At this moment, a pen appeared in the old man's hand like lightning. At this moment, with an anxious expression on his face, he used the void as paper and his own blood as ink, and instantly wrote a bloody word 'seal', the word 'seal' The moment it appeared, the escaping divine power stopped instantly.

The word 'seal' slowly melted into the rice paper at this moment, sealing the escaping awe-inspiring divine power.

"Great power, is this power?"

"Besides, it's just the Shenwen that just fell, who came to Shushan?"

At this moment, the old man was shocked. He never imagined that someone could leave such a terrifying divine inscription. Obviously, his strength was beyond his imagination.

After doing all this, the old man's expression changed slightly when he found out about the situation of the female disciple of Shushan.

"not good!"

"It's not bad to go to Mortal Transformation God. It can be said to be a heaven-defying opportunity. I dare not even think about it, but this woman doesn't know how to absorb the cultivation method. Her meridians are stagnating. If she doesn't deal with it, her spirit will be useless."

"My Shushan can give birth to a divine body. This is the blessing of Confucianism and sages!"

"Shushan, there is a successor."

The old man was extremely excited at this moment, and the next moment, he hurriedly collected the rice paper, only to find that this piece of rice paper weighed as much as Mount Tai, and his face showed excitement, "The text is as heavy as a mountain, even if countless divine powers are dissipated, it is still comparable to the holy one." Volume, this thing, can be my most treasured book."

The old man was about to take the people away, but at this moment, the old man was stunned, thinking that he was hallucinating, and looked back at the table. At this moment, the old man was sure that it was not a hallucination, and his excited body trembled wildly.

Because at this moment, lines of words appeared on the table.


"It turned out to be a three-pointer, what a terrifying strength."

"On this table, there is still divine power remaining, and it is also a treasure!"

With a big wave of his hand, the old man took the table with him and ran away in an instant.

Everything happened very quickly, and some Shushan disciples looked suspicious, as if they saw their own ancestors looking crazy.

"Hey, is there a hallucination?"

The disciple muttered to himself and got busy again.

In Shushan Bieyuan, Li Yixi found his place according to his own wooden sign.

This hall seems to have been built for the purpose of holding the book fair. Like a ladder, it has been transformed into three steps, with the words Tianzi Temple, Dizi Temple, and Herringbone Hall respectively.

At this moment, Li Yixi is sitting in No. 13 of the Tianzi Hall, which is extremely luxurious. Li Yixi found that the people in the Tianzi Hall at this moment are not simple, and there are many attendants behind them.

Li Yixi entered the Tianzi Hall, everyone was very curious, but after finding out that Li Yixi was not familiar with it, he didn't come over to disturb him, but just waved his hand to signal from a distance, and Li Yixi also returned the gift quietly. In the Tianzi Hall at this moment, It was very quiet, and even those who were very familiar with each other only talked in a low voice, and even used mana to prevent the sound from dispersing and disturbing others.

The Tianzi Temple can see a big river in its eyes, and its height and location are excellent.

"My lord, please use it slowly!"

At this moment, a disciple of Shushan came over with some spiritual fruits, put them down respectfully, and bowed back.

Little Phoenix didn't care about these things, he picked up a spiritual fruit carelessly, and took a bite. At this moment, Little Phoenix had a disgusted look on his face.


"The quality of this fruit is really bad, master, mistress, let's eat what we brought!"

After the voice fell, the little phoenix at this moment, with a big wave of his hand, directly pushed the spirit fruit spirit wine aside, and took out some pastries, fruits and fine wine with an excited face.

Lifting the jug, he filled Li Yixi's glass with a clatter.

Ignoring the murderous gazes around her, Xiao Fenghuang's actions, in the eyes of others, were rude, disruptive, and humiliating to Shushan.

After all, at every book fair in Shushan, the things that are brought out are the best, and the things in the Tianzi Temple are the best among the best.

Obviously, everyone felt that Little Phoenix was here to find fault.

However, the saintesses were still in the future, all of them frowned, but they didn't make a sound. After all, Li Yixi and the others just didn't eat the books, and they couldn't find an excuse to make a fuss temporarily.

"Damn it, who is this person?"

"So arrogant and domineering, you don't even give the face of the saint of Shushan?"

A middle-aged Confucian student with a malicious look on his face.

The disciples of Shushan frowned at this moment and did not speak, but looked at Li Yixi and the others with disgust.

Soon, a figure quickly disappeared and went to the backyard.

In the backyard, sat a woman in white clothes, the white clothes were better than snow, but when reading, the distance between her eyes and the books was very close, it seemed that her eyesight was not good.

"Junior sister, what's wrong?"

She didn't look back, but the woman at this moment could feel that her junior sister seemed very angry at the moment.

"Saint, someone actually dislikes my Shushan's spiritual fruit and spirit wine. This is humiliating my Shushan."

The woman looked angry at this moment.

"Junior Sister, don't get angry. The Patriarch always taught us that scholars should be calm, otherwise, it will be bad for our practice."

The Holy Maiden of Shushan gave a sigh of relief at this moment.

"Junior Sister, are all the guests here?"

There was a gentle smile on the face of the saint, and it seemed that she would never get angry.

"Saint, according to the time, the assessment will end soon, and all the people in the invitations have arrived. I just feel that some people are not worthy of entering the Tianzi Temple."

That woman seems to still remember Li Yixi's actions, in her opinion, the servant is domineering and rude, and the master is no better than that.

In the thatched hut on the mountain of books, the old man's forehead is covered with beads of sweat.

Finally, when the work was over, the awe-inspiring divine power that the female disciple had integrated into her body was completely fused with her body.

The woman slowly opened her eyes, and was startled when she saw the old man beside her.

"Disciple Zhou Xi, pay homage to Patriarch!"

The old man is the ancestor of Shushan.

"Zhou Xi?"

"No need to be too polite, are you willing to be my disciple and inherit my mantle?" the old man looked at Zhou Xi with excitement at this moment.

"Disciple, willing!"

Zhou Xi was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly knelt down with ecstasy on his face, this is a chance to reach the sky in one step.

The next moment, he knelt down and kowtowed.

"Get up, get up, there is no need to be polite, Zhou Xi, did you meet a very unique person today, the person who wrote this poem, do you remember?" The old man instantly pointed to the poem written by Li Yixi, but at this moment Being sealed, it looks unremarkable.

Zhou Xi glanced at it, and immediately said: "I remember, it was written by an extremely strange young man who looked like a banished fairy. Beside him, there were two women, one big and one small. They should be in the Shuhui, Tianzi Palace now. .”

Hearing this, the old man was extremely excited and said, "Zhou Xi, you will be my disciple from now on, you should get familiar with this place first, master, I will go out for a while."

The old man's voice fell, and the next moment he disappeared without a trace.

In Qinglong Immortal City, the Lord of Hell arrived with Nie Zheng at this moment, and at the same time felt Li Yixi's aura in the book mountain.

"God, shall we go to see the Supreme immediately."

At this moment, Nie Zheng looked anxious.

"No hurry, wait!"

"The expert appeared here to participate in the literary meeting, so don't disturb him."

The lord of hell saw Li Yixi's true self at this moment, and there was an unbelievable look in those strange eyes. As a detached existence, he saw too many frightening things at this moment.

Invisibly, breathing is chaotic.

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