Sensing that he has a connection with the Heaven/Emperor Realm, Li Yixi was ecstatic in his heart. From Li Yixi's point of view, this is his first artifact.

"Good baby, I finally refined some, but I don't know why, for a while, I still don't understand the magical function of the Heaven/Emperor Mirror, so put it away for now."

Li Yixi picked up the Heaven/Emperor Mirror, carefully entered the study room, and put it away.

After finishing everything, Li Yixi left the study with a look of excitement.

In the Heaven/Emperor Mirror, Qi Ling felt the rapid transformation of his body, and immediately fell into practice, so Li Yixi didn't sense too much.

When Li Yixi was in control of the Heaven/Emperor Mirror, two figures appeared outside Jinling Immortal City.


"Fertian is dead, what happened here?"

"Who the hell is capable of killing Ferris?"

One of them, feeling the residual breath, showed a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Yang San, Motian is dead. Now is not the time for revenge. What we have to do now is to find the Heaven/Emperor Mirror. The Heaven/Emperor Mirror is the magical weapon of some old ghost. If we can't burst out with peak power, we must find it first and bring it back."

"Heaven/Emperor Mirror, Yao Zun is of great use to old people."

Seeing Yang San staying, Ding Kui said impatiently.

"Yes, Brother Ding."

The skyscraper that the two of them talked about was the strongest false god who had fought with the Lord of Hell before.

"Senior Brother Ding, but the Heaven/Emperor Mirror has been taken away, how can we find it?"

Yang San looked at the empty rift valley, feeling a little helpless.

"Shut up and watch!"

"Yaozun asked me to come, do you think I will have no means?"

The voice fell, and at this moment, Ding Kui's eyebrows flew out a word, "Catch".

This single word is entwined with terrifying power.


Yang San looked at this scene, his eyes lit up.

Ding Kui ignored Yang San, activated the divine script 'catch', and soon caught a ray of heaven/emperor mirror's remaining breath here.

The next moment, a mouse suddenly appeared in Yang San's sleeve. The mouse swallowed the wisp of breath, and flew away in an instant.


Ding Kui's eyes lit up, and his body hurriedly stepped out.

"A celestial rat?"

Seeing the mouse, Yang San was extremely surprised. This thing has no combat power, but it is extremely terrifying to follow it.

The two and one mouse quickly entered Jinling Immortal City, and followed Tongtian Shu to the outside of Li Garden.

Ding Kui couldn't help frowning.


"Why is the Heaven/Emperor Mirror here? Could it be picked up by a mortal?"

"It doesn't matter, the Heaven/Emperor Mirror is an artifact, as long as you can get it, it's fine."

After thinking about it, Ding Kui and Yang San displayed their supernatural powers.

The next moment, the bodies of the two of them instantly became transparent, and they entered the courtyard silently.


"What kind of supernatural power is this, it's interesting!"

At this moment, the eyes of the black dog sleeping on the ground showed a gleam of brilliance. With such supernatural powers, Dahei was extremely curious.

However, Dahei found that the strength of the two people was not weak, and Li Yixi was practicing not far away, so he didn't make a move, so he could only follow quietly. Soon, Ding Kui and Yang San entered the study.


"Tian/Huangjing, it's really here, it's really hard to find, it's easy to get here."

Yang San was overjoyed, and stretched out his hand to directly grab the Tian/Huang Jing.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred. In the study, a terrifying silver wolf appeared and swallowed Yang San in one gulp. Ding Kui, who was one step behind, changed his expression drastically.

"Supreme Artifact!"

"not good!"

Ding Kui's expression changed suddenly, he turned around and fled.

However, Silver Wolf urged the brush to point out with one stroke.

Ding Kui's body collapsed in an instant, and only a few bones fell to the ground.

The big black dog stuck its head into the study, looked at Qi Lingyinlang curiously, and asked, "What is this, why is it so strange?"

"You are also a demon clan, or a demon ancestor, you know?"

Dahei looked at the silver wolf phantom with curious eyes.

"The mutated monster clan, with mutated talents, can be regarded as the water river monster clan."

Silver Wolf's voice fell and disappeared.


"That tastes good!"

Dahei licked the dog's mouth, took the bone in his mouth, and walked straight away.

In the corner, Tongtianshu was trembling, all this fell into the eyes of Tongtianshu.

Tongtianshu couldn't lift his feet heavily, and at the same time, there was an indelible fear in his heart.

Tongtianshu knew that both of them were dead.

Tong Tianshu didn't care about it before, but now his eyes are scanning the manor, and his heart can't stop beating wildly. The manor looks ordinary, but it hides a terrifying murderous intent. Where the bones spit out, Ding Kui's strength is extremely terrifying, the peak of the ancestor god.

However, there is no resistance.

Tong Tianshu's small eyes were filled with panic.


"Tongtianshu, it's strange. I remember that there is no Tongtianshu in the yard."

"What's the matter, don't be afraid!"

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Dahei, who was holding a bone in his mouth, happened to meet Tongtianshu at this moment, looked at Tongtianshu, and asked through voice transmission.

Searching for the trembling Tongtianshu, he turned around abruptly, looked at Dahei who was staring at him with wide eyes, and was startled. At this moment, Tongtianshu naturally felt Ding Kui's breath on the bone in Dahei's mouth .

His limbs and feet took a few steps back in fear.

The big black dog looked ordinary, but Tongtianshu instinctively felt the danger.

"No, no, nothing, I don't need help."

Hearing Dahei's words, Tongtianshu disappeared quickly with eyes full of panic.

The current Tongtianshu just wants to escape from this dangerous place.

Go back and report everything here.


"Am I so scary?"

Dahei muttered, very helpless, especially when he saw Tongtianshu fleeing in a hurry, he was extremely confused.

Tongtianshu came out of the manor, turned around and looked, as if in a dream, never thought that there was such a terrifying big monster in this seemingly ordinary manor.

At this moment, Tongtian Shu almost collapsed.

The void torn apart by the Tongtianshu disappeared instantly.

In addition to tracking, the Tongtianshu also has strong spatial supernatural powers.

In an abyss, Tongtianshu appeared. In the abyss, there were countless beings. These beings were extremely surprised to see Tongtianshu in a panic.

Tongtianshu's combat power is not good, but Tongtianshu, who has a talent for space, has never been so embarrassed.

Tongtianshu ignored these gazes and entered the depths of the abyss in an instant.

At the end of the abyss is a huge palace, in which there are many terrifying existences.

"The big thing is bad, Yaozun!"

As soon as Tongtianshu appeared, he said anxiously.

"Tongtianshu, what's going on?"

Yaozun's eyes fell on Tongtianshu, and suddenly, he felt a bad premonition in his heart.

"Demon Lord!"

"Yang San and Ding Kui are dead, dead!"

Tongtianshu's body trembled slightly, and fear was still in his eyes at this moment.


In the ancient hall, everyone's expression changed, including Yaozun.

"What's going on, what kind of enemy did you meet?"

"Tell me everything!"

Yaozun suppressed his anger and asked.

"I, I don't know."

However, Facing Yao Zun's gaze, Tong Tian Shu hurriedly shook his head.

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