Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 937 The Book of Life and Death

Black and white are impermanent, seeing the lord of hell at this moment, so lost his composure, a look of confusion appeared on his face.

Because when Heiwuchang took out the ecstasy rope and the mourning stick, they didn't see such an expression on the face of the Lord of Hell.

At this moment of black and white impermanence, they involuntarily looked at each other, but there was a hint of doubt in the eyes of both of them at this moment.

Whether it is black impermanence or white impermanence, at this moment, they all look puzzled.

Heiwuchang took a deep breath and asked respectfully, "God, what kind of fetish is this? Why are you acting like this?"

After the voice fell, at this moment, the hall became incomparably quiet, and black and white impermanent eyes fell on the Lord of Hell, waiting silently.

The Lord of Hell, who had a horrified face, heard Hei Wuchang's words at this moment, and recovered a bit of reason from the shock.

But even at this moment, the Lord of Hell's breathing was extremely rapid, and his eyes were still shocked and horrified.

It took several breaths for the Lord of Hell to suppress the shock in his heart, looked at the black and white impermanence in front of him, and said word by word: "This thing is too scary, far better than the seductive rope and mourning stick in your hands, maybe , maybe this is the life and death thinness mentioned by the high-level people, the root of the underworld!"

The Lord of Hell's voice fell, the black and white of this moment was impermanent, the body trembled suddenly, the eyes of the two were instantly occupied by panic, and they stared dumbfounded at the notebook held in the hands of the Lord of Hell at this moment.

At this moment, Black and White Impermanence even held their breath. The words of the Lord of Hell echoed like thunder in the minds of the two of them.

"Life, life and death are thin!"

After a few full breaths, Heiwuchang's lips trembled violently, and he spat out the three words "Book of Life and Death" with difficulty.

Even now, Hei Wuchang was shocked.

After all, the black and white impermanence before just felt that the notebook in Li Yixi's hand was very mysterious and powerful, surrounded by an extremely terrifying divine light, but the two of them never thought that this thing might be the book of life and death.

After a short period of panic, Bai Wuchang breathed extremely heavily, stared at the Lord of Hell in front of him with a face of horror, and asked in a trembling voice: "God, are you sure this thing is the legendary supreme fetish, from the underworld? Basically, is life and death thin?"

After Bai Wuchang's voice fell, the hall became quiet for a moment.

The Lord of Hell took a deep breath, and said excitedly: "It is very likely that it is really the life and death book and the judge's pen!"

"However, I still need to verify it."

The voice of the Lord of Hell trembled slightly, and the whole person became very nervous.

Even the mighty Lord of Hell found his hands trembling slightly at this moment.

The Lord of Hell slowly stretched his hand to the side of the notebook, and slowly took off the pen hanging on the side.

The moment you just took off that pen, how was it at first?But just for a moment, the ballpoint pen held by the Lord of Hell suddenly burst out with an extremely terrifying divine light.

The divine light made Black and White Wuchang's body tremble violently at this moment, and the two felt that divine power seemed to be able to suppress them both.

Under the fearful eyes of the two, the next moment, that small ballpoint pen suddenly turned into a black brush.

The whole body of the brush is black, and there are dense runes on it, as if those runes have unpredictable power.

"The Judge's Pen!"

"Could it really be the judge's pen!"

The lord of hell, holding the pen in his hand at this moment, his hands trembling violently, his face full of excitement.

Black and white impermanence looked at the writing brush in the hands of the Lord of Hell, and his heart suddenly became turbulent. At the same time, at the moment of Black and White Impermanence, his eyes immediately fell on the notebook in the other hand of the Lord of Hell.

It's hard to look away.

The Lord of Hell with a shocked face, at this moment, naturally felt the fiery gaze of Impermanence in Black and White. After all, life and death are thin, but the foundation of the underworld.

If the notebook in his hand is really a book of life and death, then the underworld will have its roots, and the underworld will gain authority from then on.

Because they know that when the lifespan of a living being reaches the end, it will appear in the book of life and death. At that time, they don't need to drag the souls of the dead and mortals aimlessly, they can go directly and bring them back to the underworld. Just send it back.

Not only the efficiency is greatly improved, but also a lot of trouble can be saved.

At the same time, the Lord of Hell is also very clear that this life and death book is the authority of the underworld.

The Lord of Hell held his breath at this moment, staring fixedly at the notebook in his hand.

The Lord of Hell at this moment has experience, because the Lord of Hell just now found that there was a trace of seal on the pen, which was very weak.

The technique of hell also felt a trace of the power of the seal on the notebook, as if the power of the seal had been deliberately weakened.

The Lord of Hell took a deep breath and injected a little power into the life and death book. The next moment, the seal on the notebook was instantly broken, and the next moment, a faint light burst from the notebook. Under the gaze of the eyes, the originally small notebook turned into an incomparably huge book in an instant, as if it was made of supreme iron.

Quietly suspended in front of the Lord of Hell, but the supernatural power entwined on it made it difficult to breathe in Black and White Impermanence.

But at this moment, the eyes of the black and white impermanence and the lord of hell, not only did they not have panic, but their eyes showed excitement.

The body couldn't help trembling wildly, wanting to scream, to vent the shock in my heart.

"This is life and death, really life and death!"

Because at this moment, three pairs of eyes saw three words on the cover of the huge book in front of them, Book of Life and Death.

Those three words told them that they were not hallucinating, but that everything that happened in front of them was real. The pen they brought back today was the judge's pen, and the notebook they brought back was the root of the legendary supreme gods, hell, life and death. Thin.

At the moment when the words "life and death" appeared, the breathing of the three of them became extremely heavy, and their faces were excited.

Even the extremely powerful Lord of Hell, at this moment, his body couldn't help shaking. Seeing the book of life and death in front of him, and then looking at the judge's pen in his hand, the body of the Lord of Hell couldn't help shaking, his mind Trembling.

The Lord of Hell is very clear that from today onwards, with the life and death book and the judge's pen in the underworld, the foundation of the underworld has been guaranteed.

Now the underworld possesses the four major artifacts, the book of life and death, the judge's pen, the soul rope, and the mourning stick.

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