Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 944 The power of merit added to the body

"Promote education, so that people in the world can have the opportunity to step into practice. After all, cultivating talent is very different from cultivating immortality. To practice immortality, one needs to have talent and spiritual roots. However, cultivating talent only needs to have With a firm heart, as long as you work hard, you can step into the ranks of Confucianism and Taoism."

"This road is the real broad road."

"Promote education so that everyone in the world has the opportunity to step on the road of practice, so that we can completely break the class monopoly."

"After all, the reason why these current cultivators are able to plunder and seize the power of faith and incense from mortals is because there is a huge gap in strength between the two, which cannot be overcome."

"Promoting education will be what we will do our best in the next stage."

At this moment, Jun Wushen's expression became more and more excited.

Li Shan and Xiao Zhan's eyes lit up instantly, their bodies trembled slightly, and they couldn't help clenching their fists.

Because of the two people at this moment, not only because Jun Wushen's words made them suddenly enlightened, but at the same time, Li Shan and Xiao Zhan also saw Li Yixi at this moment, with a childish look on his face. smile.

Sure enough, the next moment Li Yixi couldn't help applauding.

clap clap clap!

Applause fell, and admiring eyes fell on Jun Wushen.

"Wushen, as expected I have been teaching you to read and reasoned with you. I never thought that you would think of this key point in an instant."

"As I said, there is indeed no law and no rules in this world. The strong are respected for their strength, and the weak are worthless."

"But if you feel that there are no laws in this world, and you directly want to establish rules, legislation, and establish a system, then it is very likely that it will end before it even begins."

"Think about how big this world is. I don't know how high the sky is, how vast the land is, and I don't know what kind of existence is hidden in the endless mountains, and I don't know how terrible it is forever. The ultimate existence survived."

"Since some people unscrupulously treat mortal life like nothing, and absorb the power of faith, luck, and incense, it is obvious that behind these powerful forces, there are behemoths supporting them. Otherwise, who would feel that the world is so bad?"

"After all, doing so is very likely to lead to unimaginable karmic backlash."

"The construction of schools and the promotion of education are different, so many people will not care at first. Although they are targeted, they will not react immediately. By the time those people react, scholars have already formed a climate."

"At that time, if there are more and more people who gather their talents and step into the ranks of cultivation, then everything will change completely."

"After all, the most terrifying thing in this world is the hearts of the people. Once awakened, the power is infinite."

"Some people say that water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it."

"Those extremely powerful existences want to seize the power of faith and the power of incense. If those mortals are thoroughly awakened and step into the ranks of cultivation, do you think those people will still have a chance?"

Li Yixi's voice fell, Jun Wushen, Xiao Zhan and Li Shan's eyes showed excitement. Jun Wushen just had a preliminary idea. At this moment, he heard Li Yixi's explanation. , some of the plans in the hearts of Jun Wushen and the three were instantly made up.

Li Shan said excitedly: "Young master is right. If you want to break the situation, solve these predicaments, and create a holy land on earth, the first thing you need to do is to build schools, promote education, and let people in the world be literate. After all, if you can't read, How can I read?"

"Also don't think about gathering talents and promoting education. This is the key."

"Don't worry, my lord, we will settle this matter quietly. Although our energy is limited, I think the Central Immortal Court will support us."

Just as Li Shan's voice fell, Xiao Zhan also said excitedly at this moment: "Young master, don't worry, we will definitely go all out. Today, I understand that the sentence that young master once wrote, the poor is good for oneself, and the rich is good for both." What does the world mean."

"I also know that the promotion of education is the key point if we want to create eternal peace."

At this moment, the three of them had expressions of excitement on their faces.

Hearing what the three of them said, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Yixi's mouth, looking like a teachable child.

"Ha ha!"

"The three of you didn't expect such a high level of comprehension. This is my opinion, but the specific implementation needs to be refined by you, and such things cannot be rushed, and you need to be careful."

After listening to Li Yixi's instructions, the three immediately stood up and saluted.

"Master, we bid farewell!"

"Young master, we will come to visit in a few days."

Seeing the three impatiently leaving, Li Yixi was speechless, "Are you so busy?"

"It's a hot day, let's have lunch first, and then there's still time to go."

The three of them were very excited about Li Yixi's invitation, but they refused without any hesitation.

"Promoting education is a major event. As the master said, those people are still living in dire straits. We may only stop for a moment, but perhaps many people will die."

In the end, the three of them left the yard with expressions of urgency.

After leaving the yard, the three of them breathed extremely fast, their faces were solemn and shocked.

At this moment, Li Shan's body trembled slightly, his lips trembled violently, and he stared at Jun Wushen and Xiao Zhan in disbelief.

He stammered and said, "Xiao Zhan, Wushen, do you know?"

"I, I actually felt a ray of merit power entering my body."

"Young master wants to create a holy land on earth. As the son's pawns, if we do all of this, we will not only be able to complete the task, but also give us unimaginable opportunities."

"The power of merit is extremely powerful. Even those who stand at the pinnacle of martial arts will gather and collect it by any means."

"And we, as long as we follow the arrangement of the young master, we can get it, and unlike those existences who are unscrupulous and will be entangled by the power of cause and effect."

After Li Shan's voice fell, Xiao Zhan said excitedly: "That's right, we haven't realized this for a long time. In fact, we are stupid. Otherwise, this matter should have been thought of already."

"When I was in the Xuanhuang Great World, I established a merit hall in the Holy Palace and preached to the world. At that time, I gained a lot of merit. It is also because of those merit that Tang Yin and I, even if In the Xuanhuang Great World, the strength has also been unimaginably improved."

At this moment, Xiao Zhan showed a complex look on his face. He felt that what Li Yixi did was not a temporary thought at all, and maybe everything had been planned long ago.

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