Li Shan secretly wrote down every word Li Yixi said.

Immediately, Li Shan thought of the difficulties he had encountered these days, and said anxiously: "Young master, now our teaching is based on the Three Character Classic, with Poetry and Analects of Confucius and the Six Classics as the main teaching, plus other Confucian and Taoist classics that we searched for. Teaching, do you think there is anything wrong with it?"

When the voice fell, Li Shan was very nervous, after all, he had some plans.

The positions of Li Yixi and Li Shan were not far away, just as Li Shan's voice fell, Li Yixi looked at Li Shan with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Because at this moment, Li Yixi sensed the change in Li Shan's mood. At this moment, Li Shan didn't say these things at all, and his words were insincere, and had other purposes. Feel disgusted with Li Shan.

"Li Shan's cultivation base is very strong, but I didn't expect that I can feel the change of Li Shan's mood now. It's interesting. This feeling was very weak before, but now this feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Could this be caused by my protagonist's halo?"

After thinking about it, Li Yixi looked at Li Shan with a smile, "Why hide it, just tell me if you have any purpose!"

"If I can help, then I will help you."

Li Shan was already very nervous, but at this moment, he suddenly heard Li Yixi point directly, and his body trembled suddenly.

But then Li Shan realized that in Li Shan's eyes, Li Yixi was a powerful existence, how could he hide his little thoughts from Li Yixi.

Taking a deep breath, Li Shan blushed and hurriedly explained, "Young Master, I do have a purpose. You have been teaching Wushen to read books, saying that scholars should worship Confucius, and even regard the masterpieces related to Confucius as classics. Li Shan I adore Confucius very much."

"That's why Li Shan wanted to ask the young master to give him a portrait of Confucius."

"I have communicated a lot with Wushen these days, and I can feel unimaginable wisdom just from the Analects of Confucius. Coupled with poetry, rituals, music, and Spring and Autumn, it shocked me even more."

"These days, we are also compiling these classic works and adding them to teaching, so Li Shan wants to ask for a portrait of Confucius!"

Li Shan directly stated his purpose at this moment, when he met Li Yixi today, what he wanted to ask for was the portrait of Kong Sheng.

Hearing Li Shan's words, Li Yixi had a look of helplessness on his face, because Li Yixi didn't even know what Kong Sheng looked like.

But Li Yixi didn't know how to refuse, and immediately, the portrait he saw on the book before appeared in his mind.

Immediately nodded, "It's not difficult, let me draw a picture for you."

Li Yixi spread out the rice paper on the table, picked up the brush and started to draw.

Seeing Li Yixi make a move, whether it was Li Shan, Wang Lin or Xiao Fenghuang, they were all extremely excited.

Because at the moment when Li Yixi started to write, they felt the incomparably powerful divine power in Li Yixi.

Hurriedly and secretly absorbing the supernatural power released by Li Yixi, this is a great opportunity for them.

Only Li Shan didn't absorb it, because at this moment Li Shan's face was full of excitement, his eyes were fixed on Li Yixi's pen tip, and he saw a figure slowly appearing on the rice paper.

Li Yixi is a master of painting, he can paint a figure with a wave of his hands.

"Thank you, son!"

Li Shan saw the portrait of Kong Sheng and bowed excitedly to Li Yixi.

"What is there to thank, it's just a painting."

"I won't stay any longer today. Let's chat again in the future. If you have any difficulties, you can find me. After all, manpower is sometimes poor."

Li Yixi had chatted with Li Shan a lot, at this moment, he naturally lost interest in staying.

Seeing that Li Yixi was about to leave, Li Shan didn't dare to keep him. He sent Li Yixi out of the door until Li Yixi's figure disappeared, and Li Shan looked away.

"Finally got the portrait of Kong Sheng, I want to see how those ancient existences can block it!"

"It turns out that the young master has already sensed my plight, and manpower is sometimes poor."

Back in the room, Li Shan looked at the portrait of Kong Sheng on the table, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

The reason why Li Shan stayed here was because of promoting education these days, and met a powerful monster here, who wanted to take away all the power of luck.

The opponent's strength is too strong, Li Shan doesn't know how to deal with it, originally Li Shan wanted to go to Li Yixi's manor for help, but today he happened to meet Li Yixi, so Li Shan asked for a painting.

Seeing the portrait of Kong Sheng in front of him, Li Shan's heart was settled at this moment, and he no longer worried.


"It's time to go!"

Li Shan snorted coldly, picked up the portrait of Kong Sheng on the table and disappeared without a sound.

When Li Shan appeared, he was thousands of miles away from Jinling Immortal City.

At this moment, Li Shan was standing outside a huge canyon.

Li Shan's figure had just appeared, and the next moment, the gigantic rock wall of the canyon squirmed strangely, and a circular space-time passage appeared.

As if stepping into it, you can enter the unknown world.

I saw an extremely powerful snake demon appearing in the black hole, with scarlet pupils staring at Li Shan outside the canyon.

"Little guy, I didn't expect you to appear so soon. We thought you would think about it for a long time. Follow me."

The snake demon's voice fell, and he turned around and entered it directly. Li Shan's mouth was sneering, and he stepped into the black hole one step at a time.

This is an extremely terrifying ancient ruins.

After entering the black hole, Li Shan followed the snake demon to a huge ancient city.

This terrifying ancient city does not seem to be in this time and space.

A strange force surrounds the ancient city, and that force seems to bless this incomparably powerful ancient city.

Stepping into the huge ancient city in front of him, the scene in front of Li Shan's eyes changed drastically. Outside the ancient city, he couldn't feel any aura, but after entering the ancient city, Li Shan felt a soaring monster aura.

The ancient city turned out to be filled with heaven and earth.

Can feel the extremely terrifying big monster, the blood is flying across the world.

The next moment, Li Shan felt a whirl of heaven and earth, and suddenly appeared in the huge imperial city.

In this huge imperial city, there are not too many buildings. Around Li Shan, there are figures with aura that seem to be able to destroy the world. These figures are extremely huge, like mountains.

The qi and blood in each big monster's body are incomparably astonishing. Even if Li Shan's cultivation has reached the realm of a god king, Li Shan is still too weak in front of these big monsters.

"Your Majesty the Demon Emperor, people have brought it!"

The snake demon who led Li Shan into this place before bowed to the end of the imperial city.

"Little guy, I knew you would think about it carefully, because I knew you were a person who knew the times."

"Don't worry, as long as you gather luck for me and collect the power of incense, I will definitely not treat you badly, and I will let you step into the realm of the ancestor god in the shortest possible time."

At this moment, a thunderous sound resounded, and an unusually burly figure walked out of the majestic palace, exuding a fierce aura.

It is the owner of the imperial city, the ancient Yaopeng.

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