Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 946 Is There Really a Danger?

The three of Xiao Zhan entered the Azure Dragon Immortal City, swept their soul power, and found that the entire Azure Dragon Immortal City had just experienced a big battle, sweeping all directions, and almost all the powerful forces in the Azure Dragon Immortal City were affected.

All practitioners in the fairy city are also under control.

"Saint, is this?"

Li Shan's eyes fell on Zhao Feixuan, and he couldn't help asking.

The faces of Li Shan and the others changed slightly at this moment. They didn't expect the saint Zhao Feixuan to move so fast, but the three of them couldn't understand why Zhao Feixuan did this, because there were too many practitioners under control.

Zhao Feixuan smiled and said, "I have great use for these people."

"Renovating the world, you can't talk about it, you still need countless resources to support it, save the people from the fire and water, I need labor, and the world is famine, many sects and families are extremely vicious, and use shady methods to let mortals establish Daoist temples, temples, etc. promote incense, seek belief and the power of incense, and the crime should be punished."

"Innovation, of course, cannot be done without killing, otherwise those behemoths would not let us do what we want."

"You must first overthrow the forces behind you and temporarily establish a holy land before you can continue to revolutionize the world. It's like sweeping the world without sweeping a house. If even Qinglong Immortal City is incapable of reforming and changing the sky, how can it be realized? Revolutionize the world."

"That's why Feixuan chose to start with Qinglong Fairy City. She plans to develop water conservancy and farmland first, and vigorously produce food. People are the key to all innovations. Once ordinary people starve to death, the meaning of innovation will be gone. Innovation cannot be laborious. , miserable people, so Feixuan chose these perpetrators."

"Of course, not everyone deserves to be punished for their crimes. Feixuan has also thought of a lot of ways. These practitioners are also paid for farming and building roads, and there is no danger. I think many people will be willing to do so over time. , there are practitioners planting spiritual fields, which will soon be able to provide food and clothing for mortals. Of course, if you want to get spiritual rice, mortals have to pay some, that is, schooling and literacy."

"Whether they are old or young, if they go to school to read and write, they may receive relief. Those mortals will not be building Taoist temples and so on."

"After literacy, it is time to vigorously develop education. Only by being able to read and write can unlock wisdom, so that they no longer believe in ghosts and gods. If you want to have more readers, food and clothing are the key."

Zhao Feixuan spoke out her plan in one breath, without hiding anything.

"The saint is the great saint in the world."

"If this matter is really carried out, it will be an unimaginable great merit."

"The Saintess will definitely be famous in history."

At this moment, Xiao Zhan was shocked when he heard about Zhao Feixuan's plan. He never thought that Zhao Feixuan, a woman, would have such great ambitions and was actually practicing them.

"We are not as good as the saint, we have been taught today!"

"If we hadn't come to Qinglong Immortal City, we would never have known that in this Qinglong Immortal City, there actually existed a heroine like a saint. You are the real saint."

"These days, we have been planning to promote Confucianism and Taoism. It seems to be in a hurry, but in fact we have made little progress. We only care about the prosperity of Confucianism and Taoism, but forget the mortals in the world."

"The suffering of mortals is the sorrow of the practice world."

"In this world, the respect of the strong has already penetrated into the bones of countless people. This concept is difficult to reverse, and those high-ranking practitioners will not allow people to break this point. The class has long been solidified."

"Only when everyone in the world practices practice can we break this deadlock, and to break this deadlock, education is the key and the foundation."

"At that time, those oppressed mortals will continue to fight back."

Li Shan was also very excited, after hearing Li Yixi's suggestion, and seeing Zhao Feixuan's practice today, many thoughts appeared in Li Shan's mind.

For Zhao Feixuan, she also has great admiration.

This woman instantly opened Li Shan's horizons. He never thought that a woman would have such ambitions. While admiring her, he felt a little ashamed.

Jun Wushen looked at Zhao Feixuan, and said, "Many people call me Sword Lord, but in fact, Her Royal Highness is more worthy of this title. The saint does not have a sword in her hand, but the sword is in her heart. Sword, the teacher once said that in order to end the chaos in the world, a king wants to forge a sword of the son of heaven, with the seven kingdoms as peaks, mountains and seas as the collar, controlled by the five elements, opened by yin and yang, held by spring and autumn, and walked by autumn and winter, Be unparalleled in the world, and the world will submit."

"The saintess is not for fame and wealth, and her status has already surpassed the ordinary king. Now she wants to save the people, awaken the people, and promote education, so that ordinary people have the hope of stepping into the ranks of practitioners. This is a great merit. Doing so, will In the face of endless danger, but still practice, the saint is the sword king, the sword king who has the sword of the saint in his heart."

"When I arrived at Qinglong Immortal City today, I was taught without a god."

"Actually, we went here and wanted to join it, Daxing Education."

"But I don't know if the saint is willing!"

Jun Wushen spoke his mind. After all, Jun Wushen knows that this is a great merit. Once successful, the power of the merit is unimaginable. I just don’t know whether Zhao Feixuan is willing. After all, their joining is to share the merit. strength.

However, when Jun Wushen's voice fell, Zhao Feixuan looked overjoyed, and immediately said: "Where is it, Mr. Wushen, Feixuan is very excited to have you join."

"Practicing today, Feixuan discovered that this world is not the world I know. There are extremely terrifying existences. It is impossible for the power of a mountain of books to achieve much."

"Perhaps soon, the plan will be aborted. With the addition of thatched cottage, it will be different, and Feixuan's confidence will also greatly increase."

When Zhao Feixuan's voice fell, Li Shan couldn't help but frowned, greatly shocked.


"Zhao Feixuan has the cultivation of a true god, but she said such a thing, why?"

"The power of the true god, isn't it enough to sweep everything?"

After thinking about it, Li Shan immediately looked at Zhao Feixuan, and asked solemnly, "Saint, did you feel some danger in Qinglong Immortal City?"

After Li Shan's voice fell, Xiao Zhan and Jun Wushen immediately looked at Zhao Feixuan.

Seeing the gazes of the three people, Zhao Feixuan explained with a serious expression: "Yes, today Feixuan discovered that the reason why those forces don't care about the life and death of ordinary people is because behind these forces, there are extremely terrifying existences. God."

"In the small Azure Dragon Immortal City, with the support of false gods, someone actually stepped into the realm of a half-step true god. It is really terrifying. Those false gods are definitely not easy."

After Zhao Feixuan's voice fell, the three of Xiao Zhan all changed their expressions, and couldn't help but think of Li Yixi's explanation, be careful and cautious.

Before, they didn't take it seriously, but at this moment, the three of them finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

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