"When I found out, I only saw Ding Kui's bones being held by a big dog."

"That dog is terrible. Maybe, maybe it killed Ding Kui and the others."

Tongtian Shu's voice fell, and the entire ancient hall fell into dead silence.

Yang San and Ding Kui's strength is not weak.

In the blink of an eye, there was only one bone left, and it was taken away by the dog.

This news had an impact on all the existences in the hall.

The next moment, Yaozun slapped violently, and the stone table in front of him was instantly shattered.

"It's too much bullying."

At this moment, Yaozun was extremely angry.

Those beings in the hall are very quiet at the moment.

"Tian/Emperor Mirror, have you found it?"

Yaozun's eyes were red, and after a few breaths, he looked at Tongtianshu.

"I sensed it, it's in that courtyard."

Tongtianshu hurriedly said.

"Go, let's go, bring back the Heaven/Emperor Mirror, and slaughter all the creatures in it."

Yaozun gave an order.

Tong Tianshu's body trembled wildly, "Yao Zun, it's not right, we don't know the depth of each other, so it's dangerous to go rashly."


"Don't tell me you don't want the Heavenly/Emperor Mirror?"

"Ding Kui is my disciple. Don't you want to avenge the killing?"

"No no, Yao Zun, you misunderstood, what I mean is, this matter needs to be done with caution, after all, we don't know anything about it!"

Tongtianshu hurriedly explained, thinking of the yard, Tongtianshu trembled.

Hearing this, the red-eyed Yaozun slowly returned to normal.

"Did you find anything about the yard?"

After Yaozun calmed down, he stared at Tongtianshu and asked.

"No, Ding Kui and the others died too quickly. They died as soon as they entered. I didn't find anything at all." Tong Tianshu said in a trembling voice at this moment.

As soon as it mentioned everything there, Tongtianshu couldn't help being afraid.

For a while, the Yaozun couldn't help being silent, and couldn't help but retreat in his heart.

However, Yao Zun couldn't help it when he thought of the artifact Heaven/Emperor Mirror.

"Come on, let's go investigate again."

In the end, Yaozun gave up the idea of ​​going directly.

Li Yuan, Li Yixi opened a few acupuncture points after practicing for a while, and he felt very happy when he waved his fist.

Can't help but hit the Tiger Fist.

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, outside of Li Yuan, several figures appeared in the void, each of them concealing their own existence with mana, but they were very nervous.

These are the monster races from the abyss.

Several figures exploded with soul power and swept towards the courtyard.

At this moment, I happened to see Dahei grinding his teeth with a bone.

But after grinding for a while, it was directly shot into slag.


Dahei couldn't help muttering, with a look of disgust on his face.

This scene happened to be discovered by those Yaozu.

Sensing the bones that were smashed into powder, each one was furious.

Extremely angry.


In their view, this is provocation.

The word trash makes it unbearable.

It feels like the abyss demon clan has been completely ignored.

"Damn it, I killed him and dared to humiliate Senior Brother Ding Kui's bones."

A figure was about to rush out in anger.

"Stop, stop!"


Tongtianshu used its space talent to instantly block the figure.

"Tongtian Shu, as expected of a rat, he is as cowardly as a mouse, get out, don't you see? If I don't kill the earth dog, I can't swallow this breath."

"No, I want to completely destroy this place."

Tong Tianshu hurriedly said, "Calm down, calm down, Ding Kui died in an instant, how much better are you than Ding Kui."

Hearing this, the figure suddenly reacted.

I couldn't help feeling scared.

"Dangerous, could it be that the black dog deliberately provoked us?"

"Everyone, be careful, we don't know everything here, be careful."

"Sneak into it first, don't be reckless!"

The voice fell, and the next moment a group of figures quietly approached the yard. At this moment, they couldn't help but stare at Li Yixi.


"There are mortals in this yard, good opportunity!"

"You, catch him!"

"After we catch it, we can also get a general idea from its mouth."

Whoever was the leader gave an instant order.

A figure quietly approached Li Yixi who was punching.

The rest are observing other places.

That big monster, whose body almost merged with the void, approached Li Yixi with a look of disdain.

However, at the moment when Li Yixi was more than a dozen steps away, Li Yixi happened to punch this way. The face of the demon ancestor suddenly changed, and he felt a terrifying white tiger pounced on him.

That fist wind made him suffocate.

When he wanted to escape, he found that his body was constantly shattering.

Constantly turning into nothingness, that seemingly random punch completely wiped out everything, including the soul.

"Impossible, he is a mortal!"

The last remnant is still a look of unwillingness.

However, nothing can be changed.


"What's the matter, over there, why is there still movement, why hasn't a single mortal captured it yet!"

The leader could not help but turn around, because at this moment Li Yixi was still punching, but his companion disappeared strangely.

He couldn't help frowning, after all, that was an existence in the realm of an ancestor god, how could he arrest a mortal and still disappear?

"You, go and capture that mortal, let's retreat first!"

"This yard is too weird, our companion has disappeared."

At this moment, the voice of the big demon in the head resounds in the ears of all beings.

The big demon, who was already nervous, trembled suddenly, with a look of horror on his face.

"I go!"

One of the figures was too nervous and chose to arrest Li Yixi.

"Okay, be careful, we are in the dark, if there is danger, we will take action."

The leading existence hastily comforted him.

In fact, at this moment, after feeling that his companion disappeared strangely, he felt uneasy.

Which big monster is good at escaping from the ground.

At this moment, quietly, they kept approaching.

However, not long after the earth escaped, Li Yixi, who was punching, happened to stomp his feet.

His body was instantly shaken to death by that terrifying force.

The soul is gone.


In the distance, the big monster who was paying attention here was instantly scared to death.

He wanted to run away, but Li Yixi happened to finish work and came this way.

Li Yixi walked step by step, relaxed and casual, but Li Yixi's step by step seemed to be stepping on their chests, no matter who it was, they didn't dare to move at this moment.

After feeling Li Yixi's terror, he was completely frightened.

"Go and see the Heaven/Emperor Realm."

Li Yixi thought of the Heaven/Emperor Realm, his eyes were bright, this was his only artifact, Li Yixi was very concerned, and walked towards the study, but at this moment those big monsters were even more terrified, they came with the power of incense , the strength is very strong, but at this moment, no one dared to move in the slightest. Li Yixi approached, and they felt that the sky was about to collapse.

The aura emitted by Li Yixi was too terrifying.

The body of the one near the study room directly and continuously turned into nothingness.

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