Those disciples of the Cracking Sky Sect who were still alive with fanatical faces, saw the phantom of the gods in the void at this moment, and under the strange sun, they let out a miserable howl.

It seems that faith has been broken in general.

The madness in the eyes gradually disappeared, looking at the phantom in the void, there was no more fanaticism in the eyes, fearing it like a poisonous scorpion.

"The Evil God, the Evil God, who actually controls our will and absorbs the power of faith, this is the Evil God!"

The disciples of the Sky Cracking Sect who woke up had a look of panic in their eyes.

The body shakes violently.

It seems that they were controlled by the statue before.


At this moment, Jun Wushen was staring blankly at the phantom of the farmer in the void, and couldn't help but click his tongue. That phantom was really terrifying. With just one word, a round of golden sun appeared out of thin air. The light is not hot, but it carries an extremely holy power.

Jun Wushen and the others were very clear about the phantom that just descended, and it absolutely surpassed them, and it was so powerful beyond imagination.


In the midst of howling and struggling, Xu Ying's body was continuously evaporated like black air.

The moment those auras appeared, everyone couldn't help feeling a little disgusted.


"how can that be?"

"Why is this book so terrifying?"

At this moment, Zhao Feixuan, with a dull face, looked at the phantom in the void and the golden sun, her lips trembled violently, her delicate body trembled slightly, and her mind suffered an unimaginable impact.

The moment the white jade bone hand appeared, Zhao Feixuan was completely desperate, and the world was imprisoned, but such a terrifying existence was unexpectedly killed by the book flying out of her arms.

"Is this the book my master gave you?"

"No wonder there is a trace of master's will on it."

"But why the master's will has not returned yet."

Staring at the phantom and the golden sun in the void, Jun Wushen looked puzzled.

Li Shan and the others didn't understand either.

But they were all quiet, watching quietly.

Because at this moment, the golden sun in the void continued to expand with golden light, as if it was going to cover the entire Qinglong Immortal City. Soon, the four people saw that the golden light had indeed enveloped the entire Qinglong Immortal City.

At the same time, the bodies of the four trembled violently.

Because at this moment, it was extremely weird, the four of them seemed to be standing in another time and space, Qinglong Immortal City, at this moment, disappeared strangely, and the creatures in Qinglong Immortal City turned into individual seedlings at this moment, and some Taoist temples built recently , temples, turned into weeds in the fields.

In the farmland, the farmer smiled and waved a hoe.

"The plan for a year lies in spring. If you don't cultivate well, there will be no harvest in autumn."

"There are too many weeds to stay."

"Today is just right, the sun is strong enough, otherwise, it would be really difficult to get rid of, after all, it is extremely easy to recover."

The hoe in his hand kept falling.

The hoes kept falling, and Jun Wushen and the other four looked shocked. They saw those Taoist temples and temples were instantly uprooted and shattered.

One of the statues was exposed at this moment.

The golden light instantly fell on the statue.

The statue, which seemed to be a dead thing at first, let out a scream the next moment.

The body was continuously reduced to ashes.

Soon, the golden sun disappeared, the illusory scene in the void disappeared, and the books suspended in front of Zhao Feixuan also slowly fell down, being caught by Zhao Feixuan.

Zhao Feixuan looked at the book in her hand with a dull expression, and even her body was stiff.

Zhao Feixuan, who was breathing on the screen, was constantly shocked by the previous scene.

Zhao Feixuan didn't dare to breathe until she confirmed again and again that the book was mediocre.

At this moment, Zhao Feixuan's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and her breathing was extremely short.

Hu Hu Hu.

In the void, there was only the sound of Zhao Feixuan's breathing.

Shaking her head, Zhao Feixuan tried to wake herself up and stabilize her mind.

He muttered to himself, "This is a holy object, it has been manifested, it has been manifested!"

"This kind of holy object should be enshrined!"

"Disciple of Shushan, worship him every day!"

While terrified, Zhao Feixuan's expression was frenzied at the moment.

For Li Yixi, I am even more in awe.

"Saint, these things don't need to be enshrined."

"The son gave it to you, and it should have its function, not for you to worship. For example, today, if the saint doesn't carry it, wouldn't it be dangerous?"

"This book contains a trace of luck, and at the same time, it seems that the young master has read it, and there is still a trace of the young master's will."

"With it, the saint also has the confidence to revolutionize the world."

"Gods and demons do not invade."

"Ghosts dodge!"

At this moment, Xiao Zhan explained aloud.

Li Shan also took a deep breath at the moment, woke up from the shock, and said with a smile: "These things, with their talents, can display their true value. It is useless to collect and worship."

"How can you exist, son, how can you need the power of your incense?"

Li Shan is not an exaggeration, because Li Shancai and Li Yixi once felt the terrifying power of merit and virtue, the power of incense, how could he be attracted to it.

Hearing this, Zhao Feixuan couldn't help being stunned. In Zhao Feixuan's perception, such fetishes should be enshrined and enjoy the power of incense.

However, the words of Li Shan and others made Zhao Feixuan thoughtful.

"Saint, this thing is your guts, the god in your heart, take it with you."

"Only by living can we revolutionize the world."

"This is the layout of the young master."

"This may be a life-saving means given to you by the young master."

"After all, it is very dangerous to revolutionize the world. Today, it is just the Azure Dragon Immortal City. In this Second Heaven, the Azure Dragon Immortal City is just a drop in the ocean."

"I'm waiting to say goodbye!"

"Today, we have gained a lot from what we have seen and heard, and the saint is not in danger."

"I didn't expect that there would be such an existence. With the help of the power of incense, the cholera world should be punished. We have to go back and make arrangements." Jun Wushen said hurriedly at this moment.

"Today, I will trouble you!"

Zhao Feixuan was still in shock. Seeing that the three of them were about to leave, she didn't stay any longer. After all, there were still countless things waiting to be dealt with.

The three of Li Shan broke through the air in an instant.

In Qinglong Immortal City, countless statues were destroyed, and the practitioners who were controlled, at this moment, showed a look of panic in their eyes.

cough cough.

Among the ruins, Zhao Zuzhi coughed violently.

During the coughing, there were bloodshots in the mouth.

The Sect Master of Cracking Sky Sect broke out just now, and Zhao Zuzhong was injured, but at this moment, Zhao Zuzhi was not nervous because of the injury.

On the contrary, the figure and means of the farmer in the void before constantly appeared in his mind.

"Great man, what kind of existence is a master, that there is even a trace of residual will, it is so terrifying."

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The next moment, there was a severe cough.

"Old Ancestor, how is your injury?"

Zhao Feixuan calmed down, landed beside Zhao Zuzhi, and said nervously.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"It's okay, I can't die!"

"Feixuan, you are the lucky goddess of my book mountain. Because of your existence, my book mountain is about to rise, and no one can stop it."

Regardless of his injuries, Zhao Zuzhi looked excited.

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