Zhao Feixuan, as the saint of Shushan, naturally has a temperament that cannot be compared with ordinary people, so she immediately stabilized her mind and looked at Zhao Zuzhi.

After all, it is very abnormal for Zhao Zuzhi to appear in the book fair. After all, Zhao Zuzhi is the ancestor of Shushan, and today's Shushan Book Fair is only held by Zhao Feixuan. It belongs to the grand event of the younger generation. Senior characters appear.

However, Zhao Zuzhi appeared and interrupted his words when she rejected Li Yixi.

Zhao Feixuan felt that Zhao Zuzhi must know about Li Yixi.

At this moment, Zhao Feixuan was shocked, and her heart was filled with turmoil. The glasses she was wearing had a great impact on Zhao Feixuan. Zhao Feixuan felt like she was dreaming.

Chuanyin asked: "Old Ancestor, who is this expert? This thing is amazing. Not only can I see the sea thousands of miles away, I can also see the spiritual roots in the practitioner's body, and I can also feel the spiritual roots of the practitioner." The strength of the spirit root."

"This magical thing called glasses is really terrifying. Perhaps there are other magical things that Feixuan can't discover for the time being."

"Moreover, I can see through everything. The little girl in the red dress next to the tall man is not a human being, but a phoenix that has always been extremely powerful."

At this moment, Zhao Feixuan's voice rang in Zhao Zuzhong's ears, and she was still trembling. It was obvious that the scene in front of her had too much impact on Zhao Feixuan.

Originally, Zhao Zuzhi felt the aura emanating from the glasses, so he knew it was a great fetish. Now when he heard Zhao Feixuan's words, Zhao Zuzhi was stunned, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

"See through the falsehood and see the truth!"

"I can observe the spiritual root and identify the strength and weakness."

"What the hell is this? Could it be that the Eye of Heaven is failing."

"To be able to measure talent, doesn't it mean that from now on, my Shushan can know the talent of my disciples, so it doesn't mean that my Shushan can take the first step to recruit disciples. This is simply an extremely terrible cheating tool."

Zhao Zuzhi didn't answer Zhao Feixuan immediately, but his body trembled slightly, and his eyes revealed disbelief.

Thinking of Zhou Xi's forged divine body, Zhao Zuzhi felt that the opportunity for Shushan's rise had come.

Zhao Zuzhi took a deep breath, and after suppressing the shock in his heart, he hurriedly transmitted his voice to Zhao Feixuan, his voice was also trembling, "Feixuan, this is a chance, a peerless chance, with this thing, not only can you solve your natural shortcomings, And it can also measure talent and see through falsehood."

"This thing is a treasure that we can't fathom."

"This young master is an extremely terrifying existence and should not be offended. The origin may be beyond our knowledge."

"After today, our book mountain will rise, and no one can stop it."

At this moment, Zhao Zuzhi was extremely excited.

At this moment, Li Yixi didn't find anything abnormal, but when he saw Zhao Zuzhi and Zhao Feixuan's faces, they both showed excitement. He felt that the other party was excited when he saw that his eyes could see normally and solved the problem. After all, Li Yixi knew that, The old man's name is Zhao Zuzhi, and the Shushan saint's name is Zhao Feixuan, so they should be related by blood.

Li Yixi smiled and said: "Saint, congratulations, let's have a drink together!"

Li Yixi slowly picked up the wine glass, looked at the two and said with a smile.

Zhao Zuzhi and Zhao Feixuan, upon hearing Li Yixi's words, were instantly flattered and excited.

"Thank you son!"

Zhao Zuzhi and Zhao Feixuan, in order to express their gratitude, drank it all in one gulp.

However, after the wine entered the throat.

Zhao Zuzhi and Zhao Feixuan were stunned, and their bodies instantly became extremely stiff. Both Zhao Zuzhi and Zhao Feixuan had incomparably noble identities. In Qinglong Immortal City, Shushan was one of the peak powers, but Zhao Zuzhi and Zhao Feixuan at this moment Xuan, but remained silent.

Zhao Zuzhi and Zhao Feixuan at this moment because of the fine wine in their throats.

Suddenly, I felt that in my lower abdomen, the terrifying power of the law exploded and quickly merged into my body.

The two looked at the wine glasses on the table with shock on their faces.

"This is"

Zhao Zuzhi, who had already reached the celestial bottleneck, with the help of these laws, successfully stepped into the celestial realm in an instant.

Moreover, the incomparably powerful power of law that does not require a stable cultivation level, after Zhao Zuzhi broke through, his aura is still growing rapidly.

Zhao Zuzhi found that that glass of wine was incredible, comparable to a hundred years of practice without a bottleneck.

Zhao Zuzhi's face flushed with excitement.

Because Zhao Zuzhi discovered that Zhao Feixuan was even more inconceivable, and the speed at which Zhao Feixuan's cultivation was rising at this moment was so fast that it was unimaginable.

In the blink of an eye, two realms were directly raised.

The power of law, the help is too scary.

As Li Yixi's strength became stronger and stronger, everything in Li Yixi's manor was rapidly improving and evolving.

Everything is not what it used to be.

Zhao Feixuan was stunned at this moment.

Holding the white skirt with both hands, her body trembled slightly.

A voice rang in Zhao Zuzhi's ears, "Old, ancestor, I have broken through two realms, this is not wine, but a glass of terrifying power of law."

"What kind of existence does an expert actually make wine with laws!"

Zhao Feixuan was shocked again, beyond shock.

Because Zhao Feixuan looked at the wine glass at this moment, and saw that the power of law still remained in the wine glass.

Outside of the book mountain, the extremely powerful Lord of Hell naturally discovered what happened in the Tianzi Temple.

There was an unbelievable look in the eyes.


"The expert is so frightening that he actually uses the top-grade spiritual roots of heaven and earth to make wine. I'm afraid this thing can no longer be called wine. If ordinary people drink it, they can directly become immortals."

The Lord of Hell at this moment took a deep breath.

Beside the Lord of Hell, Nie Zheng's eyes widened.

"Does the best world spirit root make wine?"


Nie Zheng couldn't say a word, feeling that his weakness limited his imagination.

Nie Zheng looked at the Lord of Hell beside him, "God, are you right?"

Nie Zheng thought it was incredible.

The Lord of Hell didn't look at Nie Zheng, but stared at Shushan, and said with a shocked face: "I also think I got it wrong."

"However, it is understandable. After all, the cultivation of a master is so terrifying that it is unimaginable. The power of Tao is dissipating all the time. Even if it is contaminated with the breath of a master, an ordinary spiritual plant can be transformed into a spiritual root of heaven and earth."

"Besides, the thing sent by the expert is really scary. I don't know what the expert is planning?"

"When the treasure swept towards me, I found that I, who was detached, had nowhere to hide."

The Lord of Hell has always been rebellious, but at this moment, the Lord of Hell suddenly felt that he was really a frog in the bottom of a well, and the pride in his heart disappeared immediately after meeting Li Yixi's will.

Things related to Li Yixi kept impacting his mind.

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