No matter how powerful an existence is, as long as it has not reached the state of detachment, then there are two forces of life and death in the body, and, as time goes by, even if the cultivation base is improved and the life span is extended, the death in the body The power will not disappear, and will become more and more powerful as time goes by.

The power of death is impossible to eliminate.

Because this is caused by the rules of heaven and earth, even if one becomes the lord of heaven and earth, it is actually impossible to reverse such rules of heaven and earth.

The three people who understood all of this, their eyes widened at this moment, and there was a hint of doubt in their eyes.

Because whether it was Li Shan, Jun Wushen, or Xiao Zhan, at this moment they all felt that the power of death in their bodies had disappeared, which made the three feel extremely puzzled.

Li Shan's eyes fell on Jun Wushen at this moment, and he said with a trembling voice: "Wushen, do you think this has something to do with the young master? Besides the young master, there are people in this world who can do this." Does it exist?"


At this moment, Jun Wushen's eyes became serious.

"Don't worry about that!"

"Now that Master is preaching to the world, we must work harder to achieve Master's goal in the shortest possible time."

Xiao Zhan also suppressed the doubts in his heart, and said with a serious face.

"Not bad!"

"Now we don't need to care about these. The transformation of fate and the passing of the power of death are good things for us. Since there is no danger, why bother to pay attention."

"The young master preaches to the world and wants Confucianism and Taoism to prosper. This is the big thing we have to do."

Li Shan took a deep breath and stopped paying attention to the sudden change just now.

In the underworld, the lord of hell saw the names on the book of life and death completely disappear, as if the burden on his shoulders had been lifted, he let out a long breath.

"This is good, this is good!"

The Lord of Hell felt relieved at this moment, with a look of excitement on his face, looking at the book of life and death and the judge's pen in front of him, his expression was full of excitement.

Outside the Nine Heavens, a white dragon descended and turned into a man in white. His face was full of rebellion, and his aura was extremely terrifying, reaching the level of a god emperor.

"Open the door, the prince of the Dragon Clan, Aotian."

When he was talking, he looked up at the sky, and he didn't put anyone in his eyes at all.

After the Nine Heavens and Earth Passage, the Taoist narrowed his eyes slightly, and his expression was not very good-looking.

No need to ask, he also knows where this white dragon came from, because the white dragon is surrounded by an incomparably rich power of grandeur. Obviously, this is from the monster clan above grandeur, to be precise, it is an extremely powerful The mount of the strong Confucianism and Taoism.

"My lord, do you want to open the passage?"

"These existences above the greatness really have no rest. The existences that have entered the Nine Heavens these days have all fallen, and they dare to covet them."

"If you annoy that terrifying existence, I'm afraid we will also be in trouble. What should we do now?"

The god general's face was extremely ugly, and he could only leave the decision to the guardians of the heaven and earth.

The Taoist's face was ugly, neither he could offend the terrifying existence above Grand Virtue, nor in the Second Heaven.

He said coldly: "Damn it, don't drag us if you want to die."

The Taoist is very angry. He has seen too many horrible things these days. Even if it is the second heaven, which is a world of its own at this moment, he dare not give birth to any thoughts. act recklessly.

"Since you want to die, then open the channel for him." The Taoist finally made a decision.

The portal appeared, and Aotian entered Jiuchongtiandi with a look of disdain.

"A group of waste, even the prince came, and dare to neglect, don't you want to live?"

"He made the prince wait for a long time!"

The Taoist frowned slightly, but there was a smile on his face immediately, and he said with a smile: "Lord Aotian redeemed, I was shocked when Lord Aotian came, I didn't react for a while, after all, I think it was an illusion, Aotian What is the status of Master Tian, ​​how could he come to this mere Ninth Heaven?"

Hearing this, Aotian felt that there was some truth, after all, in Aotian's eyes, Jiuchongtian was a barren land, how could Aotian, who was above the grandeur, value such a small world.

"Forgive you for your innocence. As you said, an existence like me would not come to this barren land. It's normal to scare you. If I didn't have a mission today, I wouldn't enter here."

The Taoist heard what Aotian said, and was about to say something.

But Aotian of the Dragon Clan, with an unruly face, in his eyes, a god king is like an ant, disappeared without a trace in an instant, tearing apart the void and heading towards the entrance of the Second Heaven.

At the entrance of Erchongtian, Aotian appeared, originally wanted to enter directly into Erchongtian, but thought of the danger, he looked unhappy, threw a piece of top-quality immortal jade to the boatman, and stood proudly in the boat.

"Sir, wait a minute!"

The boatman looked happy, and immediately took Aotian, the prince of the Dragon Clan, into the second layer of heaven. Although Aotian looked very powerful, the boatman did not bow his knees, but just gave him some respect in words, because these days, The boatman has seen too many great men!

Aotian, the crown prince of the Dragon Clan, entered the second heaven and earth, although he felt that the aura of the second heaven was very strong, better than that of the ninth heaven, but the corners of his mouth were still full of disdain.

I saw a jade bottle appearing in the hand of the dragon prince Aotian at this moment.

Seeing the jade bottle in his hand, Aotian, the crown prince of the dragon clan, said with disdain: "Where is it that is so sacred that it hides in this barren land, so that my master has no choice but to sue for peace, and even send me a top-grade magic pill? I think the master is making a fuss out of a molehill."

"How can you say that the master is also an existence in the realm of the ancestor god?"

"Maybe it's just that this small world is very special, and it's just controlled by him in some way, just like a formation. If he is just a weak existence, then I will not only swallow this magic pill, but also swallow it. Swallow it too, so that it can also share the worries of the master!"

Ao Tian, ​​the prince of the Dragon Clan, didn't pay attention to what his master told him at all, thinking that the so-called masters are nothing but ants!

Especially when he saw the jade screen in his hand, his throat kept wriggling, and there was a glint of greed in his eyes.

This divine elixir is extremely powerful, even for the strong in the realm of the ancestor gods, it is difficult to obtain, because this divine elixir can increase the lifespan by 3000 years.

Many peerless powerhouses regard such pills as treasures. After all, some extremely powerful existences, with the passage of time, their lifespans continue to disappear, especially some existences that have suffered from the five declines of heaven and man. Elixir has a fatal temptation for them.

The more he looked at the jade bottle in his hand, the more excited Ao Tian, ​​the prince of the Dragon Clan, became at this moment.

The greed in the eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

Soon, a bold idea appeared in my heart, and said with a sneer: "There are already many powerful beings on Haoran, and it has been a long time since they fell here, but the other party did not make trouble, even if the other party was extremely powerful. After such a long time, he didn't make a move against Haoran, maybe his strength is not enough."

"Maybe there is fear, after all, the God of my Haorantian is also an extremely powerful existence."

"This kind of divine pill, it's better to strengthen me, Bailong, if others are stronger."

The thought appeared, at this moment, the greedy look in Bailong's eyes could not be suppressed, and at the next moment, the prince of the dragon clan swallowed the magic pill in the jade bottle in his hand in an instant.

Feeling the incomparably powerful force of life erupting in his lower abdomen, the dragon prince Aotian at this moment had a proud expression on his face.


At this moment, Ao Tian, ​​the crown prince of the Dragon Clan, had a look of excitement and enjoyment.

While the dragon prince Aotian was enjoying himself, in the void at this moment, a monkey gracefully walked past the dragon prince Aotian.

The hair is very shiny, and the whole body is spotless.

And at this moment, the monkey seems to be humming something?

Ao Tian, ​​the crown prince of the Dragon Clan, faintly heard the monkey mumbling, saying that I want to be the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

"Do you want to be Monkey King?"

"What the hell is this, but it sounds very cool. Such a title belongs to me, Aotian, and only I, Aotian, deserves it."

At this moment, Aotian stretched out his hand to block the big monkey.

"Pohou, are you worthy of the title of Monkey King?"

"Only I, Aotian, deserve such a title."

This big monkey is the blue-eyed sky-reaching ape king next to Li Yixi. It has been in seclusion for a long time, and it has been practicing eight or nine mysterious skills. Recently, it has just come out to wander around, but it did not expect to meet the dragon clan prince Ao Tian here.

"Hey, where did the silly dragon come from, he's so stupid."

Seeing that he was blocked by a white dragon, the Biyan Tongtian Ape King showed a disdainful look on his face. He found a peach from somewhere and took a hard bite, the juice splashed everywhere, sweet and delicious.

Biyan Tongtian Ape King didn't pay attention to Aotian at all.

Hearing the sound, he was furious, and originally wanted to reach out his hand to kill the dragon prince Ao Tian of the Bi-yan Tongtian Ape King in an instant, but at this moment his eyes were fixed on the peach in the hand of the Bi-yan Tongtian Ape King.

At this moment, Ao Tian, ​​the crown prince of the Dragon Clan, stared wide-eyed, with an incredulous expression on his face, and took a deep breath.

"This is the Spirit Root Fairy Fruit!"

"The legendary spirit root fairy fruit, why does this barren land appear?"

"Moreover, this monkey was able to obtain this fetish."

Ao Tian, ​​the crown prince of the Dragon Clan, couldn't bear it anymore, because he saw the ape king with closed blue eyes and Tongtian swallowed the whole peach in one gulp, without even spitting out the core.

Aotian has no time to think about other things anymore, his face instantly becomes ferocious, feeling the strong vitality contained in the fairy peach, Bailong Aotian feels that this is eating his flesh and drinking his blood.

In Aotian's view, how could a stinky monkey be worthy of eating this kind of spiritual root fairy fruit, it instantly transformed into an extremely powerful white dragon, and swallowed it in one gulp at the blue-eyed Tongtian ape king, wanting to kill this monkey as well. Devour refining.


"Where did the fool come from, is the Dragon Clan so stupid?"

At this moment, the blue-eyed sky-reaching ape king was shocked. He never expected that the extremely weak white dragon in his eyes would dare to devour him.

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