"What kind of strength is this?"

"Lord of the sky?"

"Why did I find that the underworld seems to be related to the master, the power of heaven and earth is rapidly fused with the master's myriad ways."

"Could it be that the master wants to build a big world where both life and death exist?"

"However, the way of life and death is too mysterious, no one can control life and death!"

The Lord of Hell, almost holding his breath, stared at Li Yixi with his eyes wide open.

On Li Yixi's body, the Lord of Hell saw the power of merit and the phantom of the Dao that almost turned into reality.

Li Yixi seemed to be the center of the world.

In the Tianzi Temple, the saintess slowly entered at this moment, and all of them looked at the past in unison.

At this moment, Li Yixi also followed the crowd and looked at the Saintess of Shushan.

However, unlike the others, Li Yixi frowned slightly, and muttered in a low voice: "This woman's face is peerless, it's a pity that her eyes are nearsighted."

Although Li Yixi's voice was low, at this moment, everyone in the Tianzi Temple heard it and glared at each other. The Saintess of Shushan has poor eyesight. It landed on Li Yixi's body, with anger on his face.

The Saintess of Shushan also looked dark at this moment.

This is her heart disease.

"Hmph, who are you, are you here to make trouble?"

"Saints are born with poor eyesight. This is a well-known thing. Are you deliberately finding fault?"

Li Yixi didn't expect that when he muttered to himself, he heard all of them, and they all glared at each other, and he couldn't help but sigh inwardly, "Beauty is a disaster!"

At this moment, Li Yixi was a little nervous, thinking that he was being rude, and hurriedly explained: "I was being rude, but I have a way to make the saint see things like ordinary people."

"Thank you son, my little girl's eyes cannot be cured." At this moment, the saint shook her head and refused, thinking that Li Yixi was like those who wanted to attract her attention, people with evil intentions, she still knew her face.

However, just as the voice fell, a voice sounded at this moment.

"Feixuan, why don't you try?"

"Not necessarily, this young man, there is really a way."

The next moment, an old man appeared in the Tianzi Temple, looked at Li Yixi and smiled, "My lord, can I sit here?"

The other party appeared suddenly, and Li Yixi knew without thinking that the other party was a practitioner. For practitioners, Li Yixi has always been able to make friends and never make enemies. The old man looks like the peerless master in the book, Li Yixi Yi Xi was very polite, "Old man, please!"

"Little Phoenix, pour the wine!"

Xiao Fenghuang glanced at the old man, a little upset, feeling that he could kill him with one finger, but when Li Yixi opened his mouth, he could only pour wine respectfully.

When the little phoenix approached, the expression of the calm old man changed slightly, because at this moment, he felt a terrible aura from the little phoenix, the old man was stunned, it was the unique aura of the phoenix clan.

With a sound of 'teng', the old man stood up in an instant, and said anxiously: "Zhao Zuzhi has seen you."

Seeing this scene, Li Yixi squinted at Little Phoenix, and said: "Old man, please sit down, this is my disciple, don't worry about it!"

Zhao Zuzhi, who was trembling in his heart, heard Li Yixi's words at this moment, his legs softened, and he almost knelt down. If the little Phoenix hadn't known Li Yixi's state and hurriedly supported him with magic power and sound transmission to warn him, Zhao Zuzhi would really kneel and tremble. up.

"Thank you son!"

After hearing the sound transmission from Little Phoenix, Zhao Zuzhi sat down tremblingly.

Heart beating violently.

"The Lord of Heaven is actually a Lord of Heaven!"

"Why did it come to Shushan? Is it a blessing or a curse?"

At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi was really frightened, because the little phoenix said that Li Yixi was the Lord of Heaven, and waved away the existence of gods and demons.

If others boasted so much, Zhao Zuzhi would definitely greet him with a slap in the face, but Zhao Zuzhi believed what Xiao Fenghuang said, because Zhao Zuzhi clearly felt the breath of God from Xiao Fenghuang's body, and thinking of the previous poem, Zhao Zuzhi had to believe it.

"Feixuan, come here to pay respects to the young master."

"My lord, maybe there is really a way to solve your predicament." While Zhao Zuzhi was terrified, he immediately became ecstatic when he thought of Li Yixi's words before.

Zhao Feixuan heard the old ancestor's words at this moment, she didn't dare to disobey, and walked over slowly.

"Feixuan, pay my respects, Young Master!"

"However, Feixuan's eyes are born like this, and I'm afraid it can't be cured."

Zhao Feixuan had strands of hair around her ears, squinting her eyes and said.


"Miss Feixuan, there is nothing wrong with your eyes, but you are born with short-sightedness. You don't need treatment. I give this to you, and you can smell the spring breeze and see the sky and water like an ordinary person."

"It's glasses!"

At this moment, Li Yixi took out a pair of eyes from the system space and handed them to Zhao Feixuan.


At this moment, Zhao Feixuan looked puzzled, Li Yixi smiled and said: "Come on, close your eyes, I'll help you bring it!"

Zhao Feixuan glanced at her ancestor, saw Zhao Zuzhi nodded, and closed her eyes.

After Li Yixi helped Zhao Feixuan take it, he said with a smile: "Miss Feixuan, you can open your eyes now, open them slowly, and you will find that the world is different."

At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi's body trembled again, and his lips trembled violently, because at this moment, Zhao Zuzhi saw a terrifying aura in his eyes.

Zhao Feixuan, who slowly opened her eyes, was stunned for the next moment. The eyes that were squinted together opened normally at this moment. Not only was she more beautiful, but Zhao Feixuan found that the world in front of her was really different. .

Not in the hazy place, even Zhao Feixuan at the moment can see the opportunity.

Outside the Book Mountain, the Lord of Hell hiding in the void, the moment Zhao Feixuan looked at him, her expression changed drastically. She was a detached existence, but at this moment the Lord of Hell found out in horror that she could not escape Zhao Feixuan's observation caused turmoil in her heart. The Lord of Hell knew that it was a fetish bestowed by Li Yixi, so he could only salute in a hurry.

At this moment, Zhao Feixuan's eyes overflowed with tears, and she hadn't found the magic weapon of the glasses yet, so she said excitedly, "Thank you, my lord."

Gratitude from the bottom of my heart, at this moment, Zhao Feixuan suddenly felt that the world was so beautiful.

She often hears people talking about the sunset in Shushan Mountain. At this moment, she finally sees what it is that the sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky.


"You don't need to be polite, it's just fate. I was born short-sighted. This is the first time I've seen it!" Li Yixi didn't lie. After time travel, it was the first time Li Yixi saw him. People in this world have extremely terrible physiques.

Scholars, less.

However, after thanking Zhao Feixuan, she secretly glanced at the surrounding crowd from time to time excitedly.

The next moment, Zhao Feixuan was stunned.

Because Zhao Feixuan found out that the little girl in the red dress beside her had turned into a phoenix, thinking it was an illusion, Zhao Feixuan hurriedly moved her eyes away, and the next moment, Zhao Feixuan found that a junior sister staying beside her actually had a phoenix in her body. A green tree, Zhao Feixuan knew that the junior sister was a wood spirit root.

Zhao Feixuan was stunned at this moment.

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