Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 966 Granting God's Authority

Wang Lin followed Li Yixi, and the two left the courtyard one after the other.

When Little Phoenix knew that Li Yixi was going out, he followed immediately.

"Master, how can you go out without me?"

"In case of danger, I can also contribute! |

Little Phoenix rolled his eyes, stared at Li Yixi and smiled.

"Hey, can you be fooled into being a teacher?"

"This is trying to be lazy!"

As soon as Xiao Fenghuang approached, Li Yixi felt that Xiao Fenghuang was lying. These days Li Yixi taught Xiao Fenghuang many articles and asked Xiao Fenghuang to recite them.

Li Yixi gradually discovered that his perception of others' hearts became stronger.


"Just take a day off!"

Li Yixi looked at Xiao Fenghuang's pitiful eyes and felt a little headache, but thought of going out with Xiao Fenghuang to accompany him, so he finally agreed.

"Then today, I will give you a vacation!"

"In the future, don't be lazy!"

Li Yixi said with a serious face.

"Got it, Master!"

The pitiful look on Little Phoenix's face instantly disappeared, replaced by excitement.

Where is the previous appearance.

Li Yixi shook his head, and went to a school he knew.

Li Yixi found that going out for a walk was very lifelike.

When approaching the school, Li Yixi suddenly felt nostalgic. Li Yixi found that there were many vendors doing business around the school.

But suddenly, without any warning, it rained in the sky.

Seeing that the raindrops were about to fall on Li Yixi's body, Little Phoenix immediately activated the spell, and the raindrops around Li Yixi all evaporated.

Whether it was the scholars or the peddlers, they all became flustered, especially the peddlers, who were in a panic.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Yixi frowned slightly.

To Little Phoenix: "Can you stop the rain and help them?"

Little Phoenix immediately nodded and cast a spell to make all the raindrops in this area disappear.

In the void, Wuming, the rain god who was spreading the rain, naturally noticed the change here, and his body trembled slightly after seeing it.

"It's God, not good, I didn't expect God to come here."

The rain god Wuming, who was spreading the rain, stopped the rain in an instant.

Li Shan happened to be here today.

When the little phoenix cast the spell, Li Shan naturally found out, Li Shan appeared and said excitedly: "My lord, I'm so far away, I didn't expect you to come here."

"Sir, please!"

Li Shan was very excited, but at the same time a little nervous.

It's like the leadership inspection work.

Seeing Li Yixi meditating, Li Shan became even more nervous.

Soon, Li Yixi followed Li Shan and entered the newly built school.

"My lord, the school has just promoted education. I don't know about you, but I can give you some pointers." Li Shan was a little nervous, and Li Yixi was still frowning at this moment.

Li Yixi came back to his senses at this moment, smiled and said: "I don't know, I don't know what you are teaching?"

"Just thinking about a question?"

Li Yixi explained.

Li Shan heard Li Yixi say to think about a problem, his eyes lit up, he felt that Li Yixi was hinting, took a deep breath and asked: "My lord, I don't know what to think about, can I help?"

Li Shan's voice fell, Li Yixi frowned and said: "In this world, there are fairy courts, but I feel that the fairy courts don't care about things!"

"There are so many immortals, but they are not used rationally, and they will benefit the world!"

Li Shan trembled when he heard this.

"Young master, are you dissatisfied?"

"Could it be that something happened before that made the young master dissatisfied."

Li Shan was a little nervous, took a deep breath, and continued to listen, not daring to miss a single word.

Li Yixi continued: "Not long ago, I found that no one was walking in the clouds to spread the rain, and there was drought everywhere. How could those small sects have the ability to compete against the Immortal Court?"

"Xianting is not doing anything!"

"Today, I discovered another defect."

Li Yixi sighed helplessly, looking disappointed.

Li Shan immediately poured tea for Li Yixi, and said cautiously.

Li Shan felt that today's Li Yixi definitely had some hints.

Li Yixi picked up the pen and wrote a few words.

Thunder and lightning.

After writing the four words, Li Yixi said speechlessly: "It's raining heavily, but there's only rain. This is not normal. Wind, rain, thunder, and rain, how can there be no wind, thunder and lightning?"

"If there is no wind and thunder warning, wouldn't it be a pain for the world, who knows it will rain, and it will be troublesome if you are not prepared!"

The nameless rain god in the void trembled when he heard Li Yixi's words.

"Was it raining and thundering?"

After muttering, Wuming's eyes frowned, but he only had the authority to distribute rain, but he didn't have the authority to move clouds or thunder.

Taking a deep breath, the rain god Wuming listened quietly.

Li Shan suddenly realized why Li Yixi frowned before.

The original reason is here.

At this moment, Li Shan couldn't help but think of Journey to the West, and remembered the major events that happened these days. Li Shan knew that Li Yixi had established the realm of death and granted the authority of the nameless rain god.

It is possible that Li Yixi really wants to create a perfect world, a world with the three realms of heaven, earth and man.

Li Shan took a deep breath and immediately remembered this matter, thinking that after Li Yixi left, he immediately communicated with Immortal Emperor Tang Xue.

Li Shan said tentatively: "Master, just like in Journey to the West, should there be Rain God, Thunder God, Lightning Mother, Feng Po, and Tuiyun Boy in the Immortal Court?"

Hearing Li Shan's words, Li Yixi suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but thought that he was pretending to beep, no matter how he could pretend to maintain his image, anyway, this world is a world of immortals and demons.

Continued: "Yes, immortals and demons are rampant in this world. Since there are immortals and countless immortals in the fairy court, it is right to have these powers. Otherwise, some practitioners, relying on their own mana, cast spells everywhere, causing disasters, and will only suffer for mortals." .”

"Xianting, you should control the basic authority, otherwise, wouldn't it be a mess!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Let's not talk about this, what kind of education is your school promoting?"

However, what Li Yixi didn't know was that the moment his own words fell, Tang Xue, who was practicing in the Central Immortal Court, suddenly opened his eyes, and an inconceivable look appeared in his eyes.

Tang Xue shook her head fiercely, thinking that she was hallucinating.

"I, how can I control the authority of God."

"Isn't it true that I am now capable of conferring gods?"

"This, how is this possible?"

Tang Xue suddenly realized that she had some power in her hands, and there was a hint of shock and confusion in her eyes.

Even after confirming that she was not hallucinating, Tang Xue couldn't believe it for a while.

After all, it has never been possible to control the divine power.

Even Tang Xue, as the master of the Central Immortal Courtyard, never thought about this.

It's unbelievable to hold divine power.

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