Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 950 It turns out that the young master already has a way to break the situation

Everything that happened today is constantly impacting the mind.

Hei Wuchang's words shocked Zhao Feixuan even more.

"Create reincarnation, establish order in the world, and create a holy land on earth?"

These words kept echoing in Zhao Feixuan's mind, and Zhao Feixuan knew that it might be true.

Immediately, Zhao Feixuan's eyes fell on Hei Wuchang, "Feixuan is willing to cooperate with the dead world. I don't know how Feixuan can help you?"

Zhao Feixuan directly made a decision to cooperate with the Dead Realm.

Heiwu saw that Zhao Feixuan believed her, and immediately said excitedly: "I'll tell you the truth, we have indeed established reincarnation in the realm of the dead, but the underworld is now short of manpower, and the realm of life is also incomparably chaotic, and mortals continue to die. , a large number of souls need to be brought back to the underworld, and in the underworld, there is a priesthood called the City God, established in the human world, and needs to be enshrined in the world, and at the same time, the City God can also solve some things."

"Qinglong Immortal City Shushan has been unified, there are no false gods."

"Our underworld wants to build a Chenghuang Temple in the empty fairy city."

"Improve the government agencies."

"Of course, the City God is not a false god." Hei Wuchang finished his sentence in one breath, but Zhao Feixuan did not agree, but said: "I will consider it. If it is feasible, Shushan will fully support it."

Zhao Feixuan was extremely afraid of false gods, so at this moment Zhao Feixuan refused.

"Okay, you can ask, the dead world is definitely not about watching the power of luck and faith in the living world."


The voice fell, and Black and White Impermanence disappeared without a trace with countless souls.

"City God Temple?"

Zhao Feixuan muttered, and stopped paying attention, and went to deal with the important matter in front of her.

Jinling Fairy City, thatched cottage.

Once again the powers gathered.

Xiaoyao Immortal King, Plague Immortal King, Xiao Ya, and Empress Tang Xue gathered together.

At this moment, Tang Xue looked at Li Shan with a solemn expression, "Li Shan, what happened? You are in such a hurry. Recently, many major events have happened in Erchongtian, and it is difficult for us to escape."

Tang Xue was very helpless, but heard that there was a major negotiation, so she had to go.

Li Shan heard this and said directly: "Your Majesty the Immortal Emperor, is it related to false gods?"

"Of course, False God is the name we give temporarily. To be precise, is there someone who is robbing the power of belief and incense of mortals, treating human life like nothing, and controlling many immortal sect forces?"

After Li Shan's voice fell, Tang Xue stared at Li Shan with her eyes wide open, "How do you know?"

Immortal Emperor Tang Xue was shocked and extremely surprised. This matter was only discovered by the Central Immortal Court at this moment, and it has not been announced yet. How did Li Shan and others notice it.

Li Shan said with a cold face: "In this world, what can you hide from your son?"

"Your Excellency exists. From that day on, with your words, the Second Level Heaven has become its own realm. The heaven and earth have recovered rapidly, and the way of heaven has been continuously perfected. Now that those monsters and ghosts appear, it is naturally impossible to escape from your control."

Li Shan explained.

"My son?"

"Does the young master care about this matter?"

"This matter is extremely dangerous. Once it is controlled, everyone will become puppets."

"Including those who practice."

"I don't know son, but there is a hint to solve it."

Immortal Emperor Tang Xue held his breath and stared at Li Shan and the others.

Immortal King Xiaoyao, Immortal Plague King and Xiao Ya were also greatly shocked.

Especially the Immortal King Xiaoyao, who met Li Yixi before, but at that time, Li Yixi said that the world was too low-level, and started to arrange the reincarnation of the dead world.

Li Shan explained: "Everything is under the control of the expert. The moment the cottage was established, the expert began to make arrangements, but at that time, we hadn't fully reacted yet."

"Failed to understand the hint of the expert."

"Those false gods, although their means are extremely strange, but they can control only a few people. There are more than billions of mortals. To descend, it seems that they need the power of faith and incense, and mortals are their goals."

"Countless years have passed, all of us have put our minds on the pursuit of immortality, and have never paid attention to mortals. Some people even became ancient kings and ancient emperors in order to gain luck. Controlling people's hearts and canceling education is to make mortals more Good control."

"His heart can be punished!"

"This is not the right way."

"Young master hinted to us that Daxing education will allow everyone to study, so that everyone has the possibility to step into Confucianism and Taoism. At that time, the wisdom of the people and the prosperity of Confucianism and Taoism in the world will destroy the plans of these false gods."

"Even if many people believe in false gods, in fact, power has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As long as there is an opportunity, many mortals will not believe in false gods, but step into practice."

"However, once our plan is known by the false gods, I am afraid that there will be many difficulties. The only advantage now is that we used to be Daxing Confucianism and Taoism, but now we are educating in Daxing. It is not very obvious. I hope we can buy enough time."

"Moreover, to promote education, to let people in the world study, we have to solve the people's livelihood. If there is no rice to cook, then it is impossible to let the world thrive on Confucianism and Taoism, and to promote education. Therefore, we have an idea that this world will eventually be dominated by the weak and the strong. We can use Linggu is here to attract mortals from all over the world. Anyone who enters the school will provide Lingmi. After all, Lingmi contains spiritual energy. One grain can keep ordinary people from being hungry for a few days, and it can also improve their physique. , what do you think?"

Li Shan instantly added some of Zhao Feixuan's thoughts and said it out.

"it is good!"

"This method is good, this is the best way to break the situation."

"Moreover, your master's plan is not only to deal with false gods, but also to create a holy land on earth." Xiaoyao Immortal King immediately spoke out, telling everything about Li Yixi in Xiaoyao Immortal Mansion before, and then He talked about the story of the Gods List and the death world.

After everyone heard it, their eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Is this world too low-level?"

Xiao Ya and Immortal Emperor Tang Xue couldn't help being shocked at this moment.

Then, there was excitement in the eyes, and the body trembled slightly.

It was indeed easier for Confucianism and Taoism to prosper in the world before, but I suddenly felt that the current layout gave them a chance to make moves.

"The Central Immortal Court is willing to go all out and ask all the practitioners of the Immortal City to join in the construction of water conservancy, transportation and schools. If there are violators, it will be better to identify who is the follower of the false god."

At this moment, Tang Xue looked excited.

Thinking of the tense emotions before coming to Jinling Immortal City, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and secretly rejoiced, "It turns out that the young master has already found a way to break the situation."

Outside Jinling Immortal City, a person brought a statue and offered sacrifices continuously.In the mountain range, the void suddenly split open at this moment, and terrifying forces descended and entered the statue. That force was full of destructive power.

In the Immortal City, Li Yixi finished his cultivation, and the carriage drove out of the manor, everyone looked excited.

"Master, everything is ready. Qingyang old Taoist also sent a message saying that the ingredients will be delivered on time. This disciple has long wanted to have a picnic."

At this moment, Little Phoenix, with an excited expression on his face, couldn't help licking his lips. Food has a fatal temptation for Little Phoenix.

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