Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 909 Heavenly Dao Palace Crisis

The moment he said this sentence, Tang Lan's lips trembled uncontrollably, and his body trembled uncontrollably. This sentence was almost spoken by Tang Lan with all his strength. After all, no one dared to speak falsely Heaven.

In their eyes, the way of heaven cannot be disobeyed and discussed.

Any existence that provokes the way of heaven is doomed to death.

Not to mention destroying the way of heaven, establishing the heavenly court, and controlling the authority of the way of heaven.

After Tang Lan's voice fell, the scene became very quiet. There was a look of shock on everyone's face at this moment. No one spoke, but after everyone looked at each other at this moment, they nodded hurriedly. head.

Everyone's faces were shocked at this moment, and they never thought that Li Yixi would have such an unimaginable layout.

Immortal King Xiaoyao looked extremely solemn at this moment, looked at the crowd and whispered: "Everyone, do you still remember what the young master said not long ago?"

As soon as the words of the Immortal King Xiaoyao fell, Tang Lan asked immediately, "Immortal King, don't make any more jokes. We haven't had any interaction with the young master these days. I don't know what the young master said. You should tell everyone quickly, maybe Can we fully understand the young master's hint?"

After Tang Lan's voice fell, whether it was Tianlong Immortal Buddha, Liao Kong or Zhao Tianyin from Tianyin Forbidden Land, all eyes fell on Xiaoyao Immortal King and nodded hastily.

Immortal King Xiaoyao sensed everyone's urgent gaze, took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Young master once said to himself, I will not fight with the world, and since then this world has become its own world, standing outside the world of mortals, don't disturb me I."

When Xiaoyao Immortal King's voice fell, whether it was Zhao Tianyin from Tianyin Forbidden Land, or Tang Lan and the others' bodies trembled suddenly, almost kneeling on the ground.

Zhao Tianyin said with a look of shock: "Does the young master want to build a perfect world?"

"As far as I know, these days, the Second Heaven has indeed become its own realm. Even people from the Third Heaven have no choice but to extradite them if they want to enter the Second Heaven."

"Besides, Young Master talked about reincarnation and reincarnation in the six realms, and now he talks about the story of conferring gods, and mentions the power of thunder and punishment. It is very likely that Young Master really wants to build a perfect world."

After Zhao Tianyin's voice fell, the scene became very quiet, and everyone's eyes showed a touch of shock.

Temple of Heaven.

Surrounded by fairy mist, cranes fly together in the sky.

But at this moment, a figure landed outside the Heavenly Dao Palace, breathing extremely heavily, with an anxious expression on his face, feeling like he was out of breath.

This is an immortal cultivator, and the faces of those disciples guarding the Tiandao Palace changed slightly. They never thought that this senior brother was so urgent.

Before I had time to ask questions, I saw the man said urgently: "Quickly activate the formation, I want to meet the first elder!"

Which disciples did not dare to stop, and instantly activated the formation. The man entered the Tiandao Palace, and immediately went to the first hall. Just after entering the first elder hall, the man said anxiously: "Where is the first elder? Do you know where the first elder is?" ?”

As soon as the man's voice sounded, the next moment, an old man with a sense of demeanor came from the depths of the hall with a displeased expression on his face, and said with a sullen face, "What happened? Why did you alarm the first elder? Where are you elders? If something big happened, why didn't your elders come in person, but you instead?"

However, as soon as the voice of this immortal old man fell, the man said with a look of despair: "Return to Master Uncle, my master and elder are gone."

"Is it gone?"

The immortal old man was slightly taken aback, feeling that he was hallucinating, and then asked again: "Speak clearly, I don't understand what you mean?"

The man took a deep breath at this moment, barely suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and said, "Uncle, please invite the first elder, my master and elder have both fallen?"

"The master and elder's soul lamps are off!"

At this moment, the immortal old man opened his mouth slightly, showing an expression of disbelief, and said in shock: "How is it possible? As far as I know, your master was ordered to go to the second heaven, the second heaven But there is no powerful existence, how could such a thing happen?"

All the people in the entire first hall widened their eyes at this moment, looking at the disciple in front of them in disbelief.

This disciple felt countless gazes, his face changed slightly in an instant, and he felt the pressure, but he still bite the bullet and said: "Elders, my master went to the Second Heaven to do business, but I don't know what happened. Second Heaven, the First Elder was furious after hearing the news, and went to Second Heaven alone, wanting to find out what happened!"

"But soon, the Great Elder also fell, and the disciples who followed the Great Elder escaped back. At the same time, they were hunted down and sent a message to me, asking me to come and ask the first elder to come forward."

"Elders, I beg you, let the head elder come forward quickly, I'm afraid there is no time, the other party will arrive at Tiandao Palace soon, if the head elder is not here, my Heavenly Dao Palace will be finished."

The disciple's face became very ugly at this moment, with a look of despair, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

However, at this moment, the immortal elder scolded, "How can you be decent? As a disciple of my Heavenly Dao Palace, you should be calm and calm when things happen. How strong can a mere second-level person be?"

"Tell me clearly, who are the other party?"

"How's the strength?"

"How long will it be?"

"What magic weapon did you bring?"

"Explain all these to me, so that the old man can arrange to deal with it."

At this moment, that immortal elder did not go to invite the head elder of Tiandao Palace, but waved his hand and asked incomparably domineeringly.

The disciple's expression was embarrassing at the moment, but he knew that if he didn't explain clearly, the other party would never invite the chief elder, so he immediately said in a panic: "Return to the elders, according to the news, the people who came this time are extremely terrifying. There are several true gods, as for how many people have what magic weapon, until now, I have not received any news of approval, just to inform me, let me ask the first elder to go out, open the formation, and the Heavenly Dao Palace will be destroyed!"

As soon as the disciple's voice fell, the old man's face was full of anger, "Damn it, can't there be lawlessness if there is a true god?"

"I'm going to ask the chief elder to come out!"

"Everyone act immediately, first open the formation of Tiandao Palace to prevent thieves from entering my Tiandao Palace."

The immortal old man walked anxiously into the depths of the first hall after finishing his orders in an instant.

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