At the moment when the middle-aged scholar appeared, everyone stopped in their tracks because they sensed danger from each other.

"My lord, I am incompetent. I failed to complete what you ordered, and even caused trouble for my lord."

When Taoist Tianji's eyes fell on the middle-aged scholar at this moment, his face was apologetic, and at the same time, beads of sweat hung on his forehead instantly. Taoist Tianji knew very well that he had messed up the matter now.

"It's okay, we'll talk about these things after we settle these people." The middle-aged scholar looked calm, but Taoist Tianji was a little frightened. The middle-aged scholar looked extremely calm, but the killing chicken deep in his eyes was incomparably amazing.

At this time, Taoist Tianji could only shut up immediately, and slowly retreated behind the middle-aged scholar from Haorantian.

Taoist Tianji never thought that he, who stepped into the realm of gods, would be severely injured by these people in an instant, and he almost fell.

However, when Taoist Tianji's eyes fell on Xiao Ya, Jun Wushen and the others at this moment, he had a mocking expression on his face. In Taoist Tianji's view, if a middle-aged scholar made a move, these people would undoubtedly die.

Originally seeing Taoist Tianji injured and dying, everyone in Tiandao Palace looked terrified, but when the middle-aged scholar appeared and instantly stopped Taoist Tianji's injury, he suppressed Xiao Ya and the others just by relying on his breath, and the people in Tiandao Palace instantly looked forward to it again. stand up.

"Just because you people are not qualified to act so recklessly in front of me, let the people behind you get out!"

The middle-aged scholar turned around slowly, his extremely cold eyes fell on Xiao Ya and the others, and the terrifying aura swept across all directions, with a murderous aura, instantly locked the void.

Sensing the terrifying aura of the middle-aged scholar, the audience fell into dead silence in an instant.

Even Xiao Ya and the others had a look of shock on their faces at this moment. They did not expect that they, who had stepped into the realm of gods, would instantly fall into a disadvantage in front of the middle-aged scholar.

Li Shan's face was very ugly, and he was extremely angry, "It's these bastards above Haoran making trouble again."

From the aura emanating from the middle-aged scholar, Li Shan has already identified that this person is from Haorantian.

Li Shan knew very well that on their side, Xiao Ya, Jun Wushen, Xiao Zhan and him had stepped into the realm of gods, but the others were only true gods, not strong.

In the eyes of Li Shan and others, it would be an easy task to destroy the Heavenly Dao Palace. They never thought that behind the Tiandao Palace, there is even a more terrifying existence hidden.

The middle-aged scholar didn't make a move immediately at this moment, but said in a cold voice: "You people are not weak, and you have raised your cultivation base to the realm of natural gods without making a sound, which really surprises me, but You have to think clearly, if you follow the wrong person, it will lead to perdition."

"Now I will give you a chance to survive and be loyal to the existence behind me. This will not only save your lives, but also allow the race behind you to be favored."

"Are you threatening us?"

When Jun Wushen heard the middle-aged scholar's words, his face was very cold.

However, at this moment, the middle-aged scholar ignored Jun Wushen's words indifferently, and ignored Jun Wushen at all. Although Jun Wushen was powerful, the middle-aged scholar didn't care.

He continued to say indifferently: "You should be very clear, you must already know that I am from Haorantian, and you are very clear about the price you will pay for blocking the existence plan behind me?"

"I only give you ten seconds to think and make a decision. It's up to you to decide whether to live or die."

"My strength is what you look up to, and the people behind me are beyond your imagination."

"Tell me the people behind you, those who know the current affairs are the best."

The middle-aged scholar didn't say another word, but looked at Xiao Ya and the others with disdain.

Facing the condescending gaze of the other party, Jun Wushen said indifferently: "I can only tell you that it is a very stupid thing for you to spy on the existence behind us."

Taoist Tianji had been waiting for an opportunity to kill Xiao Ya and the others to vent his anger. At this moment, after hearing Jun Wushen's words, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

In the past, he almost fell under Jun Wushen's weird means, how could he miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at this moment, and in the eyes of middle-aged scholars, Jun Wushen and others are indeed ants, and there is no harm in killing them. question.

Taoist Tianji showed a hint of cruelty at the corner of his mouth at this moment, "You dare to ignore your lord's words, then you all go to die."

As soon as the voice fell, the next moment, all the strong men in Tiandao Palace got hints from Taoist Tianji, and all chose to erupt instantly.

In the void, suddenly, it was enveloped by endless supernatural powers, mana spread in all directions, together with the formation of Tiandao Palace, it was also activated at this moment, and the attack that destroyed the sky and the earth poured down on Jun Wushen and others at this moment .

Highlighting the supernatural powers of the sky, Xiao Ya and the others at this moment, one by one, looked dignified, and hurriedly shot, the supernatural powers of the two sides collided, and the terrifying aftermath seemed to destroy the world, and the surrounding buildings were destroyed. For ashes.

The Heavenly Dao Palace Protector Formation below him was instantly shattered like glass when it encountered that terrifying attack.At this moment, [-]% of the elders of Tiandao Palace directly turned into blood mist, and the surviving elders were frightened out of their wits at this moment, their livers and gallbladders were cracked. To escape from birth.

At this moment, it is a matter of life and death, no one chooses to stay, one by one means to enter and exit, soon, Tiandao Palace is completely turned into nothingness, and half of that huge mountain range has disappeared in an instant.

The elders of Tiandao Palace, who were unable to escape, all looked terrified, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

"court death!"

Xiao Ya's face suddenly turned red, seeing many people behind her were injured instantly, they were extremely angry, and saw a wooden sword appearing in front of Xiao Ya at this moment, Xiao Ya spurted out a mouthful of blood in an instant, spit it on the wood on the sword.

Immediately, the seemingly ordinary wooden sword instantly burst into terrifying smoothness, and an extremely sharp aura suddenly spread from the void, and thousands of sword auras were born around Xiao Ya in an instant. Surrounding, those extremely terrifying supernatural powers instantly turned into nothingness.

The middle-aged scholar saw that Xiao Ya and the others were able to block the joint blow of the Heavenly Dao Palace, and even completely destroyed the Heavenly Dao Palace. There was a look of shock on his face, and then he slowly raised his hand, and pointed at Xiao Ya and the others. palm down.

The moment this palm was slapped, Tiandi seemed unable to bear that terrifying force.

But the middle-aged scholar was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect his blow to be blocked by Xiao Ya's wooden sword.

The originally unmoving eyes finally showed a touch of excitement at this moment.

His lips trembled slightly, and the middle-aged scholar had an unbelievable expression on his face, "The Houtian Lingbao, in the hands of mere ants, there is actually a Houtian Lingbao, which is really surprising. Didn't it mean that I killed her? This time I came to Jiuzhong Every day, you can also get an incomparably powerful Acquired Spirit Treasure."

"The Houtian Lingbao is something that even some weak ancestor gods can't get."

"If you step through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it."

"As long as I get this wooden sword, I promise to step into the realm of the ancestor god in the shortest possible time."

At this moment, the middle-aged scholar's eyes were occupied by fanaticism.

"You go, I will block him first."

Feeling the fear of the middle-aged scholar, Xiao Ya roared at this moment, and hastily urged the wooden sword in front of her. This is the Acquired Spirit Treasure cultivated with the help of Li Yixi's divine liquid, and the wooden sword immediately turned into a sword shadow all over the sky , Xiao Ya seemed to be surrounded by ten thousand swords.

"Million swords!"

Xiao Ya yelled angrily, and the next moment, sword energy shot out at the middle-aged scholar continuously.

"Only you, can you stop me?"

At this moment, the middle-aged scholar looked at the seemingly endless sword shadow, without any fear on his face, and saw a book appearing in the middle-aged scholar's hand at this moment, and the middle-aged scholar slowly opened the page , The next moment, a large golden character appeared in front of him.

That is a dragon character.

The moment the dragon character appeared, the fearful coercion erupted. The next moment, the dragon character turned into a huge golden dragon in the void. With its huge body, it flew towards the endless sword light in an instant.

The terrifying sword shadow continued to shatter, and the corner of the middle-aged scholar's mouth turned hot. At this moment, he became interested, and he never expected to meet Houtian Lingbao. At this moment, the middle-aged scholar was also very curious. Xiao Ya has an acquired spiritual treasure, so do other people have treasures in their hands?

"Go, have you left? Now leave them all to me."

"A sage please write a shocking article!"

The corner of the middle-aged scholar's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm. He saw a scroll appearing in his hand at this moment. He threw the scroll out in an instant. The next moment, the ordinary scroll instantly turned into a sky, covering the sky and the sun. , Instantly completely imprisoned and sealed this piece of void.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Xiao Ya and the others' faces changed slightly. They never thought that the middle-aged scholar actually had a sage's article in his hand. At this moment, everyone knew that the other party had come prepared.

"No, let's go!"

Seeing that the scroll was painted as a sky, Jun Jun Wushen and everyone's expressions changed instantly. At this moment, they didn't dare to hold back anything, and went all out to display their magical powers, but soon, everyone found that there was no way to break the scroll.

The middle-aged scholar saw that all the people were imprisoned here, with their hands behind their backs, stepping forward step by step, he laughed, "Do you know the fear now?"

"A group of ants in the mere Nine Heavens dare to disobey the will of my Haorantian!"

"You are looking for your own death!"

Taoist Tianji had a look of resentment at this moment, he never thought that these people in front of him would completely destroy the Heavenly Dao Palace!

But Taoist Tianji at this moment is also very clear that now he can only go one way to the dark, and he feels that the middle-aged scholar will not treat him badly if the Tiandao Palace is destroyed.

Taoist Tianji sarcastically said, "You guys' strength has been terribly improved, but the people behind you are not very good. It seems that you are still missing a move. Today, you will undoubtedly die."

However, at the moment when the middle-aged scholar and Taoist Tianji from Haorantian looked proud and felt that everything had settled down, they saw a terrifying awe-inspiring divine power soaring into the sky from the pale-faced Xiao Zhan's arms.

The sage scroll that imprisoned everything was instantly torn like thin paper.

"That, that is"

Seeing the mighty divine power erupting from Xiao Zhan's arms, the smug Taoist Tianji and the middle-aged scholar were stunned.

At this moment, I saw a pen slowly flying out of Xiao Zhan's arms.

"A brush?"

Daoist Tianji couldn't believe his eyes. In an instant, an extremely unbelievable expression appeared on his face, and his face became a little distorted at this moment. Originally, everything was settled, but he didn't expect that there would be a turning point now.

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