After hearing Kong's words, Ming Kong was a little puzzled, wondering why his master was so polite to a mortal.

The moment Li Yixi greeted Li Yixi just now, Ming Kong sensed Li Yixi. Ming Kong didn't feel any aura of cultivation power on Li Yixi. Li Yixi is a proper mortal. But he didn't expect that for a proper mortal, his master is an eminent monk, and he would be so polite.

But Ming Kong didn't dare to be presumptuous, after hearing Kong's words, he hurriedly bowed to Li Yixi, "Ming Kong has seen the young master."

Li Yixi looked at Kong with a smile, and asked with a smile: "Is this guy a monk from your Tianlong Temple?"

"It is interesting!"

Thinking of the scenes in front of the drunk red building, Li Yixi couldn't help smiling.

Liao Kong also looked helpless, and hurriedly explained: "Young Master, Ming Kong is my disciple, and also the most talented disciple of my Tianlong Temple over the years. In order to practice, I took him to travel the world."

Knowing that he is the disciple of Liao Kong, Li Yixi stretched out his thumb and said in admiration: "Your disciple is very talented, and your concentration is also very rare."

"However, the way of cultivation is too extreme, right?"

"In this way, I'm afraid it will hurt the body!"

"If you don't have obsessions in your heart, why bother to quit?"

"Little monk, is there anything you can't forget?"

Li Yixi looked at Ming Kong and asked.


At this moment, Mingkong's body suddenly trembled. Li Yixi was obviously a mortal, but he didn't expect that he seemed to be seen through in front of Li Yixi at this moment.

Ming Kong didn't speak, but at this moment Li Yixi sensed some of Ming Kong's thoughts.

"I see."

"It turns out that you are destined to die!"

"I don't think your way of practice is appropriate. Since the fate of the world is not over, why not practice the mind in the world of mortals?"

"If you haven't really realized what a demon is, how can you really understand what a Buddha is?"

At this moment, Li Yixi smiled and said a few words.

Ming Kong, who didn't care much about Li Yixi at first, was greatly shocked when he heard Li Yixi's words.

Ming Kong felt that he had no privacy in front of Li Yixi.

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Liao Kong couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and hurriedly explained: "To tell you the truth, my disciple comes from a famous family, but I fell in love with someone who shouldn't be liked. Immortals and devils are not compatible, and she fell in love with a demon. A witch."

"Young master, what should I do?"

"Immortals and demons are not compatible, and if it cannot be stopped, the family will be cast aside and hated."

"Mingkong's comprehension is extremely high, and his practice of Buddhism is advancing rapidly, but this witch seems to be his fate, and he cannot forget it."

After hearing Tianlong's words, Li Yixi understood instantly. Just now Li Yixi felt Ming Kong's mood swings, as if he had love, but also seemed to have a sense of powerlessness.

It turned out to be a woman who fell in love with the demons.

Li Yixi knew the general idea, his eyes fell on Ming Kong, and he said with a smile: "Since you have concerns in your heart, then don't be obsessed with forgetting, once you have an attachment in your heart, you may become a demon!"

"Life has its own fate and its own blessings, just do what you want to do."

"If the world of mortals refines their minds, if they really have a relationship with Buddha, they will eventually become Buddhas."

Li Yixi said a few words of comfort, and invited Kong to enter the manor.

In the manor, Lao Bai is busy.

As soon as they entered the yard, everyone smelled a fragrance, which made people greedy.


Mingkong saw the roasted whole lamb in the yard and hurriedly closed his eyes.

Li Yixi couldn't help smiling, but didn't say much, and invited Kong to sit down in the pavilion.

Lao Bai brought tea, and Li Yixi poured two cups of tea for Kong and Ming Kong.

"Master, the roast lamb is ready, please taste it, it's best to pair it with spirits."

At this moment, Lao Bai presented a plate of roasted mutton, and the smell emanating from it made the mouth water.

Mingkong couldn't bear the temptation of delicious food at this moment, he stood up hastily and said: "Master, this disciple will go to ask for alms."

Liao Kong was extremely excited at first, but after hearing Ming Kong's words at this moment, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

Liao Kong knew this thing, but it was like a magic elixir, but he didn't know what to do at the moment, after all, Liao Kong was really moved.

Li Yixi said with a smile: "Wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha kept it in his heart. Little monk, it seems that your cultivation is not in place yet!"

"There was once a monk named Daoji who couldn't do without meat and wine every day, but he understood the profound Dharma. Compared with him, those monks who eat fast and chant Buddha are just monks."

"Buddha, in my heart!"

"People, live in the world!"

"And there are all kinds of people in this world. There is a saying called Hongchen refining the heart, Hongchen is a good thing."

Liao Kong, who didn't know how to speak at first, said with a straight face at this moment.

"Mingkong, what the young master said is right. Don't be too persistent in your practice. Once you are too persistent, you will no longer be a Buddha, but a demon."

"Wine and meat passed through the intestines, and the Buddha kept it in his heart. As long as there is a Buddha in his heart, he is a Buddha."

After Liao Kong's voice fell, he picked up a piece of mutton in an instant and stuffed it into his mouth. At the same time, he drank the fine wine in front of him in one gulp.

Liao Kong's behavior made Mingkong's eyes widen. Mingkong never knew that his master was a fake monk.

At the moment when Mingkong was about to speak, suddenly Liaokong's voice sounded in Mingkong's mind.


"Didn't you understand it until now?"

"If Young Master is really a mortal, can you see through your mind in an instant?"

"As a teacher, I will be so polite."

"Young Master is an existence beyond your imagination, proficient in all ways."

"Beside the young master, there is also a terrifying existence of practicing Buddhism, and the Dharma is boundless."

"And do you think these things are ordinary meat? Let me tell you, these are extremely terrifying pure-blooded creatures, which are even more comparable to divine pills."

"These things in front of us can save us a hundred years of cultivation time."

"And what the young master said is right. People can't just suppress the obsession in their hearts and forcefully suppress the obsessions in their hearts. One day their obsessions will turn into demonic thoughts, and they are very likely to become demons."

"But you have to remember one thing, the young master is just a terrible hermit and master, and he won't talk about things related to cultivation with others, remember."

After Liao Kong's sound transmission fell, Liao Kong said with a serious face: "Ming Kong, don't you even listen to what Master said?"

"There is a Buddha in your heart, and you are the real Buddha."

"These things in front of you are the test."

At this moment, Mingkong's eyes widened. Mingkong never thought that Li Yixi was such a terrifying existence.

But Ming Kong felt that his master was lying to him, looked at Li Yixi and asked: "My lord, I heard that you have people who practice Buddhism by your side, and the Dharma is boundless, is it true?"

Li Yixi was taken aback for a moment, "Is Buddhism boundless?"

Then he reacted, looked at Ming Kong with a smile, and said, "Do you want to practice with them?"

"However, they haven't been here recently. After hearing the story I told, they said they must go to build some kind of spiritual mountain, so they went out."

"I have the opportunity to introduce you to me!"

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