"Saint, are you sure?"

Li Shan's body shook, and he stared fixedly at Zhao Feixuan in front of him. Li Shan felt that he was hallucinating. After all, he was able to bestow power and cultivate a half-step true god. His strength was definitely beyond their abilities. imagine.

Seeing the serious eyes of the three of them, Zhao Feixuan immediately said, "Li Jijiu, how could Feixuan lie to you?"

"Go, I'll take you to have a look!"

Zhao Feixuan was not shocked when she saw the expressions of the three of them. After all, Zhao Feixuan also looked like this at that time.

The three of Li Shan, with serious expressions at the moment, immediately cast their supernatural powers and followed Zhao Feixuan through the air.

False gods, these three words impacted the minds of Li Shan and the others at this moment.

The three of Li Shan knew very well that Li Yixi had said to be cautious, how could they imagine the hidden existence.

When the four of them walked towards the sky, suddenly, Zhao Feixuan felt the jade talisman in her arms and trembled crazily.


Zhao Feixuan's expression changed.

The jade talisman appeared in her hand, upon seeing it, Zhao Feixuan's expression changed drastically.

Seeing Zhao Feixuan's sudden change of color, Li Shan frowned, and hurriedly asked, "Saint, has something serious happened?"

The gazes of the three fell on Zhao Feixuan by coincidence, and Zhao Feixuan naturally did not hide it. At this moment, Zhao Feixuan was in urgent need of help.

Zhao Feixuan said anxiously: "The big thing is not going well, we have to speed up. We dealt with those forces that were secretly making trouble, and we didn't encounter much resistance. After all, Feixuan and the ancestor both have the cultivation base of the true god, but , When those temples were destroyed just now, someone suddenly vowed to protect a statue to the death, and the statue erupted with terrifying power, which could not be stopped."



The three of them, Li Shan, looked at each other with more serious expressions.

Li Shan immediately said: "Let's go, let's hurry up, we should be able to deal with it."

Although the three of them are serious, they are still very confident in their own strength. After all, they are now in the realm of god kings.

In Qinglong Immortal City, under a mountain peak, in a half-destroyed temple, countless strong men gathered at this moment, and in the void, one person hugged a statue and roared.

"God, please give me strength!"

"Someone destroys my ancestral temple with the intention of destroying the statues of the gods, cutting off the inheritance of my Heavenly Sect, and cutting off my power of faith and incense to serve the gods, damn it!"

"I am willing to sacrifice my life, I am willing to sacrifice my soul!"

At this moment, the lord of the Tiantian Sect, like a fanatical believer, burned his own soul regardless of the cost, and poured his own blood into the statue in his hand.

The aura of the Sect Master of Cracking Sky Sect became more and more terrifying.

In just a short period of time, with his frenzied sacrifice, the cultivation of the Sect Master of the Sky Splitting Sect has reached the peak of the true god realm.

"We are willing to sacrifice everything and summon God to descend!"

"We are willing to sacrifice everything and summon God to descend!"

"I wait"

In the dilapidated temple, disciples of the Sky Splitting Sect blew themselves up with madness on their faces.

The blood and the power in the soul are constantly flowing towards the statue in the void at this moment. This scene is extremely strange. At the same time, I saw a burst of power in the statue that seemed to be able to destroy the sky at this moment. The power of destroying the earth poured into the body of the lord of the Heaven Splitting Sect.

In an instant, the Sect Master of the Cracking Sky Sect with a dry body stepped into the realm of a god in an instant.

"Destroy the ancestral temple of the gods, cut off the incense of my belief in the gods, you all deserve to die, kill you today, use your blood and souls to sacrifice to the gods, let the gods descend, and let the gods cover the earth."

The suzerain of the Sky Cracking Sect had a look of madness.

The next moment, a terrifying supernatural power descended, and the bodies of those warriors exploded in an instant, and the blood mist all over the sky gathered towards the statues in the void.


"This is a sacrifice, let it come!"

Li Shan and the others who rushed over happened to see the scene in front of them at this moment.

His expression was extremely gloomy.

"Wu Shen, take action and destroy him!"

Li Shan's expression is extremely cold. Now, Jun Wushen is the most suitable to stop the lord of the Heaven Splitting Sect.

"Three thousand guests are full of flowers and drunk, and fourteen states are cold with one sword light."

Jun Wushen's icy voice sounded, and in the next moment, a divine sword suddenly appeared in the void. The icy sword edge directly pierced the body of the Sect Master of Cracking Sky Sect. The next moment, endless sword energy erupted, The lord of the Sky Cracking Sect who had just stepped into the realm of the gods was killed.

The next moment, the thousands of sword glows in the void condensed into golden flowers, which bloomed instantly.

Terrible power wants to destroy the statue in the void.

However, a terrible force erupted from the statue at this moment, and the lord of the Sky Splitting Sect that exploded was swallowed up by the statue in an instant, and the sky above the statue at this moment became extremely strange.

In the void, a crack suddenly appeared, and in that crack, one after another power descended.

A vague figure appeared in the void.

That breath made the void tremble violently, as if it might be broken at any time.

"Are you stopping me from preaching?"


An ice-cold voice came from that phantom, and the next moment, an incomparably powerful supernatural power fell on Xiao Zhan and the others in an instant.

In the void, a white jade bone hand appeared, which seemed to be the punishment of the sky.

Those who are as powerful as Xiao Zhan also change color instantly at this moment.

At this moment, Zhao Feixuan's complexion changed drastically.

Under the terrifying killing intent, the body seemed to explode.

At the time of life and death, a book suddenly flew out of Zhao Feixuan's arms.

On the cover of the book, there are a few large characters on how to cultivate good seeds.

The moment this book appeared, the incomparably powerful coercion disappeared instantly.

Because at this moment, a terrifying golden light erupted from the book, and in the golden light, a phantom who was working appeared, holding a hoe in the book, as if he was weeding.


Seeing the phantom in front of her eyes, Zhao Feixuan yelled out with shock on her face.

The face of the farmer at this moment is exactly the same as Li Yixi's, but it's just a farmer's dress.

But the invisible power emanating from his body instantly shattered the white jade bone hand in the void.


In the eyes of the phantom that just descended, there was a look of panic in an instant.

As if he saw something too unbelievable, he was so powerful that he wanted to run away without any hesitation.

At this moment, the farmer didn't pay any attention to the illusory scene in the void. He swung his hoe and said with a smile: "It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat drips down the soil. Who knows that the food on the plate is hard work."

Originally, there was no sun in the golden light, but as the sound fell, a big sun appeared the next moment.

The sun's terrifying divine light erupted instantly.

The light in the sky disappeared at this moment, only the golden sun.

That incomparably powerful existence, under the terrifying golden light of the sun, let out a shrill howl.


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