Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 962 A drop of blood can destroy the world and cast the world

Inside the Sky/Emperor Mirror.

Qi Lingsou trembled, his lips trembled slightly, and he stammered to himself: "Impossible, this is impossible, this is an illusion, the Heaven/Emperor Mirror is the master who gathers the power of heaven and earth, and invites five detached beings to join hands It was made, in the battle of the ancient times, God blew me up, and after countless years, I was able to gather the fragments into one, how could there be a means to repair it in an instant."

"Illusion, this must be an illusion."

"Otherwise, how could it be so."

Li Yixi, who finished repairing, looked at the Heaven/Emperor Realm in front of him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

But soon, Li Yixi felt that this day/imperial realm was not perfect.


"Strange, why do you always feel that this mirror is not perfect?"

"Something seems to be wrong?"

Li Yixi pondered for a moment, then his eyes brightened, and he said with a smile: "I'm confused, the mirror is too smooth and untouched, how can it be perfect?"

"However, what should be carved on this mirror?"

"Landscape, vulgar!"

"Character, wrong!"

"Beast, it's totally out of place!"

"What is good to carve?"

"This mirror is in the shape of a circle, and there seem to be small lines on it. If you follow the small lines, then you won't be able to do landscapes, figures, animals, or even characters. What's the best way to carve along these lines?"

"By the way, runes!"

"I seem to have seen a rune once, and it was just right carved on it. Although I don't know what the rune is, it is perfect."

"By the way, it's that sword."

"Haha, I forgot, the rune on the sword in the room just fits the mirror, that's the rune."

After Li Yixi lost his thoughts, the carving knife in his hand moved.

The Heaven/Emperor Mirror was originally an extremely terrifying artifact, but when Li Yixi's carving knife moved, a terrifying and extremely powerful force descended.


"This is, the power of heaven and earth, how is it possible?"

"Could it be that this person is the Lord of Heaven and Earth?"

"But this world doesn't seem to have any connection with him?"

"Why can he mobilize the power of heaven and earth, and this power of heaven and earth is dozens of times stronger than the power of heaven and earth mobilized by the master."

"this this"

The Artifact Spirit of Heaven/Emperor Mirror was trembling in the Heaven/Emperor Realm, with a look of horror on his face, never thought that Li Yixi could mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

However, Qi Ling, who was already nervous, widened his eyes as Li Yixi swung the carving knife rapidly.

Following Li Yixi's carving knife, the first rune appeared soon.

Qi Ling stared at the rune, trembling.

"This is the primitive divine script of chaos, this is the primitive divine script of chaos."

"The Primitive Divinity of Chaos appeared with the first opening of the world. How could someone write such a divine writing."

"This is, what's going on here?"

"This is not an illusion. The appearance of this divine text is absorbing the power of heaven and earth and perfecting the mirror body."

At this moment, the spirit of Tian/Huangjing was really stupid.

A look of horror.

Li Yixi didn't care about it, he quickly carved with a knife.

Soon, it was finally done.

Seeing the rune in front of him, Li Yixi was extremely satisfied.

"Sacred weapon, it is said that all divine weapons need to recognize the owner, but how can one recognize the owner?"

"This artifact is useless if you don't recognize its master!"

"Blood, can you recognize the Lord?"

Li Yixi held the Heaven/Emperor Mirror and muttered softly.

After hearing Li Yixi's words, the weapon spirit in the Heaven/Emperor Mirror instantly woke up from the horror.

"Do you recognize the Lord?"

"I want to recognize the Lord, I must recognize the Lord."

"This is a chance. This person is very strong. It is only good for me to recognize him as my master."

"Randomly engraving two chaotic primitive divine scripts raised me to a higher level. This kind of existence is many times stronger than the dead God. Moreover, those are the chaotic primitive divine scripts, and they can be engraved by them." .”

"With these two chaotic primitive divine scripts, I will continue to absorb the power of heaven and earth to improve."

Heaven/Emperor Mirror's Artifact Spirit, who is still willing to leave at this moment, excitedly wants to recognize the master Li Yixi.

"Is blood okay?"

Li Yixi's eyes brightened instantly, and he thought of the scenes among those fairy heroes.

Squinting his eyes, he gritted his teeth lightly, and carefully scratched his fingertips.

The next moment, a drop of blood appeared on Li Yixi's fingertips, and it landed on the Heaven/Emperor Mirror.

The Heavenly/Emperor Mirror Artifact, who had been waiting for a long time, devoured that drop of blood frantically.

Li Yixi watched the blood drop slowly merge into the sky/emperor mirror, his body trembled instantly, waiting excitedly.

The Sky/Emperor Mirror is an extremely powerful artifact that contains a small thousand worlds.

With the devouring of the spirit of the weapon, that drop of blood appeared in the inner world of the Heaven/Emperor Mirror.

At this moment, the ecstatic Qi Ling changed color instantly.

Because the moment the drop of blood appeared in front of him, he completely lost control, and in that drop of blood, the screams of hundreds of millions of gods and demons resounded instantly.

Qi Ling couldn't hold back that drop of blood.

It fell towards the mountain below him in an instant, and the moment the drop of blood was exposed on the mountain, a terrifying force erupted, and centered on the place where it fell, the inner world of the sky/emperor mirror continued to collapse.

Like the end of the world, all existence is rapidly turning into nothingness.

In the next moment, even the spirit of the tool turned into nothingness in an instant.

The consciousness of Qi Ling fell into a state of chaos.

The entire inner world of Tian/Huangjing has turned into chaos at this moment, and the only thing that still exists is the fresh blood at that moment.

After destroying everything, the drop of blood suspended in nothingness suddenly burst into endless divine light.

In the divine light, the terrifying power of life appeared.

The next moment, the chaos on this side squirmed strangely. As the drop of blood melted into nothingness, the chaos changed rapidly, and soon a brand new inner world appeared, turning into a void spirit, and the body reappeared in it. The consciousness that fell into chaos also returned to the body.


"How is it possible that a drop of blood can destroy the world? A drop of blood can cast the world?"

Qi Ling's eyes widened, looking at the transformed inner world, his body trembled violently.

At this moment, Qi Ling was really frightened, and his eyes were filled with fear.

I clearly feel that I have been reshaped.

And at this moment, Qi Qi was inspired, and he and Li Yixi felt like they were connected by flesh and blood.

"Have I been refined like this?"

Qi Ling's mouth was dry.

Refining a divine weapon, even if the spirit doesn't reject it, it cannot be completely refined without countless years of gestation, but Li Yixi's drop of blood actually reshaped the spirit and refined it directly.


"I feel it, I really feel it."

"I have feelings with this artifact."

Li Yixi, who was a little apprehensive at first, widened his eyes, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes at this moment.

I feel that I can move the sky/emperor mirror at will.

While Qi Ling was terrified, he also felt the changes in himself. At this moment, Qi Ling felt that Li Yixi's divine blood was fused into his body, and his physical body was more than a thousand times stronger.

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