After seeing the life and death book and the judge's pen, the hall fell into a brief silence.

At this moment, neither the Lord of the Region nor the Impermanence of Black and White spoke a word.

Because at this moment, the three of them didn't know what language to use to express their feelings.

A full ten minutes had passed, and the Lord of Hell was still staring fanatically at the book of life and death floating in front of him.

I can no longer suppress the curiosity in my heart, because of this moment of black impermanence, I can't help but think of that rainy night, Li Yixi's expression when he talked about the book of life and death.

At this moment of black impermanence, the image of Sun Dasheng going to the underworld involuntarily appeared in his mind, and directly crossed out countless names, making those existences instantly immortal.

That scene kept reappearing in Hei Wuchang's mind. At this moment, Hei Wuchang couldn't help being excited, and finally asked with difficulty: "God, can we see the magic of this book of life and death?"

"We want to see if Life and Death Bo is as magical as Gaokou said!"

Hei Wuchang's voice fell, and the Lord of Hell instantly woke up from the excitement, and also thought of the mystery of life and death in Li Yixi's mouth.

Taking a deep breath, he said, "That's fine, I also want to see if this book of life and death, as the foundation of the underworld, is as miraculous as what Gao said."

After thinking about it, the lord of hell at this moment slowly opened the book of life and death.

The moment the book of life and death was opened, the eyes of the lord of hell showed horror, because at this moment, the pages of the book of life and death seemed to turn into a vast starry sky.

I saw densely packed words above the life and death struggle.

In the next moment, streaks of divine light erupted from those words, and they were quickly assembled and became orderly.

It has been transformed into names one by one, and these names are followed by geographical divisions.

There are countries, there are provinces, and those names are densely packed, shining like stars.

And after those names, there is a person's life span and some life experiences.

"This, this is true, this is true life and death."

At this moment, the lord of hell felt his throat was extremely dry.

Black and white impermanence, also widened his eyes, with a shocked expression on his face.

At this moment, the three of them couldn't help looking at the book of life and death with incomparable curiosity.

Soon, the bodies of the three trembled violently, because the names one by one came into their eyes at this moment.

At this moment, even the Lord of Hell's eyes widened with disbelief.

"Hu Qingyun, 103000 years of life!"

"Little Phoenix, 58000 years of life!"

"Jun Wushen, 74800 years lifespan"

"Li Shan, 71500 years of life"

"Hei Di, 3000 million years lifespan"

Looking at the names in front of him, the Lord of Hell at this moment felt that the life and death in front of him were too thin to touch.

Bai Wuchang didn't feel anything, but at this moment, the Lord of Hell and Hei Wuchang looked at each other, and there was a hint of panic in their eyes.

Hei Wuchang's body trembled slightly, feeling that his mouth suddenly became parched at this moment, and he said in horror: "God, aren't these people around the master?"

"Why did their names appear on the life and death book?"

"Doesn't it mean that we control the life and death of these powerful beings around the expert!"

"Are we really going to bring the other party's soul back to the underworld and send it to reincarnation in the future?"

After the voice fell, Hei Wuchang shut up instantly, feeling his body was extremely stiff.

At this moment, the Lord of Hell, when he heard Hei Wuchang's words, his expression became extremely frightened.

The Lord of Hell said involuntarily: "This is not a good thing, we are just pawns in the hands of the masters, but these people are fundamentally different from us, there are the spouses of the masters, the disciples of the masters, the cronies of the masters, What qualifications do we pawns have to control the life and death of these people, capture the souls of these people, and send them into reincarnation!"

"Maybe, maybe this is a test for us by the superiors, to test whether we will commit the following offenses, to test whether we will become defiant after gaining authority."

"It must be so, it must be so!"

"Is this definitely a test for an expert?"

"Even if our underworld holds great authority, it is absolutely impossible to control the life and death of these people."

"As a pawn, if you don't understand this at all, then you are not qualified to continue to be favored."

"I remember the expert once said that after the Monkey King made a disturbance in the underworld, he used the judge pen in his hand to cross out the names of some existences around him, and those existences gained eternal life."

"No, how can these existences around the expert be controlled by us?"

Lord of Hell, at this moment, his whole body trembled slightly, and even a look of fear appeared on his face.

Immediately waved the judge pen in his hand, and without hesitation, crossed out all the existences around Li Yixi. The next moment, the three of them were horrified to find out whose names suddenly disappeared from the book of life and death. Disappear.

In the void, Hu Qingyun and others existed. Suddenly, her body trembled slightly. For some reason, at this moment, she suddenly felt as if her fate had broken something.

At this moment, whether it is Hu Qingyun or Xiaofeng, or Xiaobai flying in the void, the world in their eyes has become different at this moment. At this moment, they feel strangely as if they are not affected by this world. One's own destiny is not under the shroud of this world.

In the thatched cottage, Li Shan, Xiao Zhan and Jun Wushen, who were practicing, also opened their eyes suddenly, and there was a look of horror in the eyes of the three, because at this moment, the three of them found themselves strangely. Fate, rapid transformation.

At this moment, the three of them found that their fates were shrouded in multicolored rays of light, making them incomparably sacred.

And the three of them had a feeling that their fate seemed not to be bound by this world.

The three of Jun Wushen looked at each other, and there was a hint of horror in the eyes of the three of them. Jun Wushen said in shock: "What happened? Why is it like this?"

"I found, I found that some of the power of death in my body suddenly disappeared, and my fate changed."

"In the end what happened?"

When Li Shan heard Jun Wushen's words, a look of shock appeared on his face. He closed his eyes, realized for a moment, and said in surprise: "I also felt the power of death in my body, which completely disappeared. ,How is this possible?"

"As long as there is no detachment, there is a limit on lifespan. The power of death in the body will become stronger and stronger, but why does the power of death in our body disappear strangely?"

The voices of the three of them trembled slightly at this moment.

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