In Li Yixi's eyes, the three brothers of the Long family are indeed extraordinary, and the three of them can be regarded as boundless Buddhism.

Ming Kong, who was a little skeptical at first, couldn't help but tremble when he heard Li Yixi's words, with an expression of disbelief.

His lips trembled slightly, and he spit out three words, Lingshan?

As Kong's disciple, Ming Kong naturally heard about Journey to the West from Kong's mouth. Ming Kong had already reacted at this moment, and already knew that Li Yixi was the peerless expert that Kong usually talked about, Tianlong Temple, who had In fact, it has a lot to do with Li Yixi's guidance today.

So when he heard that the three brothers of the Long family wanted to build Lingshan, Ming Kong was shocked at this moment.

Mingkong is very clear about what Lingshan represents.

Liao Kong, who was originally refining the law, also trembled, and looked at Li Yixi suddenly.

The moment he heard about Lingshan, Liao Kong was really frightened. He never thought that the three Long brothers would actually want to build Lingshan.

Liao Kong immediately realized that Li Yixi met Li Yixi when he was in Xiaoyao Immortal Mansion, and knew that Li Yixi disliked this world for being too low-level.

So after that day, the underworld appeared, and at the same time, the six realms of reincarnation and perfect heaven and earth were established.

Afterwards, Li Kong also knew that Li Yixi had given the nameless Rain God authority.

Liao Kong is very clear that Li Yixi wants to completely change this world and build an unimaginable world.

Now hearing that the three brothers of the Long family wanted to build Lingshan, Liaokong's eyes lit up instantly. Liaokong was very clear that Lingshan was in Journey to the West, and it was an extremely terrifying existence, with Buddha sitting in it.

If Tianlong Temple can join Lingshan, then it will be a great opportunity for Tianlong Temple.

At this moment, Liao Kong's body trembled slightly with excitement. He never thought that going here today to guide Ming Kong's practice would encounter such benefits.

Liao Kong took a deep breath and asked hastily, "My lord, are the three brothers of the Long family really planning to build Lingshan?"

"If only the three of them are too weak, our Tianlong Temple can fully support it."

Li Yixi didn't expect that he would become interested after he just said something casually.

"Actually, I don't know the specific situation, and I don't know how they are now?"

"You are also acquainted. If you are willing to support the three of them, the three brothers of the Long family should be very happy."

Li Yixi said with a smile.

Liao Kong was a little apprehensive at first, but he was ecstatic when he heard Li Yixi's approval.

If one day, this world changes completely and establishes a prosperous age like what Li Yixi said, then Lingshan is the world of Western Paradise.

That is a real holy place!

How can I not be excited when I am empty.

Li Yixi's eyes fell on Ming Kong at this moment, and saw Ming Kong sitting beside Kong, extremely cautious.

Li Yixi showed a smile, the moment Li Yixi looked at Mingkong, he couldn't help but glance at Mingkong's thoughts at the moment.

Li Yixi found Ming Kong at this moment, struggling very much, the fragrance in front of him extremely teased Ming Kong's taste buds.

Li Yixi smiled, "Mingkong, why should you care?"

"Blindly suppressing it will not do any good."

"Let me tell you a story!"

At this moment, Li Yixi is going to tell Mingkong about Jianglong Luohan in order to solve the knot in Mingkong's heart.

Ming Kong and Liao Kong's bodies shook suddenly, and they couldn't help but look at Li Yixi.

"Liao Kong has heard me talk about Journey to the West, and I think you also know that in Journey to the West, there are 18 arhats in the Western Paradise."

"And what I want to talk about today is Arhat Subduing Dragon, one of the 18 Arhats."

"The Dragon Subduing Arhat was reincarnated, named Dao Ji, crazy and not bound by the precepts, he was fond of wine and meat, and behaved like crazy, but he still followed the Tao in the end."

"Do you think Subduing Dragon Arhat violated the precept?"

"Do you think Subduing Dragon Arhat is a Buddha?"

"I still say that, the Buddha is in the heart, the Tao is in the heart, the Buddha is the Tao, it is just a kind of practice."

"In mortal temples, monks cultivate their minds, that's justified."

"But you are a person who cultivates the Dao of Buddha. If you cultivate the Dao of Tongtian, you should put the Buddha in your heart. The Buddha is the way!"

At this moment, Mingkong heard Li Yixi's words that Buddha is the way, his body trembled suddenly, and his eyes showed a look of shock.

"Thank you, son, for your advice!"

At this moment, Ming Kong's body trembled violently, as if he had figured out something.

But Qiaokong frowned slightly, thinking that Li Yixi was trying to lead them astray.

Taking a deep breath, he plucked up his courage and said, "My lord, the Buddha is the Buddha, the Tao is the Tao, and the Buddha Tao is irrelevant at all."

"Otherwise, where does the struggle between Buddhism and Taoism come from?"

After Li Yixi heard Kong's words, he smiled and said: "Actually, the Dao is very abstract. The Dao encompasses all things, with infinite changes, ethereal and untouchable."

"The Great Dao has no distinction between good and evil. Is the Immortal Dao the Dao, the Devil Dao the Dao, the Demon Dao the Dao, and the Divine Dao the Dao?"

Li Yixi stared at Kong and said with a smile.

Liaokong pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes."

Hearing Kong's approval, Li Yixi said, "Then why do you think Buddha is not Tao?"

Hearing this sentence, Liao Kong felt a thunderstorm flash in his mind, and felt his mind go blank.

He stared at Li Yixi with wide eyes.

But then, as if enlightened, at this moment, the Dharma surged suddenly in Liao Kong, and his understanding of Buddha in an instant soared at an unimaginable speed. Liao Kong never thought that Dharma could be viewed from another perspective. For a long time, Liaokong always opposed Buddha and Dao, but now he heard Li Yixi's saying that Buddha is Dao, Liaokong suddenly had a big harvest.

Li Yixi's Buddha is the word "Tao", like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening.

Liao Kong immediately came to his senses, looked at Li Yixi gratefully, and said, "Thank you for your guidance, my lord. Your words are like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, which made me suddenly understand. It seems that I have made a fool of myself."

At this moment, Li Yixi suddenly felt that his image in Kong Da's heart had become extremely tall, and he couldn't help being stunned.

Shuran's eyes lit up, and his heart felt refreshed. For him, such inscrutable words came at his fingertips.

At this moment, Li Yixi could feel the change in himself, he was very excited, and felt that he would have to pretend more in the future.

At this moment when Li Yixi was secretly complacent, Ming Kong who was sitting on the side, his eyes were full, he gritted his teeth, and couldn't help asking: "Young master, do you think you can get married if you practice Buddhism?"

Mingkong has been rebooting, but in fact, he has obsessions in his heart. After hearing Li Yixi's talk, Mingkong seemed to be redeemed at this moment, and gave all his thoughts to Li Yixi's decision.

At this moment, Li Yixi heard Ming Kong's words, but did not answer immediately.

After all, Li Yixi knew from Kong Kong that Ming Kong liked a demon witch.

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