Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 910 The Man Behind the Heavenly Dao Palace

The depths of the first hall formed a world of its own, like a small cave.

In the cave, two figures sat cross-legged, one of them looked gentle and refined, like a scholar, and one could feel the obvious bookishness from him.

The other person looked very old, and his body had a rotten smell.

The middle-aged man who looked like a scholar waved his big hand, and a jade bottle appeared in front of the old man.

The old man couldn't wait to catch the bottle, hurriedly opened it, and swallowed the elixir in it. The next moment, the rotten aura on his body disappeared without a trace, and the wrinkles on his face disappeared instantly.

Breath soared for a section.

The whole person became energetic, his white hair turned black instantly, and the white beard on his chest also turned black.

This person is the head elder of Tiandao Palace. At this moment, his face was full of ecstasy, and he hurriedly thanked the middle-aged man who looked like a scholar: "Thank you ancestor Confucianism for the elixir!"

The middle-aged man said indifferently: "It's just a small matter, as long as you do what I ordered well, I will give you a magic pill to add another thousand years of life to your life."

The head elder was overjoyed, and said hastily: "This junior will definitely live up to the sacred order of the Confucian ancestors."

At this time, in the cave, the old man with a sense of demeanor came hurriedly, ignoring the powerful existence in the cave, and said in a panic: "The chief elder, something is wrong, something is wrong , a powerful enemy descended, and several true gods came to my Heavenly Dao Palace."

At this moment, the immortal elder was actually very angry in his heart. Originally, the Heavenly Dao Palace had always been extremely domineering, and no one dared to offend, but they did not expect that after they took over the task of Haoran Tian's powerful existence, they would give him an instant blow. Tiandao Palace brought the crisis of extermination.

"What are you panicking about?"

"With this old man here, even if the Palace Master is practicing in the chaotic world, this old man can protect the Heavenly Dao Palace!"

However, the head elder at the moment snorted coldly, extremely calm, and his voice was full of disdain.

Originally, the elder wanted to say that the enemy was very powerful, but he was suddenly shocked, because at this moment, he suddenly found that the head elder seemed to have returned to hundreds of years ago, not only the breath was powerful and terrifying, but also full of blood. Unimaginable vitality.

In his cognition, the chief elder should look like he is dying.

He wanted to remind him at first, but at this moment, he was surprised. He felt that the head elder had broken through the realm and increased his lifespan.

Outside the Heavenly Dao Palace.

At this moment, one after another piercing sound resounded, and the leader was Xiao Ya. Xiao Ya's beautiful eyes looked at the Heavenly Dao Palace in front of her, and a deep cold breath shrouded the Heavenly Dao Palace.

Behind Xiao Ya, there were incomparably powerful figures with a cold light in their eyes.

With a wave of his big hand, one man's supernatural power condensed a big hand that covered the sky and the sun, and shot it at the Tiandao Palace in an instant.

The deafening sound instantly resounded through the void.

The next moment, I saw an extremely powerful sword light appearing in the Tiandao Palace, blocking that extremely huge palm.

The two supernatural powers disappeared instantly.

In Tiandao Palace, at this moment, an extremely cold voice sounded, "Who am I? It's wishful thinking that you dare to offend Tiandao Palace."

"Xiao Ya, do you want to be an enemy of my Heavenly Dao Palace?"

"When the old man ruled the world, you were still breastfeeding in your mother's arms"

At this moment, Xiao Ya's face was full of anger. The elders of Tiandao Palace spied on Li Yixi's skills before, and fell under Li Yixi's aura.

But they didn't expect that Tiandao Palace not only didn't hold back, but also sent a strong man to destroy Li Yixi's manor, which made Xiao Ya and others extremely angry.

"Old man, so much nonsense, don't you think the world is invincible?"

"Today I will destroy your Heavenly Dao Palace."

At this moment, Xiao Ya's face was full of anger.

"court death!"

The head elder of the Heavenly Dao Palace was furious instantly, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body instantly, and the power of Qi and blood rushed straight to the heavens.

I don't know what kind of supernatural power was activated. In the void, an extremely powerful tiger appeared at this moment. The fire tiger was surrounded by terrifying flames, as if it was a real monster. Let Xiao Ya and others swallow it.

It seems that this piece of void will be swallowed by it in an instant.

Seeing that his Huohu was extremely powerful, the chief elder looked proud and scolded: "Who gave you the courage to come to my Heavenly Dao Palace to act wild!"

"Kill the elders of my Heavenly Dao Palace, I want you to know what despair is today!"

At this moment, the head elder of the Heavenly Dao Palace, filled with an incomparably powerful aura, walked towards Xiao Ya and the others step by step, his Taoist robe rustled with the wind, and his whole body was like a rainbow!

Seeing the aura of the head elder at this moment, every face in the Tiandao Palace was full of excitement.


"The first elder breaks through to the gods, no matter how powerful the opponent is, they will never be able to shake my Heavenly Dao Palace. Maybe my Tiandao Palace can use the first elder to break through to the gods and establish a sect in the Nine Heavens."

Only at this moment did Xiao Ya see clearly that the Taoist in front of her was the chief elder of the Heavenly Dao Palace. After all, in Xiao Ya's memory, the current chief elder of the Heavenly Dao Palace should have been sitting down, but she never expected that the other party would have such a terrifying Life force, but also stepped into the realm of the gods.

"Tianji Taoist, you are not dead!"

In the first seat of Tiandao Palace, Taoist Tianji laughed, "I will live for thousands of years, there is no problem at all, do you want to surrender now, I'm sorry, I don't accept it."

At this moment, Jun Wushen, who was standing beside Xiao Ya, said coldly, "Old man, do you think you are invincible? Get the hell out of here, let the people behind you get out, if my guess is right , the person behind you should be from Haorantian, I can feel the Confucianism and Taoism of Haorantian from you."

After the Taoist heard Jun Wushen's words, he laughed loudly, "Where did the boy come from, the person behind me is so powerful that you can't imagine, how can ants like you see it."

"And to suppress ants like you, the old man alone is enough."

Just as Taoist Tianji's voice fell, Jun Wushen's face was full of evil at this moment. Jun Wushen stepped forward and said coldly: "Three thousand guests are drunk in the hall, and the fourteen continents are cold with one sword!"

Jun Wushen, who was urging his guts, unleashed a terrifying sword in an instant. This sword was so powerful that it was beyond everyone's imagination. The next moment, Taoist Tianji, who was proud of his face, suddenly bled blood from his mouth, as if a thread had been broken. Like a kite, it swayed violently in the void.

The next moment, a white shadow appeared beside Taoist Tianji, his big hand fell on Taoist Tianji, an extremely powerful vitality entered Taoist Tianji's body, and the next moment, Taoist Tianji's injuries were instantly suppressed.

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