Li Shan heard Xiao Zhan's words at this moment, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

The excitement on his face also disappeared, and he said solemnly: "It seems that this matter is not as simple as we imagined. It will definitely be difficult to create a holy land on earth."

"When we left, Young Master said, be careful in everything."

"This matter needs to be done with caution."

After Li Shan's voice fell, the smiles on the faces of Jun Wushen and Xiao Zhan also disappeared, and their expressions became serious.

Jun Wushen immediately said: "Let's notify the Central Immortal Emperor and let her come, and then we will deduce the specific implementation plan, but the most important thing for us now is to go to Qinglong Immortal City."

"Look at how things are going over there now. Since the young master pointed out the saintess Zhao Feixuan of Shushan, Zhao Feixuan should have something special, or have some unique ideas. Let's communicate with her first. For us in the future The plan will definitely have great benefits."

Hearing this, Li Shan and Xiao Zhan nodded hastily.

Qinglong Immortal City, at this moment, Fuxian City's great formation is opened, one after another strong man breaks through the air, and countless strong men are mercilessly beheaded.

In the void, countless strong men surrounded Zhao Feixuan, the Saintess of Shushan. Those strong men who were hiding in the secret realm had nowhere to hide under Zhao Feixuan's eyes at this moment.

Zhao Zuzhi glanced at Zhao Feixuan's glasses with envy, he was so powerful that he ignored the formation barrier.

At this moment, Zhao Feixuan was also extremely excited. Today, if it weren't for the magical glasses, they might have encountered a lot of ambushes, but with the power of the glasses, there was nowhere to hide.

"Sect Master Yun, come out!"

"Don't hide, I didn't expect that your strength has reached half a step of true god without making a sound, which really surprised Feixuan."

Zhao Feixuan saw through the existence of the formation in front of her with the help of glasses, and was extremely surprised.

In Zhao Feixuan's understanding, in Qinglong Immortal City, the Celestial Immortal should be the strongest, but today, Zhao Feixuan discovered that the Celestial Immortal is just an existence deliberately exposed by others.


Zhao Zuzhi's expression changed drastically, and he shot in an instant, grabbed at the location of the formation, and broke the formation with the power of a true god, and the man in the formation immediately vomited blood.

"True god realm, how is this possible?"

"You Shushan, do you also have the support of gods?"

At this moment, the man's face changed suddenly, and he looked at Zhao Zuzhi in disbelief.

When Zhao Zuzhi heard this, his face was extremely cold, "Do you seek refuge in the gods?"

"So that's the case, no wonder you have stepped into the half-step true god realm!"

"It's okay to work hard, but enslaving mortals in the world and believing in false gods will not tolerate your existence."

The murderous intent on Zhao Zuzhi's face, the voice fell, and the brush in his hand was dancing, and the extremely terrifying divine attack killed the lord of Yunshui Sect.

"Damn it, why did this world suddenly become so strange? If the young master hadn't taken action to improve our cultivation, we would have died."

At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi's expression was extremely solemn, and his heart was a little hard to calm down for a while.

Today's scenes continue to impact Zhao Zuzhi's mind.

If he didn't make a move, he would never know that he was on the side of the dragon and the tiger.

"Feixuan, are there any masters?"

At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi's eyes flashed with killing intent. He killed too many strong people today. Zhao Zuzhi knew very well that there was only one way to go to the dark.

Zhao Feixuan said indifferently: "Today, let's call it a day. After all, we all need some chess pieces."

"It's enough to shock tens of thousands of practitioners. As for whether they truly surrender, you don't need to care too much. The array of Qinglong Immortal City is in my hands, and it is impossible for them to leave."

"Since you can't do without, during this time, you can only be obedient and obedient. As for your thoughts, don't worry about it."

Zhao Feixuan is very clear that these people are naturally impossible to submit to, how can a superior existence be willingly driven as a mortal.

"What shall we do next?"

Zhao Zuzhi has a big head. At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi's face is complicated, and he is a little restless. He chooses to obey Zhao Feixuan's arrangement, and in Zhao Zuzhi's view, Zhao Feixuan is Li Yixi's chosen spokesperson.

The opportunity given by Li Yixi made their strength not too much, and they were just promoted to the realm of true gods, which made Zhao Zuzhi even more afraid of Li Yixi, as if Li Yixi had already calculated the existence of those strong men in Qinglong Immortal City.

Zhao Feixuan took a deep breath and said solemnly: "The first step, what we need to do is to grow food, first let those mortals who are in disaster have a chance to survive, now there is no harvest, if we don't do it again, What mortals will just starve to death."

"These cultivators have skills that cannot be underestimated. Let them all farm. Let them use their cultivation to shorten the growth time of the rice. If there are any leftovers, let them build schools in the Azure Dragon Immortal City."

"Old Ancestor, I will leave these matters to you for the time being. The three powerful beings from the thatched cottage in Jinling Immortal City have come, and I will meet them."

After Zhao Feixuan's voice fell, she broke through the air in an instant. Zhao Feixuan was very puzzled. She didn't expect that Xiao Zhan and others came to Qinglong Immortal City.

Outside Qinglong Immortal City, at this moment Xiao Zhan saw the Immortal City covered by formations, his face showed a dignified look, and felt that something big must have happened in Qinglong Immortal City, otherwise the formation would not have been activated.

The next moment, the formation in front of him separated like a water curtain, and Zhao Feixuan appeared in front of the three of them, "Feixuan has seen the three sacrificial wines, but I don't know that the three sacrificial wines are going there, and I am far away to meet you, please make atonement .”

Li Shan immediately said: "Where is the saint, we came to visit suddenly, and still look at Her Royal Highness, don't be offended."

"Your Highness the Holy Maiden doesn't need to guess the reason for our visit. The reason why we came here is because of what the Holy Maiden has to do. In fact, the peerless expert who instructed the Holy Maiden is the existence behind my thatched hut."

Hearing Li Shan's words at this moment, Zhao Feixuan's body shook suddenly, a look of shock appeared on her face, and she couldn't help but read: "Build a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge for the sage, and serve the world forever." Open Taiping."

"So it is, so it is."

No wonder such a terrifying existence cared about the life and death of those mortals, Zhao Feixuan's eyes lit up.

"Three sacrificial wine, please."

At this moment, Zhao Feixuan's face was shocked, because Zhao Feixuan suddenly realized that even though she now possessed the realm of a true god, Zhao Feixuan still couldn't see through the three of Li Shan in front of her, even if Zhao Feixuan borrowed They couldn't do it even with the glasses on, as if the three of them had more powerful magical weapons.

However, at this moment, Zhao Feixuan was also very excited. She was a little nervous when she discovered many powerful existences today, but now she knows that Li Shan and the others are going there, and that the peerless master is the existence behind the cottage, so she feels at ease. Not a lot.

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