Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 968 Kong Sheng Destroys the Demon Emperor

The Demon Emperor's City had always been silent, but after Li Yixi made Erchongtian its own realm, as Li Yixi continued to perfect the heaven and earth, the aura of the heaven and earth was increasing at an extremely terrifying speed.

These terrifying relics that have been silent for an unknown number of years continue to appear.

The reason why this terrifying existence in front of him is eyeing Li Shan is precisely because Li Shan and others promote Confucianism and Taoism and build schools.

To promote education, Li Shan and other existences gained luck, and were targeted by the ancient Yaopeng in the Demon Emperor City.

Taigu Yaopeng wants Li Shan and others to carry out education, and at the same time entrust him to devour all the power of luck.

Therefore, in order to resolve the difficulties, Li Shan asked Li Yixi for the portrait of Kong Sheng.

Li Shan is very clear that the portraits drawn by Li Yixi are not ordinary portraits, each portrait has been bestowed by Li Yixi.

"Feel sorry!"

"I'm not interested in cooperating with you monster races."

"You monster race dare to devour the luck of my human race, it is simply audacious."

"Do you think there is no strong man in our human race who can suppress you?"

"Primeval Yaopeng, I think it's the best policy for you to restrain the thousands of demons in your Demon Emperor City, otherwise you will bring great trouble to your Demon Emperor City."

"I know your strength is terrible, you can destroy me with a wave of your hand, but you must also be clear that this world is not dominated by your monster race, but by the human race."

Li Shan looked upright, staring at the Primordial Yaopeng exuding terrifying energy and blood in front of him, and said word by word.

Sonorous and powerful.

The Primordial Yaopeng, who was originally excited, narrowed his eyes into a slit at this moment, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body, covering Li Shan.

If it was Li Shan before, he would definitely be unable to resist this terrifying aura.

But now Li Shan is holding the portrait of Kong Sheng in his hand, and a holy power erupted from the portrait of Kong Sheng at this moment, blocking the monstrous coercion of the ancient demon peng.


At this moment, the Primordial Yaopeng instantly discovered an ancient and mysterious power erupting from the scroll in Li Shan's hand, and resisted his coercion, with a look of surprise on his face.

Taigu Yaopeng said sarcastically: "Little guy, so you came prepared, no wonder you are so confident."

"But are you sure you want to be an enemy of my monster clan?"

"There are countless big monsters in my Demon Emperor City, plus millions of monster clans."

"If I wait out, can your human race resist it?"

"The human race is respected, but you are deceiving yourself."

Just as the voice of the Taigu Yaopeng fell, the next moment, the entire Yaodi City was filled with monster aura. In an instant, Li Shan couldn't feel the millions of monster clans.

"Lord Demon Emperor, kill him. A mere ant dares to talk nonsense in front of Lord Demon Emperor. There are too many people who want to be our spokesperson, so we can just choose another person."

"Kill kill!"

The next moment, the sound of killing shook the world.

Even at this moment, Li Shan was holding the portrait of Kong Sheng in his hand, and his heart couldn't help trembling. These monsters who have been sleeping since ancient times to the present are too terrifying.

However, Li Shan gritted his teeth at this moment and shouted, "In front of Kong Sheng, you dare to be presumptuous!"

After the voice fell, Li Shan unfolded the painting in his hand at this moment.

Before the million-dollar monster could say anything, the next moment, the painting in Li Shan's hand seemed to turn into a sky.

A terrifying and boundless aura seemed to come across time and space.

At this moment, over the Yaozu Imperial City, various national vehicles appeared strangely in the void.

On the state chariot, there is an old Confucian sitting cross-legged.

He holds a book in his left hand and a pen in his right. Although he is old, he always has a smile on his face when facing millions of monsters.

His eyes fell on the most powerful Primordial Yaopeng.

"The flesh and blood of the Primordial Yaopeng clan should be very delicious."

"Please come into my urn and cook it over a blazing fire."

After hearing Kong Sheng's words, the million monsters in the Demon Emperor City instantly showed anger on their faces. Millions of monsters rushed towards Kong Sheng on the Void Kingdom's car with fierce auras.

Kong Sheng ignored it.

"Humanity reigns supreme!"

"All races should bow their heads."

"If you dare to intimidate the human race, you will be punished."

The smile on Kong Sheng's face never stopped, without any change. Facing the ferocity of the million monsters, Kong Sheng at this moment slowly raised the pen in his hand.

When Kong Sheng picked up the pen, there was a sudden surge of wind and clouds, and the sky and the earth changed color in the entire demon city.

I saw Kong Sheng holding the Chunqiu pen in his hand, ignoring all threats, waving the Chunqiu pen in the void, writing the word "Zhu".

Every time the pen in Kong Sheng's hand falls, every stroke seems to be a sword that kills immortals. The extremely powerful ancient Yaopeng, under Chunqiu's pen, instantly tore into pieces.

The countless big monsters in the Demon Emperor City didn't have any ability to resist at all, and were killed instantly by Chunqiu's pen.

Seeing Kong Sheng's incomparably terrifying supernatural powers, the million monsters showed horror in their eyes, and they turned around and fled without any ferocity anymore.

"Since you're here, stay here!"

Faced with millions of monsters fleeing, Kong Sheng's face did not change in any way, he was still sitting on the national car, and he saw the book in his hand, which was thrown out by Kong Sheng in an instant.

When the book flew out of Kong Sheng's hand, Li Shan who was standing in the Demon Emperor City suddenly found that the sun, moon and stars in the void disappeared instantly.

That book turned into a canopy, covering the sky and the sun.

That book, at this moment, seemed to have turned into a treasure that devoured the world, and millions of monsters were instantly devoured.

No matter how strong the strength is, there is no resistance.

Not long ago, the Demon Emperor City, which was filled with monster aura, was completely silent at this moment, and no trace of the demon clan's aura could be felt anymore.

At the moment when Li Shan was shocked, the huge books covering the sky and the sun disappeared instantly, and at the same time, the cars of various countries also disappeared.

The sky returned to normal, and Li Shan found that the figure of Kong Sheng reappeared in the painting in his hand.

At this moment, looking at the mediocre portrait, Li Shan was afraid from the soul. Kong Sheng's method just now shocked Li Shan.

At that moment just now, Li Shan felt as if Kong Sheng had wandered from another time and space.

Li Shan doesn't know how strong the Taigu Yaopeng is, but when Li Shan faces the Taigu Yaopeng, he has only one feeling, that is, he is unmatched.

However, this is not what shocked Li Shan the most. What shocked Li Shan the most was that the book flew out of Kong Sheng's hand and instantly swallowed up a million monsters. That scene was what shocked Li Shan the most.

After a dozen or so breaths, Li Shancai stabilized his mood.

He said in horror: "Young master is so scary."

"These ancient existences want to compete with the young master, they are courting death."

"But what exactly is the young master playing with?"

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