
"Old Ancestor, where did you start talking about this?"

"Right now, stabilizing your injury is the most important thing. We will talk about other things in the future."

Zhao Feixuan was speechless. Zhao Zuzhi's injuries were extremely serious, especially the wound on his chest. He could almost see his heart beating. If it was normal, he had already begun to heal his injuries. But now, Zhao Zuzhi seemed to be a normal person, with a look of don't care.

"Feixuan, Patriarch, I can't die, what are you afraid of?"

"Listen to me, our book mountain is about to rise, the kind that no one can stop."

"Before, Jun Wushen said, do you remember, that Jun Wushen's cultivation base is extremely terrifying, definitely far beyond the realm of gods, but you can sense Jun Wushen's blood and bones, that guy is extremely young , so much smaller than we imagined."

"However, his strength has definitely surpassed that of a god, and may even have reached the realm of a god king."

"God King, a state that we have never imagined, such a state, even if it is rumored to enter the chaotic world, it will not be weak."

"Feixuan, do you still remember the will that erupted on the books before, is it strong?"

Zhao Zuzhi's eyes were extremely bright.


"That is an unfathomable realm!"

Hearing Zhao Zuzhi's words, at this moment, Zhao Feixuan couldn't help but see that horrifying scene in her mind. Zhao Feixuan's breathing became a little disordered. That scene, even if recalled at this moment, still has an unimaginable impact on the mind. so horrible.

Hearing Zhao Feixuan's words, Zhao Zuzhi smiled and said: "No one would be shocked by that scene, because it surpassed our cognition, but Jun Wushen, Li Shan and Xiao Zhan were just surprised, not like us. Usually, obviously, they've seen far worse scenes."

"And, Jun Wushen said, that person is his master."

"Xiao Zhan and Li Shan, call that phantom Young Master!"

"So, the person behind the thatched hut is the expert, and your plan, Feixuan, has been approved by the expert. Today's Jun Wushen and others went to show that they value it very much. Tell me, is it us?" Shushan's opportunity has come."

"Furthermore, in the current Azure Dragon Immortal City, no one can turn the situation around after the phantom of the master's will has wiped out all the false gods. Now, this is the territory of our Shushan."

"In Qinglong Immortal City, our Shushan is the overlord."

"We also have the confidence to revolutionize the world. Those believers who originally hated us in their hearts, with the death of the false gods, woke up from the shock one by one. They feared the false gods like snakes and scorpions. This is a good start."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Zuzhi coughed violently at this moment, bloodshot from the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Feixuan was also stunned. The previous Zhao Feixuan had been under shock and didn't think much about it. Now after hearing Zhao Zuzhi's words, Zhao Feixuan's face was filled with excitement. It was exactly as Zhao Zuzhi said, they seemed to be invisible. Already hugged a thigh.

Given the power to change the mountain of books, thinking of those books, Zhao Feixuan involuntarily became short of breath.

Eyes are getting brighter.

"People's livelihood, education."

"Old Ancestor, it is possible that these two points have been approved by the master, and the three priests in the thatched cottage today seem to be extremely concerned about these things."

At this moment, Zhao Feixuan said excitedly.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Yes, it must be like this. Damn it, I'm going to die. You control the overall situation first. Now that the false gods are removed, there won't be too much commotion. I have to heal my wounds first, or I'm really going to die."

Expressing the excitement in his heart, Zhao Zuzhi left with a smile on his face.

At this moment, only Zhao Feixuan was left in place.

While Zhao Feixuan was meditating, two figures suddenly appeared not far in front of Zhao Feixuan, causing Zhao Feixuan's expression to change suddenly, because Zhao Feixuan felt the feeling from the two of them. A powerful aura, and the other party's attire is very weird, and at this moment, the chain in one of them's hands actually locks many souls.


Zhao Feixuan's complexion changed drastically, which was a strange thing that had never been seen before.

Not far away is the black and white impermanence from the dead world.

"I have seen fellow Daoist."

"We are black and white impermanence from the dead world, and we can be regarded as the pawns of the master. Everything about us is bestowed by the master, and the saint is the same."

"The expert established reincarnation in the realm of death, so when these people fall, we bring their souls back to the realm of death and let them enter reincarnation."

Hei Wuchang said with a smile at this moment.

"A master? A chess piece?"

"Build a hell?"

Zhao Feixuan's eyes widened in an instant, with an unbelievable expression on her face. Zhao Feixuan never thought that there would be reincarnation in this world.

Zhao Feixuan took a deep breath, stared at Hei Wuchang and said, "This is true."

There is reincarnation in the world, which is an extremely terrifying, unbelievable, and shocking thing.


"Isn't that so, I vaguely guessed what the expert wants to do?"

"We are all master's pawns, so show up and talk to the saint, and at the same time, we also need the help of the saint."

Hei Wuchang instantly explained his intention.

Hearing this, Zhao Feixuan's eyes lit up, but she still tried her best to maintain her composure and asked, "What does the master want to do?"

After the voice fell, Zhao Feixuan held her breath, waiting for Heiwuchang's answer.

Hei Wuchang did not pretend to be profound, and said bluntly: "The expert once said that this world is too low-level, without reincarnation, there is no order among immortals, and even the way of heaven, the expert feels dissatisfied."

"Later, very soon, according to the master plan, there was reincarnation in the dead world, and order in the whole dead world."

"In the underworld, it is almost completed, but in the living world, all kinds of chaos appear frequently these days. Mortal lives are as cheap as grass, controlled by invisible hands, and become puppets. Therefore, Confucianism and Taoism are very special in Daxing. Spiritual roots, as long as you study, you can gather your talents and step into practice. If you want to break the current deadlock, education is fundamental. As long as everyone can practice, those mortals will not continue to be ignorant, and their class will be weakened. The living world will usher in eternal peace."

"These days, our Dead Realm is also collecting everything related to the expert, and deducing the layout of the expert. This is not to spy on something, but to be able to better understand the hints of the expert."

"The purpose of thatched cottage is to establish a heart for the world, to establish a life for the people, to inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and to create peace for all generations."

"A master, it is likely that he wants to establish a life for the people and create a pure land on earth."

"For mortals who want to be strong, self-reliance is the key, stepping into Confucianism and Taoism is the key, and education is the foundation, the foundation."

"Of course, everything is our conjecture, but this conjecture is well-founded."

"Saint, do you think so?"

At this moment, Hei Wuchang's eyes fell on Zhao Feixuan.

At this moment, Zhao Feixuan's body trembled slightly, with a shocked expression on her face.

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