yixi's eyes lit up immediately.

"Since this is the case, then this trip will be hard for you two."

"It's better to hit the sun every other day, how about we set off today?"

Liao Kong's eyes lit up, and he followed Li Yixi to the west.

This time, Li Yixi brought Xiaofenghuang and Xiaobai with him for safety.

Xiaobai soared into the sky and left Jinling Immortal City with Li Yixi and others.

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